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Noel Borthwick

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Posts posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. 2 hours ago, billp said:

    @Noel Borthwick

    Tried this but am getting Error code: 400

    Are you sure you read the code correctly? Please post a screenshot or video showing the message and exactly what steps you took leading up to that.
    You must go to help about and then choose sign in, then sign in from the webpage that appears in your browser. Until that is completed the app cannot activate. This is not new, its been a requirement for over a year btw.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Mark Morgon-Shaw said:

    I deleted Bandlab Assisant and although I've had no trouble updating CbB and I'm signed into the App I can no longer view the Bandlab website

     It tried to take me there to show me what's new with the  update and it's just blank


    Interesting, is this still happening if you try to go to whats new from the help menu? We're not seeing this.
    Also, what browser version are you using?

  3. 5 hours ago, sjoens said:

    So hopefully 28 won't need "activated" before 29 is installed over it?  Since 28 won't be activatable any longer.

    BTW, just successfully "refreshed" my 2022.11 so should be good till March??

    Activation or signing in isnt a requirement to do updates. Just do a check for updates and it should find the new update.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Keni said:

    Friend tried to login to bandlab Assistant but was unable. Back end changes?

    Bandlab assistant hasn't been used by Cakewalk for login for more than a year and a half. It will no longer work for activating Cakewalk. All sign in must be done within the app from the help menu.

    • Like 8
  5. 21 hours ago, RexRed said:

    I think the point is, we pay for the program so the company can afford to keep paying the programmers to fix the bugs. 

    I will probably not be able to afford Cakewalk Sonar the very day it comes out unless it is a subscription too. If it is a subscription I prefer to pay for that. If it is buy outright only and upgrade later I will probably buy it within the first month (around payday).

    A subscription would be very good for Cakewalk and the growth/maintenance of the program.

    Cakewalk is not a flat tire, I have been making songs with Cakewalk steady for 35 years. I have hundreds of them and even my oldest projects still open in Cakewalk..

    I have tried the other DAWs and I would not use them even if they were free. But I will gladly pay for Cakewalk (lifetime updater here too).

    I might also add that I use Cakewalk almost every single day. I will get my money's worth out of a subscription. I sincerely hope that both models are offered a subscription and buy outright and maybe also, rent to own.  

    Since when were options a bad thing?

    The point is, it is not free anymore and neither should it be..

    Some anecdotal data. Back in the SONAR days in 2015-2017, you may be surprised to know that despite having the annual membership option, the monthly memberships were by far the most popular choice for our users despite being more expensive overall if you paid month to month. Even though that might not be the popular choice for many people on this forum, there are many who prefer to pay a smaller monthly fee because it lets them manage their finances better. Payment choices are good for everyone.

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  6. BandLab has a limit to song length (IIRC 15 minutes) and also tracks (16 tracks). 
    If all you are doing is using it for private file sharing, you could achieve the same with any file sharing service. Of course you won’t get the integration, socializing features that BL has.
    Ultimately depending on demand we may provide access to a more advanced tier for this. The upcoming Cakewalk Next has much deeper BandLab integration, and Sonar as well has been enhanced in this regard.

    • Like 3
  7. 2 minutes ago, Chris Deveroux said:

    Thanks for the reply.

    No problem adding the same VST into either a new, or the existing track, and recalling it. Presets come up as invalid regardless of the instance.

    Not sure what else could have changed. This was an existing project with no changes, except installing the early release update.

    Strange thing is both plugins were available from the drop down menu and showed scanned correctly within the plug-in manager despite being "missing"

    You can't go by the name. There is a plugin ID stored in the project file. If that doesnt match then the plugin wont load. Use of 32 bit plugins could also lead to issues like this occasionally.

    I'm not sure what you mean by presets coming up as invalid. Plugin presets are not stored in the project file.

    Please PM me a link to a stripped down project file that has at lease two tracks one which has the plugin version that loads and one which fails to load. I should be able to tell you why it fails based on that.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 17 hours ago, MarcL said:

    Also if I buy a car I prefer that I am able to run it independently of the company's future or other dependencies. Sure I will depend on repair parts, but usually that can be solved in another way.

    The fact of the matter is that we live in a connected world. I understand your perspective and I feel the same about some things esp appliances, but like it or not the world has moved in that direction. Even appliances like phones, and electric vehicles are extremely tied to ever changing software on the back end so you are intrinsically tied to the company whether you know it or not. If google or apple were to go under suddenly, its guaranteed that your phone would not work. If tesla were to tank, your car would certainly develop problems.

    My point is its pointless fixating on these issues. Its a possibility but unlikely for the reason that if there is indeed an escrow situation, in the vast majority of cases someone takes over and services are restored. You are still using SONAR and its services, more than 5 years after the company tanked aren’t you? If that isn’t a good example I don’t know what is.
    Bottom line is if this scenario is not acceptable, then you should consider something else that uses the old desktop software model and isn’t connected to web services.

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  9. 11 hours ago, Chris Deveroux said:

    Previously saved instances of Plugin Alliance bx_cleansweep V2 and bx_solo come up missing in projects.

    Have reinstalled both plug-ins and re-scanned correctly. No issue with inserting new instance to replace the missing instances, however presets come up as invalid. 

    No issues running them in wavelab or loading presets. 

    Both plugin instances were saved and  worked in version

    @Chris DeverouxWhat happens if in the same project with the missing instances you add the plugin to a new track, save and reload the project? If you still see missing instances send the project file and I can look at it. 
    There were no changes to VST loading in this release so its very likely that this is a case of vst versioning or a scanning issue. 

  10. 7 hours ago, Max Arwood said:

    I have always saved with incremental numbering. I work on v10 then save as v11. Work on v11 and save as v12. I have never created sub folders for each version. I just stack them up in one folder per song. Do you need a video?

