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Everything posted by DeeringAmps

  1. Another fine tune Barry. On the cans the vocal sits just fine. If I were mixing it I'd want just a bit more interaction between the kick and bass. What I'm trying to say is I think the bass is a bit lite and the kick a bit hot; maybe. I'd have to hear it on the speakers, if I had to mix exclusively on the cans; I'd never get it "right". (of course that assumes I ever get it right ?) t maybe I'd change the intro, but as Pablo said "great artists steal"...
  2. I say a big ?on the fiddle and Vocalise. Found the guitar pretty convincing. One little crit, I'm thinking a fiddle player would hold some of notes a bit longer on the end of a phrase. Nice composition. t
  3. Nice! Lovin' the doubled Horn and Guitar lines. This the same sexy Sax man I've repeatedly said we need to keep away from my wife? ? t
  4. More good Douglas Kirby to be sure! Doug doesn't "mess around" does he. Couple of ?'s again here Doug. t How does SoundCloud come up with these rankings? Charts #61 today (peak #35) Charts #13 in subgenre today (peak #9) Just curious.... have we heard LTDR? May 23rd on Going Away, why wait so long?
  5. Quick notes here: Really like the way it builds in the beginning (reminds me of the way I want my MTV builds in the intro). The vocals need to come up in the chorus (climb in the cockpit). I would bring down the sub-mix and pull back the Arena reverb on the guitars a bit (only during the vocal mind). That's just how I would approach it, by automating the Verb buss and the Sub-Mix buss. Great tune, really enjoyed, ?for sure from me... t My "standard" buss layout looks like this: MASTER VOCALS SUB-MIX GUITARS DRUMS SPECIAL VOCALS and SUB-MIX routed to the MASTER. GUITARS, DRUMS, SPECIAL (Keys Synths Brass) to the SUB-MIX. I use AUX tracks for Verbs and Delays, generally each Folder (Vocals Guitars Drums) has its own verbs and delays. re: Your Marshall. Which fuse? Older Marshall's generally have an AC (Mains) and DC (HT, this is the "B+" as its often refereed to) fuse; almost always "fast-blo" (vs. the Fender slow-blo on the AC only). Lots of times its nothing, doesn't take much to kill a "fast" fuse; simply replace and go on.
  6. A little case of the Covid Blues there Star? It says a "work in progress" so I'll save my like for the final mix. I think the title fits the work... t
  7. I'm giving it a ? Jeremy. Nice pick. Peter's songwriting has never received the kind of attention it deserves; especially the instrumentals. Man had wonderful "touch", a brilliant guitarist; if just a little "troubled" mentally... (lets be honest, man was crazier than a shit house rat! Some blame it on Pagey) I'd pull your solo up there at the two minute mark I think it begins. Its just a bit under the backing a bit; for me anyway. tom
  8. I'm guessing your talking about that last "can you tell me". I think its working, kind of "sums" up these crazy times in which we live. Thumbs up and then some for me Freddy! t for some reason the harmonies made me think "Mr Sandman" when it first started; don't ask me why....
  9. Caught both sets of the "real" Fleetwood Mac at the Whiskey, had to be the Winter of '69-'70? He was a crazy mofo, but man could he make that "Burst" sing! t
  10. Got interrupted on my first listen, and listening again I think Tom is spot on. Fine bit of story telling here for sure. Little crit; Not sure the drums are "in the room" with the rest of the instruments. t Oh, and I'd put a moments silence on the front end, kind of an abrupt start...
  11. No video, but the pics are enough to keep me awake at night! ? You know I'm a fan Claudio... t
  12. Stellar as always Jerry. Beautiful soundstage, what do you use for the ambiance? (have I asked this before...) tom
  13. I'm going to agree with all above. My little crit,; it seems a bit L-C-R on the mix. The toms especially, they just kind of "pop up" in the left can. Like they're not in the same room as everything else. Nice bit of songwriting and well sung! ? t
  14. Mark, You never fail to deliver. Sounds radio ready to me! ? ?... You gotta post a picture of this. t
  15. Bloody Brilliant! All thumbs, and big toes (probably a sight no one wants to see), up on this one! t
  16. Just a quick shout out to all who listened: @garybrun, thanks for the "like", means a lot @Douglas Kirby, thank you man @Hidden Symmetrythe "great job", really gave me a lift @WookieeLoves me a little blues "ditty" thanks! Oh yeah! Since the first listen to Sugar Mama on the Taste album.... Thank you Mark, that TTS piano "works" in a busy mix. @David Sprouse a little bit of tempo manipulation, leave some "sloppy with sunglasses on" in the PRV, sprinkle in some real instruments... Thank you Lynn @bjornpdx, my vocals aren't what they once were, but if I get the "range" right (melodyne pointed out some "issues", I just left it alone) No guitars were irreparably injured in the making of this record (bruised a bit maybe) One we'll get together, I'm buying... @Baputhanks Ed, it really means a lot... @emeraldsoul Tom, I take that as high praise, I am truly humbled @90 dBThank you Bob Again, you've all brought a little joy to dark times. Can't thank you enough! the other tom or as I prefer (little t) t I don't know what is with the forum software, I tried to quote Wooks and -Tom and then I couldn't add any text. Just had to hit <shift+enter> and solider on. Stupid software........ @emeraldsoul @Wookiee
  17. ? The raw, yeah, but that dry kick sounds like its in a totally different room; maybe its just me... ditto t
  18. I think I'd use that B3 pad a bit more across the tune, I realize you're using it to ramp up the pre-chorus; but... Good bit of songwriting here, well played and sung to be sure! ? t
  19. Man, you go into more detail that I do! (I'm much impressed) Sounds good on this track. (frankly, I haven't bonded with Nectar, I don't know what it is, but it never sounds "better" to me...) ? Well done! tom
  20. I agree, maybe a bit more ambiance or perhaps some stereo widening, or not... t
  21. Delay and Verb on all vocal tracks, I use the Sonitus (its just easier than the FabFilter one; I'm old and confuse easily ?). The slight de-tuning described, really makes the effect pop! Thanks to Produce Like a Pro, and to you for demonstrating the how-to in CbB. tom
  22. No, not the Stones' Fancy Man Blues, some Chicago Blues! Written by Blues Master Composer Willie Dixon, performed by one of Chicago's greatest; Muddy Waters. Don't Go No Further. Been in my repertoire for a long time. But with all the stops, starts and 2 beat pickup measure going into the chorus; it always turns into a disaster with a pickup band at the local bar blooze jams. All crits of performance and mix/master are welcomed and encouraged! Thanks for listening. t
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