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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. I don't see any issue following your steps with Melodyne Studio. Which version are you running? In any case this would be a Melodyne report and not CbB related so you should contact Celemony directly. >>4. In melodyne window menu go to edit / cancel I assume that you meant edit Undo here since there is no cancel menu item.
  2. Its already logged in our database so we'll look into it at some point.
  3. @Moving Air Productions please repro the hang and send me the dump file. That should show what is preventing the app from closing. Also if possible send me just the project file (.cwp). There are instructions here on how to capture the dump file from the hung application.
  4. Do you have a lot of tracks with automation write enable set in the project? Also if you go back to a prev version of the project does the issue come back?
  5. If Cakewalk closes (not in task manager) all file handles will be released. While the app is open its possible that a file could be still open if its still referenced in the clipboard. i.e. if a clip was copied you can close the project and still paste it into a newly opened project.
  6. Why not just select the track by clicking on the number - that should select all the clips on that track. Then choose bounce to clips to combine them all.
  7. To export a MIDI clip through a synth the output needs to go to an audio track so bounce to clip isn't the appropriate command. That will bounce the MIDI as MIDI.Well you don't even need to export audio. Assuming its an instrument track just select the MIDI clip you want and choose bounce to track, pick source category as Tracks and bounce to a new track. This will give you the MIDI rendered through that instrument track. If its a split instrument with MIDI and synth tracks then select the clip you want followed by selecting both the synth track and the MIDI track. Then bounce to track as above. Both will give you what you want. We could add a render command to a MIDI clip but it would require specifying where you want the rendered audio to go.
  8. @ØSkald Your dump is referencing the which is the March release. Can you please retest this with the latest May release? If it still crashes/hangs then send a new dump
  9. Thanks @Daniil PotseluevPotseluev I will pass on your feedback to Celemony about Melodyne essential. If it's not possible then we can consider making the new behavior optional. You have Melodyne version 4 correct?
  10. This is expected behavior. Please see the release notes: All ARA 2 clips now share a common view. So navigating across multiple clips is as simple as clicking on a clip. The view data in Melodyne will automatically change to track the selected clip. Is is a lot faster than double clicking clips to close and reopen a new view. In ARA 2 plugins there is no need to open a specific instance of the editor for each clip since Melodyne knows how to display the current clip data via ARA 2. Make sure that "Follow Clip Selection" is enabled in Melodyne and as you click the viewed data will automatically change. See screenshot. Also make sure you are running the latest version of Melodyne 4.
  11. Its not a known issue. Please follow these instructions to capture a dump file for the hang and send me the link so we can know what is hanging.
  12. Glad you find it useful @RBH. We spent a lot of time finding and tracking each case where slip editing was inaccurate. There are a ton of permutations we had to consider when you throw combinations of editing edges, stretching, tempo maps and also throw ARA into the mix. We want editing to be as solid as possible since it's a primary function. Let us know if you find any problem cases we may have missed.
  13. Melodyne is a clip effect of you are using it via region effects so there is nothing to delete if you bounce to clip. Freezing the entire track will also disable the plugin but it is a non destructive option unlike bounce to clip. With the latest update and I'd you are running the latest version of Melodyne your should see greater stability do it may not be necessary to freeze. I doubt your issue is related to Melodyne fwiw. Are you seeing this issue even after restarting and is it only on one of your projects? If so can you send us a link to download it?
  14. If you ever run into a crash please refer to this FAQ on problem reporting for a step by step for minidumps.
  15. @Volker Schmid I tried to repro this and cannot see any timing drift using elastique or reproduce your crash. I made a manual click from a loop and set the tempo to match that. Then I stretched it using elastique to 100% of its original tempo. It plays back perfectly in sync with the audio metronome. Can you upload your test project and share it with me so we can look into it? There is something else going on.
