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David Baay

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Everything posted by David Baay

  1. Possibly you created tracks by duplicating one that had the envelopes or inserting from track template…? Otherwise I don’t know; haven’t encountered anything like that. What do earlier versions show?
  2. Not sure what you have going on, but everything's good here on both my Win 11 laptop with onboard Intel graphics and my Win10 desktop with Nvidia. Are you sure it's not project-specific and maybe plugin-related?
  3. Prochannel buttons show up enabled in the Console View as expected here.
  4. @p-w-m, @Neil Scott, @Aaron Doss and others experiencing UI reponse/lagging issues. I'm wondering if this might be fallout from the experimental 'Enabe GPU Acceleration' option in Preference s> Customization Display. I suggest you try disabling it.
  5. David Baay

    Time Line Grid

    It's actually not possible to get a zoom level that shows 8ths in the timeline; the markers jump straight from quarters to 16ths at a certain point. Here's how to get timeline markers at any fixed interval at all zoom levels. - Set the Edit Filter in an audio track (can be empty) to Transients. - Right-click in the Clips Pane and choose Pool > Add MBT to Pool. - You'll get pool markers in the timeline at the specified snap resolution that will persist at all zoom levels (assuming you disable the Smart Grid snap option. - You don't need to keep the audio track that you used to get access to the Transient tool.
  6. Not compact, but I just replaced my ancient Beyerdynamic DT-770 Pro with a B-stock pair direct from Beyerdynamic for $125 (normally $170). There is no evidence I can see of their being B-stock. The old ones were 600-ohm and the new ones are 250 and have redesigned drivers but sound pretty much identical. They also make lower-impedance versions if you need that. They isolate well with thick, plush muffs that are super-comfotable. Best sound for the money, I think, and I can vouch for their durability; my old ones must be 10+ years old and were still sounding great despite numerous drops over the years; they were just getting ratty.
  7. If this means you're using a MIDI-DIN-to-USB cable with a keyboard that doesn't have a USB port, you should look into getting a 'real' MIDI (or audio+MIDI) interface. USB-MIDI cables are notorious for problems like stuck notes because they generally don't have any buffering built in to prevent dropped messages when there's a transmission error.
  8. You should be able to set Now in the timeline without losing a selection so long as you don't inadvertently drag. But the value of Now=From/Thru is simply the ability to quickly set the Now time to a MIDI event, transient, clip, or other selection that you've made in order to see the exact time, set a marker, paste something or Split at Now in another track, etc.
  9. The most common cause of dropped/stuck notes is having too low a MIDI Prepare using Buffer. The management of MIDI buffering has been improved over the years to adjust more automatically, but it can still be a problem in certain situations like adding a plugin that requires a lot of delay compensation. Try increasing the Prepare Using setting under Preferences > MIDI > Playback and Recording. The default is 50. Too high a buffer setting might also be an issue. Another possible cause is having the synth instantiated in the FX bin of the track rather than in the Synth Rack. This configuration is supprted for backward compatibility with older projects, but is not the preferred usage and can cause problems like this. If that doesn't get it, try shortening or lengthening the offending notes - just a few ticks will often resolve it.
  10. Rollback is a handy way to confirm that an issue is in fact related to an update. IMHO it should always be available for that purpose and in case it confirms an issue that's a showstopper for a certain workflow that may not be affecting eveyrone.
  11. First things first: - New project from Basic template. - Verify Metronome is set to Audio, not MIDI, and high/low click levels are reasonable. - Assign the metronome output directly to hardware "Main Outs" to which your monitoring system is connected. - Enable playback metronome and disable Stop at Project End in Track View Options. - Start the transport; do you get a click?
  12. IIRC correctly using a unbalanced TS cable between balanced inputs and ouputs results in a 6dB attenuation. If one end is not balanced, I'm guessing there will be no difference.
  13. Had to Google that one. Sounds distinctly like not a good thing to have enabled on a DAW in General. In case you haven't already, and just to be sure, you should check the security setting mentioned in this decription (probably a bunch of AI misinformation, but FWIW): How it works Core isolation runs core processes in a virtualized environment that's isolated from the rest of the system It protects against malware and other attacks by isolating computer processes from the operating system and device It prevents malware from hijacking high-security processes How to enable or disable Open the Windows Security app Select Device security Click Core isolation details Click the toggle under Memory integrity to turn core isolation on or off Restart your device for the changes to take effect Known issues Some devices or software may have trouble running with Core Isolation enabled
  14. Not sure what you mean by that...? Regarding audio ouput, be sure also to check the 'Show Mono Outputs' box at the bottom of the Audio Devices page in order to be able select individual mono outs for tracks.
  15. I just picked up a UMC404HD last week. I've not seen anything like what the OP describes with my unit, but thought I would share some other info: When I went to download the driver on the Feb 17, the newest available was 5.30.0. I was having some issues with variable RTL (+/- 6 samples at 48kHz) preventing dialing in the Manual Offset to get sample-accurate record latency compensation, and in the process of troubleshooting discovered that a v5.76.0 driver was just released two days later. So far as I can tell, the only thing it changes is the way inputs are presented to Windows via the WASAPI driver. And it seems a step backward from the 5.57 driver (which I'm running currently) as the 1/2 inputs are not presented as independent mono inputs, only as a stereo pair. There's no changelog so it's impossible to know what else was changed, but it had no effect on the variable RTL at 48kHz (observed in both Sonar and another DAW and in the CEntrance Latency Tester). AT 96kHz, the variability is only +/- 1 sample, but I'm not going to start working at 96kHz at this late date just for that. One other observation: The 5.30 driver I originally downloaded had 48 samples = 1ms lower RTL across all buffer sizes at 48kHz with Safe Mode enabled than either the 5.57 or 5.76 driver so I'll probably roll back to that version given there don't seem to be any other improvements to the ASIO driver. All three versions support Win11.
