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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Yes. From the help: 12 [Internal] Internal audio buffer memory limit overflow. Contact support with recipe/project file.
  2. @SomethingElse Osey What specifically is the problem?
  3. @gmp We'd need a test project to investigate. What is the dropout code reported?
  4. Source category clips in bounce is simply a shortcut to select the clip and export. Since it's going through a stereo bus there will be a gain increase due to the pan law. It's not the same thing as bounce to clip.
  5. We own the licenses to them all. It was intentionally not included in the free set of released plugins when we first released Cbb. It may be released in the future.
  6. Look ahead is not related to processing cost. Rather it is required to allow the processor to look at historical audio ahead of time. That is what causes the delay because the plugin needs to buffer audio in advance before it can start processing it.
  7. The free version will not do MIDI extraction. Celemony no longer allows it.
  8. If you are running the free version of Melodyne 5 or the player, MIDI extraction no longer works. You need to purchase one of the other products.
  9. 2022.02 has now been officially released. Thanks everyone for your feedback!
  10. The issue is fixed if you download build 27 linked from the main post.
  11. That is only a single data point and doesnt prove anything definitively. The cause could be any number of reasons. You haven't answered the question of whether it happens only on a specific project for one. it could be system load related, timing or a million other things that differ from one version to another. Follow normal troubleshooting by isolating the problem if its project specific. If you can narrow it down to a plugin or something else and send us better repro steps then there might be more to follow up on. But for now there is not enough to go on.
  12. That something else would be environmental. As mentioned there is nothing in the code that changes behavior of loop toggling.
  13. Please refer to the dropout codes help. Code 5 : Disk reading overloaded and could not keep up with playback pump : Increase playback I/O buffer size This is completely unrelated to any work in this release. Try and breakdown your project and troubleshoot whats causing the load is the only suggestion I have. There are literally no changes to how toggling looping works since 2012.
  14. Likely coincidental. There is zero change that would have impacted dropouts. What is the dropout code? Is it happening on a specific project? Without details its impossible to follow up on such cases.
  15. Not seeing anything like that here. Multiple people have tried it. It is likely specific to your project. What drop out code are you getting?
  16. @Keni please download build which is linked from the top post in this thread. Let us know if it solves the issue.
  17. No need now. I've managed to locate the cause and we'll post an update shortly for you to try.
  18. @Craig Reeves can you please verify whether build resolves the autotune issue? We don't have any way of verifying it since our license has expired.
  19. This is something very specific to your system and nobody else has reported it. So without more information we have nothing to proceed on. We’ll start a PM thread with you to collect more information so check your PM’s and provide more information. @Will_Kaydo please respond ASAP since we are planning on releasing this update soon.
  20. @Craig Reeves Please read the prior threads. I posted an update to try that may fix the auto tune issue as well. The build linked in the first post in this thread is the latest.
  21. The EA build has been updated (please redownload from the main post in this thread). This fixes the problem with Melodyne or any other ARA plugins that are used as track effects rather than region effects. Please verify that this fixes the issue.
  22. @Max Arwood @KWILD If you are running AutoTune Pro can you please check if its being reported as an ARA plugin? I believe it might be because of this: https://antarestech.force.com/s/article/Auto-Tune-Pro-ARA-Compatible-Host-DAWs You can check this by looking for it in the clip region effects menu. If you don't see it there look in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory Under the record for autotune see if the isARA flag is set to 1 in any of the records for it. If its exposing itself as an ARA plugin and you are using it as a track effect then its likely to be the same cause as the melodyne issue that was reported. We'll be posting a fix for that shortly...
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