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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Thanks for the update, if I had to choose one fender amp, it would be the Blackface Super Reverb. So often when reviewing it comes down to “taste”. “If I was producing, I would”. Lots of times I just want to say “print it”, “what else ya got?” This is where the DAW does not “shine”; no project is ever “finished”. Thank care Lynn, I’m a fan.
  2. Mix sounds fine here. I'd bring the mando up a tad maybe; in spots anyway. Beautiful, that's how I'd describe it. I find that so true here as well. Bring us some more instrumentals! Tom
  3. Nice little romp here. As Tom said above, changes are always just around the corner. And I agree with John, catchy and clever. Well done. Tom ps: I don't consider myself retired, I prefer gainfully unemployed.
  4. Interesting for sure. Never thought of Star Trek in an operatic setting. Well done overall, all the elements are there. Ready for Scene 2. Tom
  5. I've commented before about a bit of darkness in your lyrics, hope you're getting through it. "Maybe last for awhile", don't like the sound of that, hope all is well. Tom
  6. Ramble on baby! Always a pleasure to start my day with a little Wookiee magic, that's for sure. Tom
  7. Man I love me some good sax (whoops, almost used an e there). Loving the guitar work as well, nice touch, phrasing, note selection; its all there for sure! Is that a different sax after the guitar, maybe just the upper register, huh? I'm with Mark on that sudden start, needs a little something there. And thanks to the Wookiee for fixing the link. Lots of "thumbs up" A's and +'s from me. Tom
  8. Hey Lynn, I'm gonna go with Steve on this one. I had a listen, but decided not to comment (no "brass" here I guess). I get the message and well done on that. Agree maybe a different approach would serve the lyrics better (think Pain of Love). BTW, your body of work is most impressive! Hung around to catch the top five... Silver Lining, two big thumbs up there for sure!! Love that guitar tone on Can't Wait! Tom
  9. We'd have more shillings in our pockets, that's for sure mate! He said as he was off to d/l the demo Hey, at least I'm gonna demo first, its not really GAS; roight?
  10. The IK White is also an LA2A clone. Pretty much either one in the fx bin is fine. Because the CA2A is part of the pro channel, that’s what makes it “first choice” for me. Of course in your case since you can’t buy it. White works well, and everyone makes a clone. You probably already have one, if so you’re not missing much. Tom
  11. Just copy and paste or Sitting Duck I Still Don't Know Hope you don't mind jb.
  12. Nice one! So a couple questions, if you don't mind. 1) Did you program SD3 or use the included midi or a hybred of the two? 2) Amp sim (which one) or amp? The modo bass sounds pretty dam good (I'm a Trilian user). Not a big fan of "falling apart" at the end, but your tune, your production; just me... re I Don't Know, another nice one. But I'm confused, Kolker is the singer and/or the guitar player? Tom
  13. Lots of comments above so I'll just lightly touch on a few. Surely not too Rubato (had to look that one up meself). Agree the into violin should be more centered. It does just end abruptly, needs something there I think. My great grandmother Maire O'Conner would have loved it! Tom (a shanty Irishman twice removed)
  14. I think I agree with Tom (emeraldsoul) above, I'd dig into that backing track and breathe a little "life" into it. Beautiful tone from that Tele for sure. Keep it up! Tom
  15. Bhavesh, you've definitely raised the bar for yourself on this on. The drum track on this one is much "tighter" than past efforts. At 1:47 - 1:55 there's a distinct change in the vocal, a punch in?, or a deliberate vocal effect? As Tom (emeraldsoul) said above, you've sketched this out nicely, now you can fill it in and bring it back to us. You're definitely moving forward, I think we'll all enjoy watching you grow artistically and technically. Tom
  16. As some mentioned on Always The Same, definitely a Kinks vibe on this one. As to the mastering, its definitely "hot" on my system. Intro is a bit long for me (take that with a grain of salt), but I'm a "three minute" man myself; that being said you held my interest right to the end. A+ at least on this one. Tom
  17. I too would like to add my sincere thanks to all our Veterans! Thank You! T
  18. DeeringAmps


    Yep, and my “smart phone” would have “corrected” ritard to “*****” and we can’t have that! T
  19. Yikes! That’s Rockus and Rollus, the gods of rock music; man am I sorry I sicced ‘em on ya.
  20. So Larry critique Brian May will ya? I know I'm off topic...
  21. DeeringAmps


    Wow, how did I miss this? So tender, so intimate; I'm sure she knows... "and one day I hope I can play them" you're knocking it out of the park mate. Guitar tone on this is to die for; makes me think of James Wilsey, may he rest in peace, on Wicked Game. Truly beautiful, start to finish. Tom
  22. You got it! Thanks Ed, luv ya man! (that don't mean I wants to take long hot showers with ya tho) T
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