    @Max Arwood we have verified that this issue is specific to saving to a UNC path and its definitely a preexisting issue. We'll fix it in the Sonar codebase but the fix will not be in CbB for this reason.

    • Haha 1
  11. 3 hours ago, mettelus said:

    I do like the "2 years later..." tag above the exhumation! The semi-hidden, necro-thread alert.

    Cakewalk remains in a very unique position in that people who have onboarded with CbB (i.e., no access to a prior product) will "eventually" be put into a position where their work can be held hostage based on current pathing.

    These threads have become interesting to me more from there psychological perspective; specifically who is chiming in, what they are saying, and what is their motivations.

    The cynicism in this forum never fails to amaze me. Why on earth would we or any sane company in our field want to hold users' data hostage? 
    You do realize that we are one of the only DAW's whose project files can be opened in pretty much any prior version of the app? Would we do that if we wanted to hostage projects?
    If someone really needed to, they could open their projects in any prior product like SONAR 8.5 and get most of the data out. We also plan to have free versions of all our apps so if users needed, they could use the free limited versions if they never owned a Cakewalk product ever.
    The bigger question to ask is why anyone who cared about their music in any capacity would not want to pay a reasonable fee to support the development of a product they use.

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  12. On 9/9/2023 at 1:27 PM, sreams said:

    I'm not sure if this is particular this version or not... but I just noticed that Cakewalk is only computing waveforms for one clip at a time. It used to be that, if you had the multiprocessing engine enabled, it would compute waveforms for as many clips at once as you had cores. No longer seeing this... so waveform drawing takes a lot longer than it used to.

    @sreams no changes in this area and it's working fine here. There are two things to check.

    1. Only waveforms for unique clip wave files are rendered in parallel. i.e. if you have 100 clips that all come from the same wave file then they will only display when the full wave file has been rendered. IOW parallel rendering is per file not per clip.

    2. Parallel rendering is controlled by the aud.ini variable "EnablePicCacheThreads" not the multiprocessing setting. Check if somehow that variable got set to 0.

    Try importing a bunch of wave files into a new project and then select all and choose "recompute waveforms" from the clip properties. They should render in parallel.

  13. 6 hours ago, Max Arwood said:

    Just say I just start checking marking really quickly to speed hiding all those VST twos. What if I don’t pay attention and I have a vst2 but no vst3 and I choose both boxes. Would I be able to see the vst2 even when both boxes are chosen and there is no vst3? 


    Yes it only hides the VST2 when an equivalent VST3 is available.

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  14. On 8/24/2023 at 12:25 AM, Shayne White said:

    There's an option that allows you to hide VST2 versions of VST3 plugins you have. I actually prefer having both versions because I need to access the old .fxp presets for some synths and effects. I don't remember if that option is in the Plug-in Manager or the main Preferences window, you'll just have to look. It's called something like "Hide related VST2 plugins."

    Yes this is the simplest solution. No need to use plugin manager.


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  15. @Harley Dear thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is the whole point of early access so we can squash any unnoticed issues.
    Even bug fixes can expose problems so its critical to have a bigger pool of users such as you do final tests.

    My only request is that rather than making new threads, any EA related issues should always be reported in the main EA thread. Otherwise we risk not seeing it.

  16. 18 hours ago, Craig Anderton said:


    “The grass is not, in fact, always greener on the other side of the fence. No, not at all. Fences have nothing to do with it. The grass is greenest where it is watered. When crossing over fences, carry water with you and tend the grass wherever you may be.”

    But also remember the words of Erma Bombeck: "The grass is always greener over the septic tank."


    So you're saying we need to putrefy Sonar to make it greener. Noted   ?

    • Haha 4
  17. Just to clarify in case some people are confused with all the FUD, what we just released was a good faith early access update for users of CbB, just because of the long wait since its last release.  It is NOT Sonar which is a different version that we will release later (most likely as a public beta initially).
    The implication that this early access was rushed is doesn't make sense. This update has a very small set of changes that were made over a period of almost a year and have been widely tested internally and by beta testers. In my experience most problems that get reported with any new release tend to be either environmental or issues that are preexisting and completely unrelated to the new release. If there happen to be any NEW problems report them in the EA channel and we'll investigate them.

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  18. 2 hours ago, Brian A Menear said:

    has anyone had more crashes or failure for projects to load after installing this new 2023 update?  had more crashes last  night than in a year i think.  if cakewalk becomes subscription based i will probably change DAW's.  if its a reasonable 1x price wouldnt mind paying for it.  love this program and the fact i can upload to the bandlab website to collaborate with my band members

    There shouldn't be any more crashes than the older versions but if you can send across any dump files we'll certainly look into it. Please post any problem reports in the main EA thread. The primary changes to the current version of CbB are bug fixes and Microsoft tool updates, nothing major has changed.

    Re Sonar I can assure you that pricing will be very reasonable. May be even better than you expect :)
    Regarding the integration with BandLab the new Sonar is greatly improved in this regard. It also supports direct project interchange with the new Cakewalk Next product which is natively integrated with BandLab. For example, in Next you can download a project from bandlab and use it exactly as it was with its native effects. Then you can transfer it to Sonar if you so choose for mastering etc.

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  19. 14 minutes ago, T Boog said:

    Hi Byron. I'm still pretty green can u please explain what beta entails? 

    Mainly, I just need to know if I can stick with my current version for the next 6 months. Is that correct?

    The current version is not a beta, its an early access version. Its fully tested but we wanted end users to verify it before we release it shortly.
    There is no guarantee for how long the older version will be remain active once we release the final version, since as explained older versions rely on deprecated functionality.

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