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jesse g

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Everything posted by jesse g

  1. Cakewalk Sonar 2.0 was my first use of a DAW and a Sound Blaster Audigy was my first Audio card. Next was the M-Audio Audiophile 24/96 with the breakout cable for MIDI and audio. Then I got a M-Audio Fast Track. Next, a Presonus FirePod, Then a Roland Octa-Capture. And now, I am currently using a Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3rd gen with Cakewalk By Bandlab.
  2. I resolve to buy a new midi controller this year better than the MCU I had of old. I loved that thing, but now it's time to pack it up with it's two broken faders and get an Icon QCon Pro G2 Control Surface. I still have other things on my wish list for 2023 I want to get, but I resolve to get the Icon QCon Pro G2.
  3. How may of us alreay have these plugins, I know I do. Rais your hands high !! ?
  4. Soundtoys 5 Bundle The Ultimate Effect Rack All 21 Soundtoys plug-ins, including Decapitator, PrimalTap, Little AlterBoy, EchoBoy, Little Plate, and the Effect Rack. No dongle required. On Sale $249, this was previously was $499 https://www.soundtoys.com/product/soundtoys-5/
  5. Michael, What did you finally end up buying??
  6. I decide to get it when I got home. Yupper, Yes I did. ?
  7. I am with you on that one Mibby, I love the Wave plugins, but I HATE the WUP Passionately!!
  8. Bapu, Flexverb last went on sale 2021-11-26 . I jumped on that one, but not the others if they did go on sale. This one, Native X-Delay reminds me of the CLA Epic Reverb. but without the Delay. Since it is another 29.99 purchase, I could purchase it and never worry about WUPing the CLA one again. I'll decide when I get home from work in another 4 hours. ?
  9. What they heck, a subscription for somthing I should be able to buy. NEVER!!
  10. SHOW OFF !!!! LOL Be gone you mere mortals
  11. Thanks, I was already logged in when I initially tried it. This time I logged out and tried it again and it worked. All-Access Pass 30 Day All-Access Web Pass Order Total: $0.00
  12. Have you pulled your hair out yet using Focus Control>> ?
  13. This is what i received when I tried to apply the code This promotion is available to first-time subscribers only. You have previously had a subscription and are not eligible for this All-Access Pass promotion. Please contact support to find what other promotions are available to you. ?
  14. Dar it Larry, I really don't feel like creating another Goove3 account!! I have 45 already... ?
  15. Reid, The good thing about it is, that you can uninstall what's left of Komplete altogether and the reinstall the NI Access and reinstall it all back again.
  16. Oh, this video reminds me of good times with my Windows 98 OS. Good times !!!
  17. In Focus Control, are the levels for the guitar channel turned up ? I found this video helpful - Are the Headphone settings for Focus Control correct? What device do you have ? I hope you get it to work.
  18. Oh man, were you cool if you got one of these and folks stepped into your project studio. I was drooling over one of these back in the day, until I got my Mackie Universal Pro. It is still working !!!
  19. Honestly, I have to say that I totally forgot about this feature in Cakewalk until I was going through my preferences. Check it out, newbies you might be in for a surprise. To turn on this feature, go to preferences. Look under Customization and click on Display, and then click on "Enable X-Ray" near the bottom of the window. Now open a plugin, or a virtual instrument and click on it and then hold down Shift and X. This works on most Plugins and Virtual instruments.
  20. Not even worth keeping, it's something for Waves to charge me later to WUP. ?
  21. Zargg, That is exactly what I did ?
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