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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Check your TTSseq.ini file for a SendLocalOff=1 entry in the in the [Options] section. If there is one in there or if there is no SendLocalOff entry, change (or add) it to SendLocalOff=0 You might also need to ad a SendLocalOn=1 in the same section This file is in the "%APPDATA%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core" folder Make sure CbB is closed and copy the file before editing. Another thing to look to check is that there might be some sysex data that is being sent when you open the file. Check the Sysex view to see if any are present and if they are set to Auto send.
  2. I would say if not familiar with end markers, then you would not have entered one. Also, I had another think. If it was an End Marker, you would not end with wave file data at zero after the drop out. The duration of the resultant wave file would be up to the time stamp of the end marker. You say that here isn't any plugin or track that kicks in right at this mark. However, are there any plugins at all in the project? What happens if you export with Track FX and Bus FX disabled?
  3. Now that you are using a Focusrite 2i2, have you set your driver mode to ASIO. This is in Preferences - Audio - Playback and Recording Note: I do not do Zoom.
  4. Yes, that would do it. I was going to point out that you can set these track parameters parameters with a CAL script. The above would definitely set the key and time to zero of all MIDI tracks less than 256 to zero. You would have to remember not to accidentally save the CWP file and exit with the zero offset intact - you would lose any offsets previously set. Maybe do an undo after running this script (and saving the MIDI) before resuming with your project. If you were to use a CAL script to set the time offset to a non zero value, the value would only be in ticks. If you want milliseconds, you would still have to set the unit of time for each track one by one. Still a good and useful work around though. I am so glad that Sonar still allows the loading and execution of CAL scripts (and Studioware Panels for that matter)
  5. Sounds like a good feature request. (same with Key+) You might want to consider posting this here: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/forum/8-feedback-loop/
  6. I know this has been mentioned, but can you confirm and double check that there is no "End Marker" present in the project. CbB would ignore this if present.
  7. What you might want to do is set each MIDI track tthat is routed to the modx+8 it's own MIDI channel. When you insert a MIDI track in Cakewalk, its MIDI channel is set to “none” by default. This means that the MIDI channel sent is determined by the events themselves. When you set a MIDI track 's MIDI channel, all MIDI events contained in the MIDI track will be sent on that channel instead of the MIDI channel of each event. I also send MIDI data to an external 16 part multi-timbral playback device. For my MIDI only projects, I have had 16 MIDI tracks routed to an external 16 part multi-timbral playback device (a Yamaha SW1000XG), all set to specific MIDI channels (1 to 16 respectively).
  8. Preferences > MIDI > Instruments and click “Define”. I dialogue box will appear. You can import your sx700 instrument definition file there. See: http://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=CakewalkSonar&language=3&help=Instrument_Defs.03.html In regards tempo and time signature in MIDI files, these will be present when you open a MIDI file rather than importing them. There will always be an initial tempo and time signature. If there are no automation on the tempo track, then the initial tempo should show in the transport module. You might also find it in the
  9. Set a Global keybinding to “Select Loop Region” (I have set ALT+L) < this will set your selection markers to match your loop markers. Select the track you wish to split Set your selection markers to match your loop markers > because I have set the above keybinding, I would press ALT+L Right click on that selected track > Split Select “Split at Selection”
  10. As per title. Don’t forget to add GROUP at checkout to reduce the price ever further. https://www.jrrshop.com/celemony?dir=desc&order=special_from_date
  11. Did you install the updated Vdist runtimes over the top or did you uninstall the Vdist runtimes, then reinstall them?
  12. I am thinking it wouldn't. https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/12972701353757-Notes-about-Auto-Migration-of-Kontakt-Versions-in-DAW-Projects In there it states: "IMPORTANT: Auto-migration only works with the latest versions of Cubase 12 (and higher), Nuendo 12 (and higher), Logic Pro 10.8 (and higher), Pro Tools 12.3 (and higher) and Maschine 2.16.0 (and higher). Do not try to perform the auto-migration on other DAWs! And do not perform auto-migration if you are still working on your project!"
  13. Leave K6 installed. The K6 presets will not automatically move to K7.
  14. Depends on which “'migration tool”' you are referring to. Can you elaborate.
  15. Can we please have a feature that, when selected, can open a dialogue box that lists all Remote Controls (and what they are mapped to) in a given project. Currently, if one sets remote controls for parameters, then only way to know if any are present is to right click on a single parameter and then see if “Remove Remote Control” is enabled. If it is enables then one knows there is one configured for that parameter. It does not tell you what is mapped to what. You actually have to open the “remote control” dialogue box.
  16. Use groups and remote control on the Input echos. I tested it here in CbB and it works fine. As a test, I performed the following. (Took me about 1 minute). I created two SITs - one with Arturia Piano V3 and the other with Arturia Juno 6. I grouped the input Echos of both SITs and set them to Custom. The start value and end value of the piano were set to 0 and 1 and the juno 6 were set to 1 and 0. I mapped CC74 to remote control on the piano’s input Echo. I was then able to switch between the Piano and the Juno 6 by moving the CC74 knob on my PCR-800 while playing live. http://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x20982 http://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x20183
  17. Personally, I would ditch the Behringer UMC 22 interface and replace it with a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (or some other Audio Interface) that comes with native ASIO drivers) . Then you will be able to reliably use ASIO. If you do this, I am fairly confident all your issues will evaporate over night.
  18. Looks like something did go wrong with the installation of your Dimension libraries I have the complete list of DSF Ensoniq prog files installed here - including the single prog file that points to (and loads correctly) the ACCORDION.sfz file On my PC, the DSF Ensoniq prog files are under my ".....\Sonar resources\Rapture Pro\Programs" folder
  19. That is how Dimension Pro works. The Prog files are the actual presets. The Presets load the SFZ file into one of the the elements. Rapture Pro works the same way. In Rapture Pro, If you want to load a single SFZ file, initialise the preset and load the required SFZ file into an element. Dimension Pro might have a similar method. Can't test as I have Rapture Pro and uninstalled Dimension Pro. I just did a test in Rapture Pro. I loaded ACCORDION.sfz (from the ..\Rapture Pro\Multisamples\Digital Sound Factory Ensoniq CDR-1 folder) into an initialised Rapture Pro preset's element and it loaded (and played) fine.
  20. Are you going to the Cakewalk by Bandlab help menu and logging on from the resultant screen. That is the only log on screen that will activate Cakewalk by Bandlab. If you are still having issue then maybe flick an email to support@cakewalk.com. Do this if you need a password reset.
  21. Just tried it here... no debugger message here.
  22. Yeah, 30 gig per piano - 240 gig all up..... for me, that's a hard pass. $99/99€ might be a good deal monetarily. However, drive space is also a currency when it comes to plugins. 240gig is quite a high price, especially when I could probably achieve a similar result as Pianoverse with the stuff I already have. I have Sampletank Max (with their pianos), Arturia Piano V3, Arturia Fragments, Melda's MComplete, Immersive Black Hole or Mturboreverb (for those really lush long reverbs). Even if Pianoverse was free, I still would not bite. I do agree that a physical modelled piano from IKM would be more tempting...... (Would compete with Arturia Piano V3 and Pianoteq)
  23. That's quite strange. I can use Modo Bass 2.0.3 in Cakewalk by Bandlab. With out looking up the previous thread, what issue did you have with Modo Bass 2.0.3 in Cakewalk by Bandlab?
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