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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. That's the first thing I thought as well.... Maybe let XLN know....
  2. You can enter negative time in the time+ field in the MIDI track’s inspector and it is respected. I do this all the time for sounds where the peak of the sound comes after the actual trigger time. I usually use values between -80 and -40 ticks (typed in manually or via CAL script). To test it once, I used a really large value and the trigger time was definitely before the actual event time as placed in the MIDI track.
  3. On a properly configured Windows PC, that is definitely not normal behaviour. I am assuming that you go to CbB's help menu, select “Sign in to Bandlab” and only sign in from that resultant browser screen. Any other method will not work. I use the latest Firefox as my Windows 10 22H2 default browser, am connected to the internet 24/7, and I never get repeated requests to activate CbB.
  4. Have you confirmed that RFX Nexus can respond to Program changes. If so, then, for best results with program changes, use the VTS2 version (some plugins do not respond to VST3 program changes even if enabled in the plugin). If RFX Nexus can respond to Program changes, do these preset changes happen quickly? Being a romper, when changing sounds in Nexus, there will be a delay while waiting for the samples to load.
  5. Reinstall your Vdist runtimes. See: (Scroll down to X64) https://learn.microsoft.com/en-au/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170
  6. Just to confirm, that there is no padlock next to the screenset you are using? (I have one here because I want this screenset to stay put)
  7. Maybe edit the thread title to add the word "Solved"
  8. Ideally you should not have any of these issues when saving projects. In last 30 years of using Cakewalk, I have just saved projects to a folder with no read errors, no read only stuff. It just works. Something funky must be going on with your PC. Even though, even this should not be necessary, what happens if you run Cakewalk as administrator? Failing that, maybe drop a note to Cakewalk support (though not really being a Cakewalk issue per-see, they may say so) https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Another way out there option: Because you are running Japanese Windows, maybe your Cakewalk by Bandlab also needs to be set to Japanese? Preferences - Customisation - Display > Language
  9. Do you have another drive other than the C:\ drive you can save your projects to?
  10. Do you have any Antivirus software (including Windows defender). Are all of your folders used by Cakewalk excluded from all scans (including that c:\tomorrow folder)
  11. Yeah I would definitely lose those exclamation marks.
  12. What language and locale is your Windows set to?
  13. No I don't think so either. You might want to contact support. Make sure you mention that another Sonar user has also confirmed this issue. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  14. Track zoom level is one of those settings stored in a Screenset. Have you, by any chance, locked your screenset. If you lock the screenset you are using, and then change the Track zoom level, the Track zoom level will not return to what you set it to when the project is reloaded. Note: Every project uses at least one Screenset.
  15. Maybe try this https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/fix-problems-that-block-programs-from-being-installed-or-removed-cca7d1b6-65a9-3d98-426b-e9f927e1eb4d
  16. That sounds like a corrupted Windows issue, not a cakewalk issue. It could even be a hardware issue. How long has this been happening? Are there any events in the Windows Event Logs that might point to a clue. Maybe try a system restore to the time before this started happing. You might also want to check your system drive for any corruption - again, there may be entries in the Windows System Event logs that may indicate this. One other thing to check is that Windows updates have all installed to completion and you have rebooted. I am assuming you have performed a full backup of your project data. Other may have more suggestions.
  17. Update or Reinstall your Vdist Runtimes (Scroll down to X64) Note: The latest version is 14.42.34430. You appear to have 14.32.31332 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-au/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170
  18. Arturia moves in mysterious ways..
  19. I definitely have not got ASIO4All or any of its variants installed. I am putting this issue on my PC down to an issue with the latest Focusrite drivers. As mentioned, on my pc, the 2020 Focusrite beta drivers does not exhibit this issue - and I have no issues with these drivers on my old rig.
  20. I still can't see your MIDI channel of your MIDI track (underneath the MIDI FX bin). Note: That “in/out” that is set to Omni that I can see is the MIDI channel from your MIDI controller that the track responds to when playing live or recording. If your MIDI track’s MIDI channel is set to “None“, that the MIDI channels of the events themselves determine the MIDI channel sent to the Triton plugin. The Triton plugin might expect the MIDI data to be sent on a specific MIDI channel (probably channel 1). You have some MIDI events set to MIDI Channel 2. This may be be why they are not sounding. Wrong MIDI channel. Other plugins may not require MIDI data to be sent on a specific MIDI channel, because may be set to respond to any MIDI channel (a setting in the plugin itself). That's why the MIDI data is sounding on these other plugins. The solution here might be to set MIDI channel of your Triton Simple Instrument Track (SIT) to 1. This will override any MIDI channels that your MIDI events are set to in the MIDI track. As mentioned, I alway set SITs and MIDI tracks to specific MIDI channels. This give me control of the MIDI data that those MIDI tracks are sending on. Also, in Preferences - File - Initialisation File (Advanced), I add the option RechannelMIDI=1. That way, when I bounce clips in that track, The MIDI channels of all the events in that MIDI track get changed to the MIDI channel that the MIDI track (or SIT) itself is set to. This becomes important when you want to edit Controller lane events.
  21. What channel is the MIDI track set to (if any)? Can you show us the contents of that MIDI clip using the Event List View. To me this looks like a MIDI channel issue. Personally, I set my MIDI tracks or SITs to a specific MIDI track rather than “none”.
  22. With Focusrite devices (or at least the 2nd gen 2i2 and the 3rd gen 8i6), if I start Cakewalk or Sonar while playing audio though my browser (Firefox), I get a half a second interruption in the audio. However, this seems to only happen with their later drivers. This is why I am still on the 2020 Focusrite beta drivers (see sig). This particular version does not experience this interruption. Also, with the latest Focusrite drivers, if I have a standalone synth open that uses ASIO mode, and I start Cakewalk or Sonar, Cakewalk or Sonar does not see the Focusrite 8i6 audio interface at all. If I want to run Cakewalk or Sonar and a standalone synth, I have to start Cakewalk or Sonar first, then start the standalone synth. Again, this does not occur with the 2020 Focusrite beta drivers. I never really reported this to Cakewalk as I just put this down to the Focusrite drivers and live with it (staying on the 2020 Focusrite beta drivers that is)
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