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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Two of the three dump files have crashes in plugins. The plugin crash is in play_VST_x64.dll play_VST_x64.dll is from Eastwest EWQL Play RDAS1110.DLL is your octacapture driver Both these are very old and dated 2013 and 2014. You should definitely update these since its likely to be the cause of some of these issues. The stacks don't even show Cakewalk code as causing the crashes so it doesn't seem like something in our code caused it. Unhandled exception at 0x00000000239AE4A1 (play_VST_x64.dll) in Untitled_03072019_123357.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000000001CA. occurred Unhandled exception at 0x00000000239AE4A1 (play_VST_x64.dll) in Untitled_03062019_155905.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000000002C0. Unhandled exception at 0x000000000259A590 (RDAS1110.DLL) in Untitled_03072019_193540.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x0000000023ED0040.
  2. Hi, Please read these help topics for more details. Slip-stretching audio zplane élastique audio stretching and pitch shifting
  3. OK so if I'm summarizing correctly: You import an MPEG4 video file into cakewalk and choose to import its audio. The audio has padding applied at the beginning to line up with the video. Within Cakewalk when you play the imported audio along with the video it plays perfectly in sync. Now if you export just the audio from cakewalk it is out of sync with another app that plays the same video because of the padding. If the above is correct this is related to the video engine that we're using for playback and transcoding. All the video support in Cakewalk is based on Microsoft's built in video support. We don't really have control over how it internally handles video playback and transcoding. In fact if the offset to the audio didn't get applied, then it would be out of sync with the video in Cakewalk itself. I think that would be a far worse problem. I can pass on this information to Microsoft since its not something we can solve internally. If you are taking audio out of Cakewalk that originated from an MP4 your only solution right now is to manually trim the silence from the audio before exporting.
  4. As a shortcut your can also shift click on (ghosted} envelopes on the track to select them and edit
  5. But is the audio synced to the video file it came from within Cakewalk itself? i.e. is the delay problem was introduced at import time, the export step is irrelevant.
  6. Elastique preserves phase coherence so you should have no problems stretching multiple clips. You dont even need to do it destructively via process Length. You can select all the clips and slip stretch them all by the same amount. The shortcut key to do is hold down CTRL-Shift and then Drag the right edge of the clips to slip stretch them to the amount you need. Make sure the stretch method in the clip inspector is elastique pro. This will dynamically and non destructively stretch the audio to the new length.
  7. @Alcar28 I can't read your screenshot but what is the module listed in the crash dialog? Can you also zip up the dump file listed there and send me a link to download it? It looks like some plugin in your project is crashing.
  8. Problems can only get fixed if they are reported accurately and are reproducible. Waiting for a fix for a problem that isn't known could take awhile ESP is not part of our skillset unfortunately.
  9. I'm not sure I understand your workflow here. How are you exporting the audio from Cakewalk? You mention "Audio Exported from MP4 within Sound Forge". What does this mean - are you exporting an MP4 from Soundforge or a wav file which is synced to an MP4 video file. Are you recording new audio synced to a video file and then exporting just the audio? Can you describe the exact steps you are doing in Cakewalk and how it intersects with the MP4 video - I'm not sure at what stage the delay is introduced here.
  10. Hi @John Nelson Thanks for sending the dump file, it was useful. It's a bizarre crash. The problem is actually triggered by the plugin BFD. When shutting down it apparently ends up dispatching windows messages and as a result inadvertently launches the start screen! This crashes the Windows shell. I suspect this is something that may have been fixed by BFD since you have a very old version dated 2012. You can verify that this is the issue by changing CbB to not show the start screen. (Preferences | Display settings | Show start screen). Do you see BFD pop a dialog box or something when you close a project? I've also defensively addressed this in CbB by ensuring that start screen only opens when all projects have finished closing. PS: In the future when using file sharing services please send links that don't require the recipient to create an account. Dropbox has become obnoxious now about forcing recipients to create accounts. Its much better to use something like google drive and send a private link.
  11. @klbailey3 did you try turning off ALL notifications in preferences yet (the main checkbox)?
  12. Who did you send it to @John Nelson? I didn't receive anything.
  13. Who is "they"? This is a universal problem and MP4's from different sources may have different padding so there isnt a simple universal solution I'm aware of.
  14. Disk I/O is on a single thread so even if you have many cores we won't saturate the disk. But there are other factors as well. Many plugins are known to gate the speed by which they can process. To verify if that is the case try globally bypassing all effects in the project from the toolbar before doing the bounce. Using a large buffer size will yield some benefits however. You can set the BounceBufSize variable to a high value to force it to use a large buffer size. There is probably room for optimization but its unlikely to ever achieve full CPU bandwidth.
  15. It wont consume 100% CPU because the hard disk is the gating factor. It can only run as fast as your disk can read and write the project.
  16. Can you try this: In Preferences | Display try turning off "Show Project Load Notifications" and see if it changes anything.
  17. Hi @jono grant we're aware of this issue. The issue is has to do with how MPEG4 audio files or MP3 files are encoded. It is very common for "padding silence" to be added at the beginning of the audio with compressed formats for encoding delay. This padding can vary depending on what encoder is used to compress the file. Encoders are supposed to write a special tag in the file to notate what this delay is in samples. However there are many encoders that do not write this information to the file and there is no standard tag for this. For example ITunes does it one way and other encoders write different tags or may or may not write this data at all. Additionally the Microsoft's SDK we use to decode the audio from these files provides no way to deterministically know what this padding delay is. Since the padding can vary for different sources, even if we guessed a compensation value it wouldn't work for different formats. In summary, it's not an easy problem. For now I'm afraid that the best solution is to manually trim silence from encoded audio files.
  18. At some point we're considering adding resampling on the fly to allow for running projects at different sample rates. We already do this for plugin upsampling so its technically feasible.
  19. @Jim RoseberryCan the processor threads be clock speed locked with earlier intel processors than the I9?
  20. Plug-In load balancing results are very dependent on the actual load of plugins. Load balancing itself can be expensive since its doing some magic subdividing buffers so if you don't have really expensive plugins in the bin it could impact performance adversely. I plan on making this option per bin in the future so you have more fine grained control over it. Note that by default load balancing is ineffective at buffer sizes < 128 samples. This value can be changed in the ini file. More info here. Producer/Consumer mode basically allocates an extra thread and separates out the scheduling of mix engine tasks from actual mixing. On a system with lots of cores this can give you a slight improvement in balancing the workloads. How do you set CPU speed to fixed?
  21. Just uploaded a whole bunch of music from the show recorded on Day 4 of the NAMM show to the Bakers Channel here! All of this was recorded live at the show to 8 tracks in CbB. @Jon Sasor mixed all of this. Some interesting post production using drum replacer for some tracks where the kick drum recordings were weak.
  22. Mix scenes are referenced from the same project file so adding a new mix scene will dirty the project. The actual mix scenes are stored externally but the project file references them. You should always save your project after adding new mix scenes.
  23. The track control manager still exists. It can be access from the track view preset picker as shown in the pic. All settings from the track control manager are also saved with lenses so you can completely customize the track view controls and save a lens preset for it as well.
  24. @Gswitz Can you PM me a full description and recipe to reproduce this. Well look into it. Thanks!
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