  16. Crackle-inducing plugins will often be those that use lookahead buffers and require delay compensation. In Sonar you can identify these by hovering over each plugin in an FX bin to see how much PDC it's inducing, if any. Mastering plugins from Izotope, linear phase EQs and Compressors and transient shapers are common offenders. Also if you've added any soft synths in the mean time, you might try freezing those. Synths that use physical modeling like those from AAS and Arturia, Izotope's Iris 2, Pianoteq, etc. can add a lot of processing load.
  17. My beef with Set Project from Clip is that a regression occured between S8.5.3 and X1 whereby the tempo change it creates are not exactly on timeline beats now. They tend to be a little after the beat where the tempo is increasing, and a little before it where the tempo is decreasing. Aside from simply looking and "feeling" messy when you view the tempo list or zoom in the timeline, this can make arranging by copy/cut/paste with tempo changes problematic when selecting with snap to measures misses a tempo change or includes one it shouldn't. I tried for years to get traction on fixing this regression to no avail. I ultimately wrote off using the function because of this, but also because I found that the time it takes to massage the beat markers into position for Set Project to work correctly was better spent spent on SM/BAN which is a lot more flexible anyway, allowing you set only as many points as necessary, not always evey beat or even every measure. Aand it works the same for freely recorded MIDI!
  18. The keystroke you're looking for is Shift+M - Set Measure/Beat At Now - but it's not a real-time operation. You set the Now Marker at an absolute musical time, and use SM/BAN to tell Sonar what measure and beat that is. Sonar will insert the necessary tempo changes to make the specified timeline beat align with the muscal beat at each point. Depending on how variable the tempo is, you can start by setting downbeats every 8-16 bars, and then set additional points in between to tighten it up as needed. If the music doesn't start with a downbeat at 1:01:000, additional steps are needed to do it properly. If you Google "SM/BAN site:discuss.cakewalk.com", you'll find previous posts of mine on the subject with detailed procedures. No doubt someone will suggest dragging the audio to the timeline to have Melodyne Essential create a tempo map for you, but I personally find the results are often marginal at best compared to SM/BAN. It;s also possible to record a guide track of MIDI notes in real time, hitting a key on your keyboard at every beat (no more, no less) and using Fit Improvisation against that guide track to create the tempo map, but you'll tend to get a rushing/dragging timleine from that as well.
  19. Did you download the latest ASIO driver from Line6? I Googled and saw some posts saying the ASIO driver didn't load properly in Win11 until updated last March. My guess is Windows is using it as a WASAPI device so it doesn't matter that the ASIO driver is not loading. If all else fails, try changing CbB to WASAPI mode.
  20. Hmmm... Ok. I generally find the opposite: that the Smart tool is biased towards drawing new controllers and that it takes very careful aim to grab a particular controller. If you want to draw, you only need to avoid hovering over the very top of a controller tail or its shadow.
  21. You mean you release the left-click, and the controller continues to follow the pointer? For the benefit of the Bakers, what are exact steps and conditions to reproduce it?
  22. Yes, this is still the place for all discussion of Cakewalk by Bandlab (not the web app unless the question is about intergration between CbB and the web app). And, to be clear, you don't need to be a subscriber to post in the Sonar forum, but the subject should be about Sonar, including how it differs (or doesn't ) from CbB.
  23. This is Digital Audio 101 and you will encounter the same issue with any DAW software. - Digital recording into any device requires setting the sensitivity of the analog input to not clip the A/D convertor. - The iPhone is likely automatically compressing the analog input to avoid clipping the convertor or just isn't as inherently sensitive as your PC mics. - You need to lower the input sensitivity/level of you PC's mics under System > Sound in Windows. - A dedicated audio interface will have front panel knobs to adjust input sensitivity. Note that Gain level in the track only affects soft synths and recorded audio. The DAW has no way of controlling the sensitivity of analog circuitry in front of the A/D converter. P.S. You can actually see that the iPhone recording is compressed (in the analog realm) as the quieter sections have a higher amplitude than the PC recording even though the loud sections are not clipped. The dynamic range between quiet and loud sections has been reduced. This is often desirable for various reasons, but in the digital audio world, you want to record without compression to get the greatest possible dynamic range in the raw recording and apply compression non-destructively as desired after the fact by digital signal processing.
  24. DAW troubleshooting 101: "Does it happen in all projects, including a pure audio project with no plugins". I made the mistake of assuming from the original description that it was affecting a lot of existing projects that were running fine on the old machine.
  25. Just run Utilities > Clean Audio Folder with the project open. Save As works but it's an unnecessary workaround for a simple function that already exists and doesn't require you to rename the project, copy all the audio to a new location and then manually delete the old project folder to recover the space. That said, Save As might make sense if there are also a lot of alternate versions of the CWP file with different names in the same project folder that you saved along that way and want to discard as well or only keep as an archive.
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