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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. @SynthManDan If you share a link to your project file we can look at why the tracks are not showing. I'm sure others on the forum may also be able to assist. The tracks are likely hidden in track manager.
  2. The bug where the original copied clip was being removed from the take lane has been fixed for the next release. We've also greatly improved general copy paste and drag and drop with take lanes, fixing many issues.
  3. @Moving Air Productions you can use the procdump tool to capture it like this from a command prompt: procdump.exe -ma Cakewalk.exe cakewalkhang.dmp Alternatively you can follow the instructions and capture the dump from task manager. The issue there is the file will be large since it captures a full dump.
  4. Yes please list the version of Melodyne in all reports since they have different feature sets. The follow clips option is apparently not available in essential but I think its partly baked in for the latest release. As I mentioned earlier the latest Melodyne release has many bug fixes so I'm not surprised that it works correctly now. Let us know if you see any further problems.
  5. @pdkmusic if it is caused by a lens could you please send us a copy of the lens in question as well as the project file please? You can find the by typing this into windows explorer: %appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Lenses\User There should be a .lns file there with the lens you saved.
  6. It sounds like you have multiple split instrument tracks all feeding the same synth audio track. In that scenario its normal for audio to come from the track that the instrument outputs is assigned to. All MIDI goes to the same synth instance as well. Are these simple instrument tracks or split?
  7. @Antonio López Zambrano Elastique pro will sound better than efficient. However you shouldn't be getting distortion on efficient. Could you please send us a simple project or wave file that shows this problem? We can send it to the elastique developers for analysis. In our tests we don't see distortion or any visual issues using the efficient mode.
  8. I'm sure @Pete Brown may have heard of this issue. Sounds like a Korg driver limitation to me.
  9. @AxlBrutality maybe it's the sequence of operations. Well try it again but it may help if you note the steps you are taking starting with an empty project.
  10. @AxlBrutality that's strange, I just tried it and its completely fine here no signs of anything going wrong. I wonder if its related to some settings in the compressor. Could you please send me a link to the project in question so we can try and reproduce it? I tried both doing a send to the compressor as well as outputting to the compressor and it was fine.
  11. @HappyRon Hill are you seeing this? So far all evidence of that issue leads to issues in plugins themselves where settings can get lost (potentially due to copy protection). I spent 3 days exploring every possibility when loading and saving projects or even editing or loading presets. There was nothing that CbB does that could lead to a full reset occuring on the plugin that I was able to find. The one case that was reported to us with a repro project had to do with it saved with Waves 9 and when I loaded it in the latest Waves version it loaded perfectly. If anyone has more data on this we're happy to troubleshoot with them. I've added some defensive code that may detect errors reported from the plugin for the next release in case it helps.
  12. Yes 4.2.2 is the version with several fixes for Cakewalk. Is this version live now? If so all Melodyne / CbB users should get it since it resolves many stability issues.
  13. @HappyRon Hill thanks for reporting back. I'm still not able to reproduce a case when it won't show blobs. However I am running the beta version they have that hasnt shipped yet. For me irrespective of whether "show track list" is enabled or not it always works as long as "Follow clip selection in DAW" is enabled (as I mentioned above). Once follow clip selection is on clicking on any melodyne clip always shows the data in the editor window. As you discovered data being shown is controlled by clicking the orange icon in melodyne. That should get auto selected based on clip selection actions in the DAW when "Follow clip selection in DAW" is enabled. Are you saying in your case that if you have a single melodyne clip this doesnt work for you? Let me know and I can follow up with Celemony.
  14. Then you can ask him to fix it The look of the meters is controlled by the theme not Cakewalk.
  15. Not a problem to use these in your songs. What would be the point of providing them otherwise
  16. Hi folks, with the ara2 integration if you are running Melodyne editor or higher a single Melodyne view is used to display the blobs for all clips in the project. You can think of Melodyne as the editor for all blobs in the project so no need to close and reopen for each clip. In Melodyne Studio there is a setting (I thought it was in by default but could be mistaken) to follow clip selection in the daw. Make sure that is enabled and when you click on a clip the view should automatically scroll to highlight the selected clip. See the screenshot. If you switch tracks it should also follow the track selection. You can also double click a clip on a different track and Melodyne should automatically activate that track and follow the selection. If you don't want to use a single view you can still open multiple views by pinning the open view and opening a fresh view on a different clip. To automatically pin a melodyne view and open a second view simply double click on the new melodyne clip you want to open while holding down the CTRL key. We don't show the pin icon on ARA views but you can still pin views this way and open multiple instances of Melodyne views if you prefer working that way. Note however that each view instance will still show multiple ARA clips unless you turn off follow clip selection in DAW from the Melodyne options. That said if you still feel you are having issues please forward a project file with a description and I will look into it. Celemony is about to release a new update to version 4 which also fixes several Melodyne bugs that may be relevant to what you are seeing. Edit: I incorrectly said SHIFT when I meant CTRL key. Also added clarification that the screenshot above is for Melodyne Studio. The clips follow tempo choice isn't available for lower versions.
  17. Try turning on the option for clips following selection. I posted a screenshot here.
  18. I use a synology NAS and it has already bailed me out twice. Since you set it up with redundancy if one drive dies you can simply replace that one drive and get back all your data. Of course the entire NAS can die in a disaster so you need to have cloud storage or redundant NAS backup as well. I use crashplan for cloud storage as well. However since my projects live both on the NAS and the HD there is a low chance of needing the cloud. A NAS is well worth the investment. You can get one with the hard drives for around $600 depending on how much storage you want of course.
  19. @Daniil Potseluev I heard from Celemony that this bug is fixed for their upcoming release.
  20. Both crashes are in the EchoDelay plugin while loading your project. These dump files have nothing to do with track freeze operations. Did you send the correct files? Unhandled exception at 0x00000001427E8941 (EchoDelay.dll) in _05202019_144105.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x000000000D79FDB0. One thing to try if the above crashes continue is to turn off "Show project load notifications" in Options | Display and see if it improves.
  21. Are you running CbB as an admin? There are cases when Windows blocks drag and drop of files (for some misinformed security reasons)
  22. Yeah I see that however CbB has arbitrary clip automation envelopes, not a static gainstage like there. My point is its somewhat harder to apply to the waveform. If it was a simple gainstage we'd have done it a long time ago.
  23. Its not the same thing. That's clip fades which already visually affect audio in CbB. Drag the fade handles on the left or right edge of the clip and it will affect the waveform. I think the request is for visual clip gain envelopes which is different from the picture.
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