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  1. Thank you Noel! I am exited to be a new member ?
  2. Hey Brain, thanks! Yea i can imagine when your a die hard Sonar user this was a very strange but beautiful move from Cakewalk and Bandlab. And i can totally see why this is your DAW of choice. I am also glad to pay money for my tools, but that this is free is nuts and so cool, also became the best to recommend for people who are getting started and also for collaborating with people. Your thoughts on Chord Track and bridging the gap... that exactly ?- 100% agree!!
  3. Features, yea exactly that's a good point, and i am going to chek out the tempo track and v.i up sampling!! Awesome stuff thanks. I tried my Soundtoys 5, IK Studio Max 2 and some McDSP, Plugin Alliance and Cableguys stuff no problems for me so far luckily ? ?
  4. Thanks Starship Krupa, I took a look at the change log and wow that's so nice to see them working so hard at this! Yea the matrix view and Drum Maps look cool, ill have to do some experimenting with those thanks. The function i was talking about is for changing the scale of all the notes on the fly, but i discovered the midi option's with ''snap to scale'' that's already pretty cool... Yea totally agree this is a very mature DAW and the developers really rock! Such a cool thing thanks for your awesome reply, count me in as a new user!
  5. Hey guys, I wanted to show my support for Cakewalk by Bandlab.. I was never a Cakewalk user, but now that its free i was tempted to download and try it out. The main DAW's i spend a lot of personal time with in the past are: Cubase, Studio one and Reason. I really feel now that Cakwalk is free, everybody should know about it, and that its a fully fledged 30 years in the making DAW! And anybody would be nuts spending a lot of money if they can all have it for free. (Exept if you are after a particular function in a DAW that Cakewalk does not have) But for general recording/producing/mixing... Cakewalk rocks just as hard as the payed one's and on some point even better. I know its free and i cant ask for anything because this is already so cool as it is... but i think some extra bling bling feature would persuade new user to go this route instead of the payed one's. If you guys could integrate something like Studio One has, with the circle of fifths and chord track.. i think something like that will make it stand out more.. I really hope Bandlab can attract a lot of users and keep this going i love it. Thanks!!
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