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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. @cclarry Shouldn't the subject of thread be changed so as to prevent heartbreak among your fans?
  2. Looks like they've reduced prices - maybe as part of a July 4th sale yet to be announced(?) New prices... Update from Pro 7 is $63.99 Update from Pro 6 is $79.99 Updates from earlier versions are $159.99 For @cclarry still free.
  3. I've gotten de-ranged as I've gotten older... though the extent is a matter of opinion.
  4. The libraries are very versatile. For example I picked up Evolution Texas Twang last group buy and thought I'd rarely, if ever, use it - but I've used it several times recently and it may end up being my togo OTS lib. With the built in amp sim (sorry I'm not more descript but I'm out of town away from my DAW) it definitely works for R&R / progressive rock and sits great in a mix.
  5. @chris.r thanks for clarification. Cudos to Greg of OTS for his generous attitude. and apologies to the Mighty @Fleer for doubting your posting.
  6. Sorry Mighty Fleer but I don't think that is accurate, but if so please share where that info is printed. As printed on https://www.orangetreesamples.com/group-buy "you can modify your order at any time during the group buy." which also includes dropping out, as you can just click on the x by your item to drop it. But once the sign-up period ends you're committed to pay for something: "You can change your group buy order at any point, even after the group buy has ended (as long you joined the group buy by committing to purchase at least one library)." So you can change your order after the signup period but you are committed to purchase something. Let me know which item your neighbor's cat ends up paying for... This is a great sale and there's plenty to purr about. BTW if I recall correctly on the last group buy OTS hit the max level early and he opened payment options. During the remaining signup period I was able to purchase an item then use the Orange Slices that purchase generated on a subsequent purchase added to the still active group buy. Don't know if things have been modified to prevent this kind of double dipping but it worked out great for me last time even though it drained my funds.
  7. Musician's Friend Stupid Deal of the Hour No idea how these rate but thought someone might be interested. AKG K52 Closed-Back Headphones with Professional Drivers Was: Regular Price $49.99 Savings: Your Savings $20.00 Your Price $29.99 https://www.musiciansfriend.com/stupid?source=3TPAFMBC&dtm_em=694d0e5fec6261e407dd76061b4ffd3f BTW if you miss the 'hour', as long as its still today, just place item in your cart and you'll see the sale price at checkout.
  8. Ditto on that (and the 'may') - it would be the last OTS lib (currently offered) that I would think of acquiring. I don't have Angelic Keys and frankly have no interest in it, not my cup of tea...
  9. Over 1/3 of the way in less than a day... I'd be surprised if they don't hit the mark with time to spare.
  10. Banjo is the only OT guitar I don't have as well...
  11. Spectrasonics is pretty much on top off fixen bugs that they are aware of. So as long as someone somewhere has filed a bug report it should get fixed sooner than later.
  12. You really don't know how good or bad an amp sim is until you've tried it with your axe & rig. I've found that guitar, pickup(s) used, audio interface/D.I., playing technique and gain staging prior to amp sim have a tremendous effect on how good or bad an amp sim plugin can sound. The Line6 Amp Farm tones for example turn crappy if the level is hot where as with other sims that level is not hot enough.
  13. Good enough reason for me to avoid their products in the future.
  14. It looks like it has possibilities. I picked it up. I'm out of state dealing with a family issue so I'm not going to have a chance to even break the shrink wrap, so to say, for possibly a couple of weeks, but look forward to checking it out.
  15. This topic was originally posted by Larry when the deal came out:
  16. Jut a reminder if anyone was on the fence about this... Use code ORB30 https://www.orb-composer.com/shop/#ae1
  17. Today, June 17th, is the last day that the Orb Producer Suite is on sale (with 30% discount code) for 69 euros... Is that a good price for nonupgrade entry purchase?
  18. Possibly. After reviewing the audio demos I could find on line I decided that the AAS Stringsis sufficient if not superior so I'm punting as well.
  19. Pretty much... Debating on picking this up myself. With Image-line dropping direct sales of VSTs don't know if this will popup again on sale. From Sweetwater site:
  20. Wusikstation was one of my early major purchases. Haven't used it in a while but used it a lot for a period of time. Wusikstation has a great GM bank. There are a number of other diamonds buried among the mass quantities of meh. If you got more time than money and money is dear it's a great buy for $27.
  21. Please don't do that. Nobody kids around here except a couple of the old goats who hang around this forum (pun intended). Everything thing we do is deadly serious and there have been casualties. Also Frank does have an anger management issues so it's safer to be someone else when surreptitiously posting.
  22. ? You don't need a laser guided nuclear missile to solve most issues; but sometimes having one can come in handy... If you can get past the interface Melda's stuff is pretty powerful.
  23. ah man, now you tell me. I checked and I could have saved: $0 Just thinking of all the freebies i could have spent that on is breaking my heart...
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