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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. "PA Announce Gigperformer 4 to be released in June" Actually that's GigPerformer's update announcement. Maybe I missed it but I haven't seen a word from PA about GP4.
  2. I like Sonokinetic's stuff. 40% off on the Watchmaker https://www.sonokinetic.net/products/instruments/thewatchmaker/ comes to €17.94 The extra 10% it adds to the discount (40% to 50% to 60%) not only makes it a freebie when combined with one of the €249 or €299 libs but reduces the price of those libs lower than if you had left the Watchmaker out. They'll probably catch on at some point and eliminate the Watchmaker as a deal item...
  3. So... your East West went South? I guess I'll hold off updating...
  4. I got nutin from Tracktion guess I missed out on that action so I lack the satisfaction of the 'I got it FREE!!" reaction would I have used it? I dunno but that's sometimes how it'll go if I had Biotek this might have been a song now it's just a poem that ran too long....
  5. Thanks, look interesting.. From web page: What is it? This tube preamp emulation has been developed Philipp Bulling as a thesis work. Philipp has been offering the plugin in VST format for some time on his own website. He has now moved on to new areas for some time already but didn’t want to let down his users. Hence, DDMF took over the code and will continue to offer the plugin as freeware, with the intent to further improve it and maybe add some more bells and whistles in the future.
  6. New Features & Improvements: Up to 7 times more processing power with the new multicore engine that processes each band on a separate core. New DSP workload meter that displays the DSP activity and CPU load. Added MIDI control support (MIDI CC messages) for Next and Previous Preset commands, with MIDI learn. Reduced time to load the MB-7 Mixer or any built-in plug-in. Multiple DSP performance improvements. Level meters and spectrum analyzers are not updated anymore when the user interface is closed, reducing CPU usage. Reduced the number of threads used by the plug-in. Improved global and preset settings window loading time on Windows. Added ability to select the plug-in to load when a shell plug-in file is dragged and dropped onto a slot. Full unicode support. Preset files can now be dropped onto the preset LCD area to be loaded. Native Apple M1 version available as a preview. Fixes: Fixed host loop end value not properly passed to hosted plug-ins, for the VST2 version. Fixed several crashes upon load for multiple third party plug-ins (mostly VST3). Fixed MIDI control for hosted plug-ins not always working when fed with silence. Fixed VST3 (and sometimes VST) version freezing Ableton Live upon save on Windows. Fixed harmonizer and Pitch Shifter built-in plug-ins that did not always flush their buffer upon bypass (short sounds could be heard when getting out of bypass)
  7. For those who will ask: Please note, you must own the full version of Cthulhu to make use of the chord progression presets.
  8. ditto ?, I'm not crazy about the current Fender headstock either.
  9. Klevgrand has some interesting plugins and great sales from time to time (this is not one of them) so it's worth getting on their mailing list - subscribe option at bottom of brusfri web page.
  10. Lol - sorry Larry. I looked but must have been suffering from 'Iwannapostsomething' blindness and missed it. I should have run a search on the forum. Your welcome to delete this thread.
  11. TheSteven


    I don't know the details so I can't comment on specifics but they may be good reasons for wanting to maintain a separate identity. I try to keep my day gig and audio related interests and endeavors isolated. I lost a major IT job a couple of years back with a new tech company because the investor backing the firm felt with my involvement in audio that I didn't have enough commitment to the field.
  12. TheSteven


    A good reminder that if you really like a developers products support them, buy something or make a donation. Most small developers never make a profit, it's a labor of love. and sometimes in the end love costs too much.
  13. Brusfri (by Klevgrand) v1.2.1 update available (update is free but not othewise a deal) IMHO Brusfri works better on some materials than similar products by other companies. "Brusfri is a highly advanced audio noise reducer, packed into a simple and straight-forward interface. It is very well suited for cleaning up noisy audio recordings, while retaining sound quality. Unlike many other noise reducers on the market, Brusfri doesn’t mess with audio phasing to suppress noise (a technique that often comes with audible side effects). Instead, multiple fine-tuned gates are used to silence unwanted noise." https://klevgrand.se/products/brusfri Klevgrand has some interesting plugins and great sales from time to time (this is not one of them) so it's worth getting on their mailing list - subscribe option at bottom of brusfri web page.
  14. TheSteven

    PSP Xenon

    More Info on PSP Xenon https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/psp-xenon
  15. Posted earlier, but this post is an excellent reminder! Don't know if it's still working but here's a direct link to the the Helix Native 3.10 VST installer - you may have to be logged onto their site for it to work https://line6.com/getrelease?rid=10458&uid=16986
  16. https://www.pluginguru.com/products/unify-standard/ Ilio update link: https://www.ilio.com/unify-updates This is a FREE UPDATE to all existing customers! Version 1.5 adds the following new abilities to Unify: Auto-Save up to the last 10 patches you edited (click Revert button to see the recall list of patches) Easily get back a patch you lost by clicking a button and changing patches by accident. “Are You Sure?” question when changing patches – only happens if the patch has been edited but some plugins “dirty” the patch when loaded so this question could pop up often – which is why it is OFF by default. Turn it on via the Settings page. Browser Always Open – On by default – open settings, back to main page, the Browser now is still open! Softube software compatibility with VST2 and AU plug-ins (not VST3) Also includes optimizations and fixes reported by our customers!
  17. I sent a PM to Drew via his KVR account "Amberience" https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=6234 He will need your: > FXpansion username > Product serial number(s) > inMusic Profile username
  18. Got my Z Pack replacement serial from Drew. Its currently downloading now. When upgrading to InMusic BFD I did not have to reinstall/download the core BFD set, only the update; it linked to the previous BFD 3 installation.
  19. or Newfangled: Elevate Mastering Bundle (contains all 3 Newfangled VSTs) https://www.eventideaudio.com/support/product/10599/installers Newfangled: Equivocate https://www.eventideaudio.com/support/downloads/equivocate-mac https://www.eventideaudio.com/support/downloads/equivocate-win Newfangled: Punctuate https://www.eventideaudio.com/support/product/13048/installers Newfangled: Saturate https://www.eventideaudio.com/support/product/13048/installers
  20. I'm still waiting for them to come out with the 64bit version of Vanguard that they promised was coming...
  21. This is as big, in terms of content, as I can make CV-1 on my system - won't hold any more modules either width wise or height wise. Some of the module are not connected because I took the largest patch I could find and started throwing modules on to see what the limit was. VST screen is 1915x1303 pixels.
  22. Did you mess with the panel controls and the sizing thumb at the bottom right hand corner? You might have to play with it a little to get it to expand fully but that's something AAS will tweak in an update. This looks pretty large to me... the top section is my 2560x1080 screen at 100% scaling. I cut off about a 1/3 of the right side of the screen so conceivably it could hold even more modules. Edit: I see now that you are referring to scaling when you say resize - yes, that feature CV-1 does not currently have. So on a small 4k screen at 100% scaling text might be small but wouldn't the same apply to Cakewalk? Looks like they are both using close to same size font.
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