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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Man you guys sure find obscure weird cases The problem only happens if you right click to select AND then choose the bounce to clip operation from the top level menu. The issue is that right click selection is selecting envelope nodes and not the clip itself. The bounce to clip operation should not be allowed in the UI under that state but it was not grayed out in the menu. When the command executes because no clip is actually selected it gets confused and ends up doing some default operation. I've fixed it so that a bounce is disallowed in this case. You should click on a clip to select it or do any kind of normal selection (not right click selection) before doing a bounce. FWIW right clicking a clip and choosing bounce to clip from the clips menu automatically selects the clip so most users would never see this issue.
  2. For the person with the rdas1089 listed in the crash thats the Roland driver crashing and there may be a compatibility issue causing it. We don't have any way of addressing driver crashes unfortunately. If you send share a link to the minidump from the crash I may be able to see what operation is causing the crash. For Larry, are you still crashing after updating Cakewalk? If so if you share your minidump file it may throw more light on the nature of the crash or if its caused by a system related problem like what msmcleod suggested.
  3. Correct, the metronome is disabled during all bounce operations so the only way to capture it today is by recording it via an aux track.
  4. The first thing I would try for troubleshooting is to Restart your PC, then launch Cakewalk and create a new project with the blank template. Add a single audio track arm it and try and record. Does recording work? If not there is some instability with audio on the system. Also make sure you have ASIO selected assuming you have an ASIO driver. If you are still having issues we can certainly help troubleshoot it.
  5. I've been working closely with Celemony to get to the bottom of some of the instability with detection not being triggered in CbB. We believe its fixed - Using a test build from them I can't repro the issue where it would hang on MIDI detection or not detect blobs after creating a region effect. I can't speak for release schedules but I believe good news is on the horizon. As to why it could appear to be fixed without any changes from us, this could be because race conditions behave in unpredictable ways. A subtle change in the timing of operations can mask the issue. This is likely why this issue has lingered on so long because it was hard to repro for some people.
  6. There is a new updated signal flowchart in there for those who need it.
  7. A reset to defaults option may be useful in the pro channel. I'm not at my pc but there may already be a prochannel preset for this. If not you can make one and apply it to all your tracks
  8. Did you miss the export to BandLab feature? Its been there for several months now https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Dialogs2.158.html In January we also added the ability to open BandLab projects. This is a feature still in preview.
  9. Have you read the documentation on setting this up? https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=4&help=Mixing.32.html Here is a nice video tutorial from one of our users.
  10. The Cakewalk Mac prototype was hardly a failed experiment! It was very successful considering we got about 80% functionality with very low development cost, and it demonstrated to us what we would need to do to take the project further if we wanted to. It also helped us to make several improvements and optimizations to the SONAR codebase. Ultimately it was a budgetary decision to not pursue it. These days all cross platform apps use a framework. It makes little sense to write per platform apps from scratch due to the high cost of development.
  11. Which VST? likely a plugin corrupting memory.
  12. There is no extra gain staging applied when exporting to mp3 within Cakewalk. We're passing the same audio data that is written to a wave file after bit reduction since the mp3 encoder doesn't support higher floating point but depths. As CJ said mp3 encoding can create artifacts depending on the algorithm and bit rates chosen so make sure you are picking high enough settings. Also some people have found that if you have inherent phase problems in your mix encoding can make it sound different from the wave file. In any case you can eliminate any gain staging problems by importing the final wave file into a empty project and exporting just that to mp3. Then compare the two. Since we've established that this is not a problem you may want to add solved to your thread title.
  13. start screen uses the chrome embedded framework CEF. All apps built with that including chrome behave that way because they launch child processes.
  14. @Bruce Searl I think there is some confusion about how the bounce presets work and there has been no change in behavior. You will get the same result in any version of SONAR if you export the what you hear preset, or choose entire mix in the mix options. Cakewalk presently has no way to distinguish a headphone/cue mix from the master mix. What your see as the master bus in your project is simply a bus named *master* that came from the default template when the project was created. It could have been called main/mix/speakers or anything you want. The entire mix setting in the bounce options instructs the mixdown process to sum ALL bus outputs to a single stereo mix. This option should not be used when you have sub mixes in the project going to different outputs because it will result in a higher gain output. Instead, for this use case you should explicitly export just the bus you want which in your case would be master. Another way would be to solo the master bus before exporting with the entire mix setting enabled. In short this is not a bug. That said we could do better to warn the user when using the entire mix option if we detect that included buses are going to different hardware outputs.
  15. Yeah there is really no other way to do this other than having the reverb on an independent bus and automating the send. Or just put a reverb inline on that tracks effects bin which might be a simpler solution.
  16. Yes. The most common mistake is exporting a project where something is routed to multiple hardware outputs. If you have a hardware out muted externally outside of the DAW's mixer the project will sound fine when playing but when you export it will clip. To troubleshoot solo your master bus in CbB and play. Does it sound correct? If so export with source category buses and choose ONLY that bus.
  17. Its the same thing being referred to. The issue was certain plugins like the IK multimedia plugins and some synths like Addictive drums apparently are not designed to be multiprocessing compliant so they exhibited problems. As a result we had to disable some changes until further notice.
  18. Since you saw the same issue in platinum its definitely nothing that changed in this update so going back to a prior version is not going to help. There are no changes to recording or waveform drawing for the March release. Since you had updated your RME drivers its likely some variable there. Did you flash the firmware as well?
  19. Which build of CbB are you running and what is your OS version? This wont have anything to do with VST scanning. Likely your audio driver or a control surface is hanging.
  20. There are no limits to the number of sidechain inputs so I'm not sure why it didn't work. If you have a way to reproduce it let us know and we can look into it.
  21. Yes a frozen track behaves the same as a normal track. Any effects prochannel or others will be applied if you subsequently bounce it.
  22. I was going to suggest this as well. Its very strange that a standard zero controller MIDI CC value would change sound ? Someone there hasn't used MIDI hardware CC's much haha.
  23. Yep CTRL drag is your friend to move a linear section in the smart tool. You can do most editing just using the smart tool. I rarely switch tools for editing automation. Also remember that shift CLICK will select a "ghosted" envelope - no need to use the edit filter to switch the envelope being edited.
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