  16. Why do crashes occur? Crashes occur when an application encounters an unexpected condition. There can be a myriad reasons for this including bugs, memory overwrites, problems in plugins or other third party components or add on's, driver errors as well as actual hardware problems. Minidumps Many crashes can be specific to a particular user's environment, therefore for troubleshooting it's important for developers to be able to do "post mortem" analysis to determine the cause of the crash. When a crash occurs Windows takes a snapshot of the crash and saves a file called a minidump file (.dmp). This file records information about the state of the system when the crash occurred and can be very helpful to diagnose these problems remotely. For problems that are not reproducible such dump files can often be the only means of diagnosis. Locating crash dump files for Cakewalk If you encounter a crash when using Cakewalk you will normally see a crash dialog telling you that a problem occurred. In most cases Cakewalk will automatically save this crash dump for you. This dialog will list the name of the minidump file and also the name of the faulting module. If the crash occurred within the application the module will be Cakewalk.exe itself. If the crash site was inside a plugin the module listed will be the plugin name. Most crashes are reported within the application. While crash location data can be useful, locating the root of the problem often requires further investigation. Minidump files saved from Cakewalk are stored as timestamped files with a .dmp extension in the following folder: %AppData%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Minidumps You can type that path directly into Windows file explorer and it will take you to the dumps folder where you can locate the file. Note that if the crash was in a plugin the file may be in this folder instead: %AppData%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Minidumps\Plugins You can normally locate a minidump file of interest by its timestamp if you know when the crash occurred. What if the application hangs but doesn't crash? In some cases you may not encounter an actual crash in the app but the application appears hung and unresponsive. In such cases Windows will not save a crash dump file automatically. There are a few ways to manually create a dump file in such cases. The easiest way is to go to task manager and right click the process name (in this case it would be listed as "Cakewalk Application") and then choose "Create Dump File". See attached screenshot. The downside to this method is that it saves a full dump which includes a memory snapshot. These files can be pretty large if you have a lot of RAM. Alternatively if you are familiar with running command line tools you can run the Microsoft Procdump tool and save a minidump. Once you have installed that tool you can capture a minidump by typing this into a command prompt (note you will need to run the command prompt as an administrator by choosing Run as administrator): procdump64.exe -ma Cakewalk.exe cakewalkhang.dmp Sending the dump file to Cakewalk for analysis Once you have the dump file you can put it on a share like dropbox, google drive etc. Next, log a problem report case with Cakewalk and include the link to the dump file. If a Cakewalk staff member has requested info you may also PM the dump file link to them directly this way. Note: Dump files may include personally identifiable data so please do not post links to them publicly in the forums or elsewhere to protect your privacy. Cakewalk currently doesn't automatically submit minidumps via problem reports like SONAR did. Here is an older KB article (from SONAR) with some more information.
  17. Are you sure that it only happens when doing melodyne edits? There is a bug in Melodyne that we reported where making copies of melodyne clips could cause a crash/hang in Cbb if the melodyne UI was open when doing that. Thay have already fixed it for a subsequent release. If you have a reproducible case for editing with melodyne hanging CbB please send it to me and I can follow up on it with Celemony. Are you running the latest version of Melodyne and the latest 05 release of CbB? A lockup can be caused by many reasons and even a plugin exception can lead to the symptom of the app hanging. I doubt your hang issue is related to your audio interface or windows or your PC itself. When a program is hung and you terminate it abnormally from task manager I've seen some audio interfaces require an unplug and replug sequence. Many Roland drivers require this because they aren't properly handling dead processes. If this is something that happens often try and find a common thread of operations or plugins. You can also save a dump file for a hung process from task manager itself - see picture. If you send us a zip of that dump file we can try and see what caused the hang.
  18. For MIDI have you tried the pattern tool? You can essentially select a MIDI clip and "paint" it inside the piano roll view to roll out the data on the timeline. It's a reasonable request however.
  19. Thanks for the details. It confirms my theory that this is an ASIO issue. I've only seen this happen on a Zoom device that has a pretty bad ASIO driver. I've never seen it with the FocusRite 6i6 2nd Gen I have FWIW. I suspect there is something with the series of calls we make when play is pressed exposing this issue with some drivers. Pressing play essentially stops and restarts the driver. Its likely one out of every N times the driver is getting into a funky state and stopping and restarting (or resetting the engine) solves it.
  20. Which device are you folks seeing this with? Do you get a continuous buzz or a buzz which then stops on its own. The buzz is likely a symptom that the driver doesn't actually start asking for audio buffers and is internally just cycling its last two buffers leading to the buzz (motorboating) Is it in ASIO mode only or can you repro it in other driver modes?
  21. I'm not sure if its the video but I hear a bit of a stutter and the audio is out of sync. It sounds like your audio clock is unstable somehow but I cant be sure. Can you try running at a higher latency to test? Also play just the metronome or just the audio alone and see if you hear a stutter.
  22. If it's an old version of that driver you will definitely have issues. It's very buggy. I didn't even realize it but I had the Steinberg asio driver installed on my machine likely from some old installation. It was dated back to 2009 or something so very old. There was no unfortunately so I just manually deleted the driver asio dll and that stopped the problems. In my case it was a crash.
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