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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Lee, I get it. There's a fine line when reviewing, its easy to say too much. That's why I always add "Your tune, your production". Most important thing for an artist; stay true to your convictions. I have a "Dead" story, but then I would be guilty of: Another time maybe, over three fingers of tequila? uhmm... I fight this all the time, I hear it in others work; another "fine" line we all walk. Structure is important in poetry and song writing, rhythm, meter, and message; but in what order? Depends... Again, Great Tune! t
  2. Great stuff here Lee. Really like that B3, well done! Now for the but, its too long. Your tune, your production; I'd shorten it. In the bridge I'd add; for a second civil war. I think you need the extra syllables. Again, loved it; ? ?! t
  3. A little Jesse Sampler. These are all excerpts from tunes we haven't heard Jesse? Sounds like there's an album lurking in there. ? ? ? ? (that's thumbs and big toes!) t little deeper in and starting to recognize some now...
  4. A little Iggy Pop meets Avantu Gardia, Bloody Brilliant! Glad to see you back Jesse. t
  5. Great! Love the way you worked in Born on the Bayou. t Oh! the Voodoo Child Slight Return quote; priceless...
  6. Another fine tune and vid from Devine Lie. As always great writing, performances, and production; this is what we all aspire to! Thanks for sharing Nigel. t Hey, I've said it before and I'll say it once again; don't cost nuthin' to hit the link to YouTube and drop a like, maybe even a comment? Hit the "share" button, help a brother out...
  7. UAD is my least often used suite of plugs. I had high hopes for the the '55 Deluxe, but its just ok... I honestly can't remember what I paid for it (I should look that up, but it might depress me...). I'm sure I'm in it well over $899 with all the additional plugs (I never use...). Mostly this was a flippant response to NSFW's post. But in my universe everything has a "no-brainer" buy and sell dollar figure (I should say, almost everything). t
  8. If someone offered me $899 for my Octacard, I'd pull it and ship it, in a New York Minute... tom
  9. @Jim Roseberry more importantly, how does CbB score? I could care less about Cubase or S1. Reaper, if CbB ever fails... tom
  10. DeeringAmps


    ?? That's all I have to say about that... t
  11. A link to the individual "Tales" the pieces were used in would be interesting. Got to agree with Kevin and Wookiee doesn't strike me as "end times" music. But I'll agree with you as well tom
  12. Wow, how did we let this fall through the cracks? Heartfelt and honest, maybe "perfect" isn't better.... tom good on ya for the courage to post a stripped down performance
  13. Really nice soundstage on this. Enjoyed the listen! (had to sit through an annoying 31 second ad over at SoundCloud, but hey somebody's gotta pay the bills...) tom
  14. A little "poppy" for an old rocker; but a big Well Done! from me. tom
  15. one word COWABUNGA! t I hear the break is pretty good at doheny today, its that or trestles; umm. Maybe both? do the man a favor, drop a like over at YouTube...
  16. Top notch Mark! But I gotta ask what's Cash and NIN got to do with it? (I googled) One little crit, that low bass note (or thing) is more prominent in the left can than the right. Could just be these old ears (yikes!) ? t
  17. Sure 'bout that? I love it either way! t
  18. There's a stick in there? Then I'd turn that up... t
  19. Well played, great tone. What's not to like? My only crit; you've got this lovely ambient sound stage, but the kick is dry as a bone. Gotta be careful with verb on the kick, but to me, it sticks out like a sore thumb... ? tom
  20. At 3:11? That's a perfect single; well for me. I think the piano is dominating the mix, I'd start by pulling it down. The snare seems to disappear from 1:23 - 2:01, I think I "feel" the kick still. If that's intentional, so be it; your song, your production. Its all here, so I'd zero the faders and get it balanced. I like the tune, btw. I'll save the thumbs and "like" for the re-mix... t
  21. I thought the things going on underneath the bass line could/should come up a bit. The strings in the left can probably a lot. But hey, this is your song, your production. A bit on the long side for me, an aging 3 min rocker, so take that with a grain of salt. My wife has the Requiem CD (Lloyd Webber) and its way too soft when its soft and then way too loud when its loud (if you've cranked it to "11" so you can hear the soft stuff, note aging rocker reference above). Having said that I must agree you should master this up a bit overall. But that's what the Level (voulume) control is for so again, grains of salt maybe... Yeah, I too think so. t
  22. Another I missed, dang me! BIAB, maybe Garage Band? Doesn't matter, perfect backing for some very fine storytellin'! Well sung, and those BGV's are so very good. I'm on the DT990's, and the bass is just right, but I started life in the vinyl age so ya doesn't have to rattle my teeths... ?? t
  23. DeeringAmps

    Winter Moon

    I've been off my "game" a bit of late; how did I miss this one? Well, I'm sure y'all don't have the answer; but I digress... ? Welcome to the forum treesha, hope we hear much more. I'll agree with Tom (emeraldsoul), a little work on the drums in the future wouldn't hurt. ? the other tom (small t on purpose, just so ya know)
  24. Very nice David! Can't say if I'm sorry I missed it, or glad. Evidently you've re-mixed, and all I can say is ?! Nice soundstage, and the ending was perfect. Not how I would describe it, but you've definitely "painted" a picture; I think that deserves a ? fer sure... t
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