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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Thanks for the explanation. Its difficult to find something that works for every possibility when it comes to numbering. In the ADAT case, yes the driver is NAMING them as 1 & 2 but strictly speaking they actually are 9+10 as far as their position in the output list. CbB has no idea that they are ADAT outs. We considered allowing suppressing the prefixes. Where it gets messy is there are cases where the prefixes are necessary, eg WASAPI, or when they are used for synths so its difficult to get something that works sensibly everywhere.
  2. In Cakewalk all inputs and outputs are grouped into pairs of channels by default. The I/O simply let's you pick one or both of the channels. This way a track can address one or both of the channels without complicated routing. If the track produces a mono signal because of interleave or plugin settings and it's output is stereo the mono signal will be sent to both the channels. Conversely if the track is stereo and the output is mono the signal will be summed and sent to the mono output. Routing is (and should be) a decision the user makes not the program.
  3. No way to suppress it today. However I'm curious why you are assigning all your outputs to the same name? Without the automatic numbering you would have no way to know which I/O you were assigning something to. Why do you want to suppress it?
  4. Linked clips are different from normal clips in the fact that changes to one clip are reflected in all copies automatically. Read up in the help.
  5. IMO it would be more confusing and unexpected for I/O connections to change based on interleave. Interleave affects signal flow not connectivity in the engine.
  6. No because the output has nothing to do with the bus interleave setting. All that does is force the effects track to mono or stereo. It's up to you to route there bus output to whatever you want. I.e routing and interleave are not related in any way
  7. Hi folks in case you haven’t spotted it, we posted a preview of the 2021.06 release here. We’ll likely release it next week but we would appreciate you kicking the tires and providing any early feedback. This allows us to fix any potential problems quickly before it hits the street. Thanks for your support.
  8. Are you sending to a hardware out, bus or aux? Please post a screenshot since its not clear what the routing is.
  9. Could you please post some screenshots or video with the error message? Which version of windows are you running?
  10. Did you know that Billie Eilish is the neice of an old ex-cakewalk employee - Jamie O’Connell?
  11. We should be adding support for this soon (importing back to back on a single track)
  12. We have custom code to integrate with the Console One. We don’t have a MK II to test with but I assume that the integration is the same.
  13. VST2 plugins have no way to distinguish between reset CC data sent when playback is stopped. CbB resets certain CC’s on playback stop such as CC 0, CC 64. Generally you should not use such CC’s to control plugin parameters for this reason.
  14. Its not a bug, Workspaces hide access to commands and menu items. They don’t physically remove features like the prochannel and splitters which show tempo strip, video strip etc, today.
  15. His main issue was fixed in 2019 when I reworked automation to address some reports of lost settings with certain plugins. Of course he isn’t around anymore to attest it. Some issues when not reproducible readily can be infernally difficult to isolate. It took working with several users offline and running tests before I was able to resolve it.
  16. @Chris Boshuizen is this reproducable for you and is it specific to a particular project? If so please send a link to the project file.
  17. Thanks, I think the dropout immediately following a bounce to clips, is likely a spurious dropout message caused by an expected scenario with the engine transitioning from offline to online. I’ll look into it for next release. You can ignore that message since its harmless.
  18. The first thing to do would be to try and isolate the problem by rolling back and testing. Also not sure if these do but some plugins that use OpenGL have problems in Cakewalk with certain versions of Windows and video drivers.
  19. @Will Zégal Its very unlikely that the latest release caused any of these issues but have you tried rolling back to the prior release to verify? A link to the rollback installer is always listed at the top of the new release thread. Very often issues are being attributed to the latest release when they are preexisting or externally caused issues so its important to roll back and verify if you have a reprodicble issue. Is the problem reproducible every time or intermittent? Which version of Kontakt are you using?
  20. @Vlad Vilnev Which plugin has this issue? Symptoms looks like it would be a memory leak or bug in the plugin.
  21. USB cables should work. I have the rocksmith and it works fine in Cakewalk. Switch the driver mode to WASAPI shared, select the cable as an input device and select your soundcard output in preferences. Sample rate should be 44.1 or 48k. Ensure Windows is using the same rate. You should be able to hear recorded audio now.
  22. Mario, the refresh activation after an update is simply a convenience so that it does it automatically for the user. It is not a requirement so if a login prompt appears you can skip it and the app will continue with its current activation status. That said we have tested login and it works fine in Windows 7 on multiple machines. So you may want to look into why it is not working on your PC. The only reason we know of is that the Microsoft webview component is not properly installed. You can install it manually and login should work fine. Retest it in the latest 2021.04 release since there have been fixes for some issues there.
  23. Can you PM me the contact for the person you are working with? I will get in touch and try and understand more.
  24. This would be a plugin specific issue so we wouldn't be able to assist with it.
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