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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. April 24, 2021: Voxengo SPAN version 3.11 update is now available for download. SPAN is a free real-time “fast Fourier transform” audio spectrum analyzer plugin for professional music and audio production applications. SPAN is available in AudioUnit, AAX, VST, and VST3 plugin formats, for macOS and Windows computers. https://www.voxengo.com/product/span/?eref=ml The list of changes in version 3.11: · Added Apple Silicon native compatibility. · Added 1/48 octave spectrum smoothing option. · Improved spectrum smoothing precision. · Enabled the "asynchronous drawing" window mode on macOS; may fix the user interface "lagging". · The "Copy to" button is now called the "Copy": this button now copies parameters FROM the selected group, NOT TO the selected group. This should improve the workflow. · Improved font rendering slightly. SPAN provides you with a very flexible “mode” system which you can use to setup your spectrum analyzer preferences. You may specify Fourier block size in samples, FFT window overlap percentage, spectrum's visual slope. Beside that you can choose to display secondary spectrum of a desired type (e.g. real-time maximum, all-time maximum). Spectrum can be smoothed out visually for an easier examination. SPAN features: · Output signal power statistics · Spectrum smoothing · User interface window resizing · Clipping statistics · Correlation meter · EBU R128 LUFS/LU metering · K-metering · Stereo and multi-channel analysis · Mid/side analysis · Internal channel routing · Channel grouping · Preset manager · Undo/redo history · A/B comparisons · Contextual hint messages · All sample rates support · Retina and HighDPI support Voxengo SPAN and other pro audio plugins can be downloaded at the Voxengo web site: https://www.voxengo.com/product/span/?eref=ml
  2. I bought my PA version for $69 on March 13th. So we'll see what happens...
  3. Hopefully I won't be looking back on this in June and regretting buying this when I did...
  4. Did the same several days ago - no reply yet.
  5. LOL, my bad. ? I didn't even notice the 2020 date! I made my $0 purchase, got my license, installed it & activated it - so for the moment everything is working.
  6. Mis-read? It's April, May 4 is 10 days away.
  7. "We’ve extended Balancer’s availability until May 4,2020."
  8. Click on one of the instrument submenus and see if it opens, then try your scrolling again, but slower than what being shown in the video clip as you're scrolling too fast for a menu with dynamic content to refresh.
  9. Time is a precious commodity and once wasted cannot be reclaimed.
  10. +1. did same thing as well. I don't care for Arturia's bait & switch marketing. I would have jumped on the $19 deal if they had been straight up about it (if for no other reason than to thank them for the free synth update), but now I'll end up passing. Don't waste my time forcing me to hunt for information so that I can understand what your giving vs what you're selling.. If it's a charged item tell me upfront & link your audio demos to same information page. If you enable me to make a quick informed decision - I might reward you with an impulse buy even if I'm not that impressed by what you're offering. As it is your patch demos would have had to impress the hell out of me to overcome my frustration and on that count they miserably failed.
  11. Gawd, what a pain in the @ss to get the correct download for the Helix Native plugin. Here's a direct link to the the Helix Native 3.10 VST installer - you may have to be logged onto their site for it to work https://line6.com/getrelease?rid=10458&uid=16986
  12. Guess I haven't been tossing enough $$ to PA over the last couple of months, no voucher this month. If anyone has a $25 voucher they can spare let me know.
  13. As mentioned by @michheld in an earlier post they seem the same except CA2A having a VST-interface and a sidechain option. On the CA-2A there's a button to bring up options, on the PC2A you have to right click on the module.
  14. When I try to insert PC2A I get this... and I can't register it - the webpage that the Register button takes me to doesn't accept my password or let me change it. I do have the CA-2ALevelingAmplifier_64 module... Edit: Rebooted and while I still get the same error with the PC2A - now the CA-2A is again showing up as a ProChannel module and it works.
  15. During mic month the Re20 was going for around $300, still regret not grabbing one then.
  16. Now if only they had a cheap upgrade from the 6050...
  17. Yes, someday they may offer me $1 off if I already own their synth.
  18. and having the synth does not get you a discount on the suite... at least it hasn't so far.
  19. v1.91 has been released... Download link for update and/or trial: https://www.soundtheory.com/support Soundtheory Gullfoss Changelog Known issues •None v1.9.1 (2021-04-13) •Fixed an issue that could lead to a crash in Wavelab 10. •Fixed an error in detection of the sidechain channel count. •Added user preference for default gain axis scaling. v1.9.0 (2021-03-25) •Added Gullfoss Live for low latency processing •Added sidechain input for Gullfoss and Gullfoss Live. •Added graph view dB scaling. •Improved audio quality for extra transparency. •Reduced CPU consumption. •Increased screen brightness. •Fixed a possible cause for instability. •Many small bug fixes for improved host compatibility. •[MAC] Fixed possible cause for audio unit validation errors. v1.8.2 (2021-01-28) •[MAC] Fixed a temporary deadlock when running under Rosetta and Logic. •[MAC] Fixed crash in Ableton Live when trial has run out. v1.8.1 (2020-11-28) •[MAC] Fixed an issue with the VST/VST3 plug-ins which would getblacklisted in Cubase.v1.
  20. Please update initial post... Gullfoss is now on sale! AVAILABLE NOW WITH 30% OFF UNTIL 28 APRIL! https://www.soundtheory.com/home
  21. https://www.jrrshop.com/gforce-virtual-string-machine-expansion-combo
  22. But what about the music software that is ******?
  23. SaviHost v1.43 update released https://www.hermannseib.com/english/savihost.htm Great app for quickly & easily testing or licensing VSTs. V1.43 ===== Release Date: 2021-04-03 Changes: - MIDI Controller dialog didn't display controller names correctly in the VS2008 builds - Increased MIDI Input Device number to 4 (somebody came up with a perfectly rational explanation why this would be a good idea ? - VST3 enhancements - Donation dialog is only shown once per version, not once per version and PlugIn as in previous versions - if a loaded USB MIDI device is detached and reattached, SAVIHost automatically reconnects to it (experimental, but works fine for me) Requires drivers that support DRV_QUERYDEVICEINTERFACE (not all do) - MIDI->Parameter and Parameter->MIDI added - Wave device names ending in blank characters caused problems; should be corrected - JUCE 5-generated VST3 PlugIns couldn't start - Donate dialog is a web browser window now - Int32MSB16/18/20/24 and Int32LSB16/18/20/24 ASIO sample types work better now - ASIO driver unloading didn't release buffers before closing; corrected (funny that it took about 15 years until I came across a driver that reacts badly to that) - Cursor Up/Down/Left/Right didn't work on the keyboard bar; corrected - /noavrt command line option added (automatically set if running in a WINE environment, as this would kill SAVIHost otherwise) - VST3 PlugIn Editor context menu corrected - Status bar didn't resize correctly for very narrow PlugIns From Hermann Seib's review on KVRaudio: https://www.kvraudio.com/product/savihost-by-hermann-seib
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