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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. This looks like a bug where the end project load notification is not being received somehow. Strange because I've never encountered that one. Does it happen on all your projects or just one? Also if you let it sit there after load does the vst scan finally say scan complete? You can check if the VST scan process is still running in the background. It should go away when the scan is complete which is typically a few seconds.
  2. This was fixed for the final update so it only happens on the EA. You can click on multiple items and they are queued and downloaded sequentially now.
  3. Enabling local help also automatically does a check for updates when you OK preferences. So you should see the download listed (assuming you are online when you do that)
  4. It looks like something is messed up with the Windows redist installer state. Uninstalling and reinstalling might be the only solution, or you can contact Microsoft support who may be able to help. Also see this link: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/errore-microsoft-visual-c-2019-x64-minimum-runtime/1299781
  5. Hmm its not normal for the project loading messages to stay around, since those should automatically go away. The scan on startup message also should also automatically fade away. There should be no reason to click to dismiss them. Can you post a video if you aren’t seeing this. Its the first time I’m hearing about that. Ultimately a better solution to toast notifications would be a notifications panel, but that will take some work.
  6. Once you install the latest it should never prompt again. Those add-ones are very infrequently updated. It only checks if the version you have is lower. Alternatively uninstall what you don’t need. (those notifications will show up when you manually check for updates but not during the automatic check)
  7. I have a keylab 49 and the transport controls work with the latest release.
  8. If you previously had the demo projects installed it's telling you now that there is an update. I assume most people would want to know that something they installed earlier had an update. If you no longer want the demo projects just uninstall them or download the latest. If you had never downloaded the demo projects it would not ask you unless you manually did a check for updates. We have to limit to the number of options we can have for the app.
  9. Which toast notice are you seeing on opening the app? CbB does not suggest updates for add-on's like demo projects and help when doing automatic update checks (when opening the application). The optional updates are only shown when you manually do a check for updates. The only exception to this is if you have ALREADY downloaded one of the optional components and your version is out of date. In this case the app will let you know that an update is available. Preferences | Display | "Show update notifications" is what controls the notifications.
  10. Are you certain that its related? There are no changes that could have affected bounce. Have you rolled back and retested the same project? If you can verify that its the new release please send a zip of the project file so we can investigate ASAP.
  11. This will be removed. It's long overdue but the website is not something that we directly manage.
  12. That would imply that the issue is not within Cakewalk. The app cannot hang windows itself.
  13. If you send a dump file while the app is in a frozen state we may be able to find what is causing the hang,
  14. @TechDad activation shouldn’t have anything to do with app freezes. You can verify by logging out of BandLab in CbBand retesting. Let us know if you can reproduce this. Perhaps its only when the program is in a state where it needs activation?
  15. It's not the default because the old behavior did not automatically cut out data after the stop playback point. With the new option, if the new recording is longer than the existing clip, then the underlying clip could be removed. This could be unexpected for some some since it didn't do that before...
  16. If you have been logged out of your BL account for months, then Cakewalk cannot auto activate when needed. If you stay logged in, you won't have this issue. Once in a while the token expires so you have to log in again but its not very often.
  17. That’s not accurate. Cakewalk adds that folder by default to the scan path.
  18. What dropout code are you getting in the message when it drops out. That should indicate the cause.
  19. If you attach the dump file that is created (link is shown in error dialog) it ma help us find what’s causing it.
  20. How are your MIDI tracks routed? Are you playing them through a virtual instrument VST? If so the sounds would always be synchronized with audio playback as long as you are hearing audio tracks correctly because they are delay compensated. Make sure that you are not using the Microsoft MIDI synth device. Safe mode may have worked for you since it switched the driver mode to WASAPI (windows audio)
  21. I was referring to inserting tracks not the rme device
  22. I have the fireface and it takes less than a second to insert a single track. No difference whether the device is on or off though. If you turn off the audio engine does it insert quickly?
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