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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. You're welcome and thanks to you for your suggestions about the instrument track changes in the inspector. I basically wired that up.
  2. Can you share a project or some way for us to reproduce this? We can try and fix it. FWIW while we did fix some copy/paste bugs in this release the main focus was on slip editing. If you know of a problem and its not something others are seeing its likely never going to get fixed unless you bring attention to it with a repro.
  3. That is correct. You need to update the software once every 6 months or so to renew the license. If nothing its one way to keep up to date with the hundreds of fixes that have come out since you installed.
  4. Hi folks, Most have probably seen that we have a new release out - see above link. It wasn't planned but it has ended up being one of the strongest releases since we started CbB - a fitting tribute to our one year anniversary! Not only did we finally do ARA2 which has been in planning for some time, but we tackled some tricky and long overdue improvements to editing in general. The bullets in the product announcement cover a lot of ground but I'll highlight a few notable improvements: Slip editing (cropping) and stretching clips is now far more robust for all data types (MIDI, audio and ARA clips). Edits are now managed accurately even when doing combinations of operations such as cropping followed by stretching or vice versa. Edits should also be preserved across undo and redo. Multi clip time stretching, an often requested feature, allows you to easily time stretch clips on multiple tracks by the same amount. Elastique time stretching is improved and sounds better. When using ARA clips there is a lot of new goodness especially with ARA 2 plugins. This is our biggest ARA refresh since 2013 when it was first implemented and there are numerous optimizations and improvements behind the scenes. If you have Melodyne you will notice that all edits like dragging or cropping and stretching clips now have real-time preview in Melodyne. This makes it easier to align with other tracks when editing. Track and clip selection are now fully mirrored via ARA 2 allowing Melodyne to follow your clips and track selection. You can set Melodyne to automatically hide and show blobs automatically based on your selection. It will also respond to renaming tracks and clips. There aren't any ARA plugins that respond to color yet but when available they will also respond to the track and clip colors in CbB. All ARA 2 clips now share a common view. So navigating across multiple clips is as simple as clicking on a clip. The view data in Melodyne will automatically change to track the selected clip. Is is a lot faster than double clicking clips to close and reopen a new view. Creating ARA regions as well as MIDI analysis is now more efficient and should be a bit quicker. The Gain knob in the Inspector controls either audio Input Gain or MIDI Velocity Offset for Instrument tracks. This allows you to independently control MIDI velocity for instrument tracks based on whether the Audio tab or MIDI tab is selected in the track inspector. Thanks to several forumites who suggested this useful feature. Playlist view has been widened to accommodate showing more text. Bug fixes: We fixed over 45 bugs this release alone! Not all are listed since some of them were related to the new features. We continue to prioritize making CbB as stable as possible. A small request. For each release we'd like to gather some feedback on how useful or stable it is for you. If you are so inclined please take a moment to rate the product release topic in the forum. (there is now a star rating at the top of the post) Thanks to you all for your support and we hope you enjoy 2019.05 and our upcoming releases this year!
  5. Actually that particular issue had nothing to do with ARA2. It was a tricky issue with order of operations leading to a race condition in Melodyne that happened to come to light while I was working with them on the ARA2 stuff. Celemony has an independent fix for this which is currently in beta. There are lots of general ARA fixes and optimizations in this release especially while editing and many preexisting issues were resolved.
  6. Yes there are plans for MIDI. Taking raw MIDI across is relatively easy but clearly preserving any sonic compatibility if the MIDI is triggering synths is problematic since BandLab has built in instruments and in CbB you could be running any number of VST instruments.
  7. "Please be aware that should you continue to use the discontinued version(s), you may be at risk of potential claims of infringement by third parties.”" This sounds to me that there is some legal issue with older versions and they are essentially washing their hands off the liability. I doubt anything would happen to actual consumers using old versions they bought but you never know with patent trolls.
  8. Correct but the user should still have access to command center and be able to download the last shipped version of Session Drummer. I updated my post to avoid confusion.
  9. Crashes in the VC runtimes doesn't mean the VC redist is at fault. Its normal for an operation from the C runtimes to be shown in the crash if the crash site is in that function. In this case its crashing in a memory copy function. That doesn't mean the bug is in that function specifically but that there is a faulty memory copy or that data is being overwritten.
  10. Hi @Shaade your dump file shows the crash was caused by a memory overwrite in Session drummer x64.dll and not in Cakewalk itself. Also you are running a really old version of Session Drummer dating back to 2009 and not the last version that was shipped with SONAR. The version you have is: SessionDrummer x64.dll *c:\program files\Cakewalk\vstplugins\Session Drummer 3\SessionDrummer x64.dll 12/3/2009 2:20 AM Please update to the latest from Command Center (you should still have access to this if you had SONAR earlier) since this is likely the root cause of your issues. Let us know if it resolves your issue. The current version is as shown in my screenshot.
  11. Can you please send me the minidump file for the crash so we can investigate?
  12. Please send me the minidump. The path should normally be shown when the crash occurs. If it's crashing inside Cakewalk we can normally see what operation causes it.
  13. If you share a link to the project file or the minidump file we can take a look.
  14. It's been double fixed I think you may see a fix from our end sooner however. I assume you are talking about the issue with MIDI analysis hanging Cakewalk and creating region effects sometimes skipping analysis. Thats what I am referring to. Any other fixes would have to come from Celemony.
  15. Thats the same issue that @Detwoen had and has been fixed some time ago. It will be in the next update.
  16. Not sure its the same. Yours was related to opening the normal template correct? That has indeed been fixed. The OP's issue is with a specific project file.
  17. @smoddelm if you have a copy of the problem project could you send us a link to download it and take a look?
  18. Hi @David A. White I'd be surprised if the metronome had anything to do with it since many use a count in while recording. As Jon asked what happens if you have the audio metronome selected but turn off the metronome count-in on recording? Do you have a different audio interface by any chance to try? We no longer have any TASCAM gear to test with.
  19. Send me a link to the project file and I'll see if it gets modified for me. BTW make sure you are running the latest release version since there was a bug fixed in the last release relating to this.
  20. I think the conversion happens once per file and then stays in a memory cache. I believe we cache upto 16 previews after which it will import again. The files are created whenever the source format is not native such as a different sample rate or a non wav file such as MP3. The temp files should be destroyed when the project is closed. Regarding the sample rate conversion popups on closing, thats some unintended stuff happening when closing the preview files. We can look into preventing that.
  21. Keep in mind that changing to offset mode itself doesn't change the existing mix in any way so there is no data loss. All it does is configure the mixer so that the gain controls now affect an "offset" gain stage on top of any existing levels you have. All offset gains starts out at unity so it will not affect your mix at all until you change something. Iow the normal gain staging and envelopes all stay intact. Offset mode is typically used to fine tune an existing mix which already has automation.
  22. Does it really sound like it is zeroed out or do the faders just look that way? The offset mode tip is a possibility. See if the volume values have a + next to them.
  23. To clarify, it has nothing to do with the edit filter showing Clip Gain. The problem is the way you were selecting data. You were selecting the ENVELOPE and not the clip and that caused the issue. As long as you click on the clip to select it before bouncing it makes no difference if the edit filter is showing clip gain. The keyboard shortcut will be automatically blocked since I'm disabling the command itself when there isn't a proper selection. In the problem case its really not doing a bounce to clip so the length is the track length. The change will be in the next release...
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