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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Um that's an ancient thread and if you read it all the issues have long since been resolved. Most of the issues were with sidechaining in VST2 which was ill defined and implemented differently by different vendors. If someone has an actual recipe to reproduce a crash with sidechaining we'll look into it,
  2. That's good. As I said in my original message BIOS updates require updates to your chipset drivers as well. Its not sufficient to flash the BIOS in many cases since there are software components that also need updating. When doing troubleshooting one has to be careful not to confuse a symptom with the problem. In this case running a bunch of apps and trying to draw a conclusion from that is not going to lead you to the answer because you are comparing applications that use vastly different API's and services. One app may interact with the component affected by the BIOS update and the other may not at all and therefor not show any visible symptom of the problem. Unlike many other cross platform DAW's Cakewalk has always been a native Windows application. Cross platform applications typically use a base set of Windows API's depending on the tools used to build the application. As a result they use fewer of the newer Windows API's and may not be affected by a system change. Cakewalk tends to use a lot of the new generation API's in Windows and as a result can be susceptible to latent system instability.
  3. Make sure the sample rate for new projects in audio preferences are set to same sample rate that the device is set to. Silence while playing can mean that the device didn't properly switch to the requested sample rate from the DAW. Many ASIO drivers do not support multi-client use so you must give the ASIO application exclusive use of the device when it is being used. In cakewalk the setting for this is in preferences | Audio | playback and recording | Suspend audio engine when Cakewalk not in focus What complicates it further is that different applications may try and use the audio driver using different driver modes. Windows will use WASAPI and try and share the device while you are using it in ASIO mode. This can cause a problem with some drivers if Windows is using it at 48k and the DAW is trying to use it at 44.1 if the audio interface doesnt support it. Some modern devices handle this without a problem if they handle true multiclient use but others have issues. The roland drivers definitely don't handle this well and I've even seen Focusrite devices have problems when another app tries to use the device (e.g youtube). RME on the other hand does this pretty seamlessly. Here is a thread discussing similar considerations.
  4. We have a fix for this issue that should be released soon.
  5. Check if there is a popup on screen hiding under something. Sometimes load appears stuck because its waiting for user input.
  6. The documentation is just requesting caution in case you ripple edit unknowingly and other track data moves around without you really wanting them to. I don't think its suggesting that the actual ripple edit behavior may be unexpected
  7. Its not solved because most likely nobody submitted a bug report with a recipe. We can look into it if you have some steps to repro it. Can you make it happen with one of the Cakewalk sidechain plugins such as sonitus compressor or CA-2A, or LP Multiband? I have not seen this crash personally.
  8. Roland drivers are not well behaved with automatic switching of sample rates. In fact some require manual intervention. If you are using ASIO and Windows simultaneously with the same device its a bit of a crapshoot since the ASIO device may be using the device at one sample rate while Windows will try it the default in Windows. I even had some issues with Focusrite in this regard. I solved it by setting windows to use the same sample rate that I was using in Cakewalk and so far its been fine. It also works pretty well with RME devices. But generally I would keep Windows independent from the device that you are using in ASIO mode and you should not have issues. There are many who are using the Quad Capture successfully in ASIO mode.
  9. Interesting that you just saw this. Its fixed for an upcoming hotfix I can send it to you if you are interested in testing it.
  10. Its probably something that intersects with the bios update and the latest (Microsoft) Windows 10 platform SDK that CbB uses is my best guess. But the fact that Platinum doesnt exhibit any obvious issue is interesting. Maybe you had cbb set up to use a different drive or different hardware or a control surface. There are no major differences in CbB that could exhibit such a drastic change otherwise. BTW you can always do a screen capture and look at it later to see what pop up messages were shown since those could have been a clue to whats wrong. Glad you were able to recover with a BIOS reflash however. BIOS updates don't always do the best thing (most changes are for new hardware additions or gaming support) and they sometimes require updates to your chipset drivers as well.
  11. You can use the step sequencer or the Matrix view to get something similar to BandLab's drum machine view
  12. Fast bounce now has better multiprocessing and uses another core to do the disk reading. It has some moderate gains in speed depending on the project. On a disk bound project I got about a 30 second gain on something that would normally take about 2.5 minutes. It really depends on the project however.
  13. Looks like the help text is out of date. We'll update it. Thanks for the heads up...
  14. The notification for updates in CbB are completely independent from BA. We report on updates to CbB itself not updates for BA.
  15. Can you upload and share the project you are trying to bounce with me? You can send a shorter version as long as the problem is reproducible. Please PM the link to me.
  16. I've determined why IK multimedia plugins are not compatible. They are not properly handling being bounced asynchronously. I'll implement a workaround. Anyone else seeing start screen issues? Not seeing any issues with start screen on Windows 10 here.
  17. Thanks for your reply. I just downloaded the demo of MODO bass and I was able to reproduce this issue. I'll investigate it. Not seeing any issues with the start screen however. What version of Windows are you running?
  18. @siordanescu and @Detwoen are you sure that the issue with modo bass is new to this release? What is the symptom of the problem? Regarding quadcurve EQ it always defaults to off. You have to turn it on for it to work in the ProChannel.
  19. Mix scenes do indeed store all the plugin settings (both effects bin and prochannel) for all tracks. So restoring a mix scene will restore the effects for that track.
  20. Yes that is the latest release that just got posted! Details will follow shortly.
  21. Mix scenes are per project since they contain data which is specific to tracks and buses in the project. However if you have a project that contains the SAME tracks from the original project that the scenes were created from, you should be able to import a scene from the old project. To do that, drag and drop the original mix scene file into the new project. If the tracks match it should import and apply.
  22. @Daniel Vrangsinn and @Bartosz Gajdarskican you please send me a link to a project including the audio folder that we can use to repro this? Zip the folder and upload it to something like Google drive or Dropbox. Also the dump file from the crash if possible. Most likely there is something corrupt in one of the clips but we should be able to handle the issue once we know what causing it.
  23. We aren't supporting offline help presently. It was likely an oversight that that option was migrated.
  24. Laptops are always tricky to configure and doing 32 tracks live requires stable performance. On a factory laptop like that I'm not sure there is much you can do to fine tune. Based on the specs it seems like recording 32 tracks of 24 bit audio shouldn't tax the CPU much at all. If its dropping out chances are high its something else besides CPU use leading to the dropout. Would be hard for me to say without running an instrumented build. The tracks Live app doesn't do much more than recording and is likely optimized for recording with the waves grid so it doesn't surprise me that its more fault tolerant with their system. Since networking drivers are at play as well there are more moving parts. Have you tried any other full blown DAW's on that system yet? I don't know much about WavesGrid. Is there any way to test recording the system without using it networked?
  25. I assume that you have already tried playing with the playback and record buffer sizes in Audio - Sync and Caching? Googling that laptop shows some people had thermal issues with it. Is it possible you are overheating that that it is going into some sort of thermal throttling?
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