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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Are all of your MIDI tracks inputs set to specific MIDI channels and MIDI devices other than “all”. Are all MIDI outs of any vsti plugin deselected?
  2. Velocities are set per note as part of the MIDI note on event data packet. If you are using the PC keyboard, then the note velocities would be a constant value because your PC keyboard cannot generate velocity information in the same was a MIDI controller can. Velocity is actually how hard (or fast) each key is pressed as you play. What you are probably meaning is track volume. The track volume is probably set to a high value to start with. then as playback gets further into the track, the part lowers in volume. You probably have CC7 or CC11 MIDI events after some of the Note On events have been encountered. Use the Piano Roll View or Event list view to check for these CC7 or CC11 MIDI events after some of the Notes Note: I recommend you eventually plan on getting a MIDI controller that can transmit velocity information.
  3. Need more information. After you have imported your MIDI data, where have you routed your MIDI tracks to? Which VSTs are you using> Does the MIDI data contain any NRPN or RPN events. Some VSTs stop producing sound when they encounter NRPN or RPN events. As mentioned use the Event Viewer to check for non note or non CC events. MIDI channels might also matter. I always make sure any MIDI tracks or SITs (Simple Instrument Tracks), I have in a project, have their respective MIDI channel set to a specific MIDI channel rather than “none”
  4. I have had AD2 since it was released with Splat and have never had your issue here Are you using the latest version of the AD2 installer (which is 4.12)? I guess you would be because when you run an outdated XLN installer, it auto-updates itself (well it does on mine). I also used this opportunity to update AD2. I am going to assume that you have configured the correct paths for the VST3 and DLL file in the XLN installer.
  5. Beats me..... Maybe your default startup project template is corrupted. Have you tried New Project, but choose “No tracks or Buses”. The create an audio track and then right-click its FX. You might want to flick an email to support@Cakewalk.com. Be prepared for them to tell you to do a clean reinstall of Cakewalk. See: https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab
  6. On my system: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory Obviously, export this key to a reg file before doing anything..... And remember, this might not even work for you.
  7. Looks like something is corrupt with your VST scan tree in the registry. I once had some plugin weirdness. (in my case, the scan button in preferences and the plugin layout manager was greyed out) Even going to Preferences - File - VST Settings and doing a RESET did not fix it. I ended up going to the registry and deleting the entire VST inventory. Then I did the RESET then scan to fix it. (I believe that rebuilds the VST inventory from scratch. That fixed it. First this I would try in you case is to go to Preferences - File - VST Settings and do a RESET then scan.
  8. From track view, press H to bring up the Track Manager (or track menu > Tracks > , Track Manager) and make sure your buses are visible. Also make sure your Bus pane is visible. Press SHIFT+B to Show/hide Bus pane.
  9. What make and model sound card do you have?
  10. Where have you routed your MIDI track do? This either needs to be an external MIDI device, or a VSTi plugin. Otherwise you are just sending data to nowhere. It's a bit like trying to send print data without a printer.
  11. CTRL+D only duplicates to the right. There is no keyboard short to CTRL+D to duplicate to the left by default The way I personally would do this is create a CAL script to copy to the left, then keybind a key shortcut to that CAL script. Be careful with CAL scripts though. Deleting events straight after using some commands can crash Cakewalk.
  12. Are Bass.dll, Bassmidi.dll and BassMidiVsti.dll all copied to the same (VST) Folder? Is that folder listed in preferences - File - VST settings > VST scan paths? If yes,to above, did you try a RESET then SCAN? Did you turn on VST scan logging to see if that reveals anything?
  13. No. Could it be that you have loop points set very close together?
  14. When you say “using Bandlab” I am going to assume you mean “Cakewalk by Bandlab“ And by “blocks” I am going to assume you mean “clips”? What have you set as your snap resolution in the Track View Snap Module?
  15. Personally, I would ditch the wireless MIDI and just stuck to wired (USB preferably)
  16. Is the Hydrasynth Explorer plugged directly into a USB port or via non powered hub. (direct is best) Also, have you switched off USB power saving settings?
  17. I am seeing some strange paths there. What folders are listed in Preferences - File - VST Settings > VST scan Paths (maybe show a screenshot) In mine, I only have 2. One for the VST2 plugins (a custom location) and another for the VST3 (which is the default). I have never had an issue with any plugin instalations. Of course I do custom installs and keep an eye on where the installer wants to put the DLL or VST3 files. I have Kontakt 7 full so I only have the VST3 version. If I had Kontakt 6 player, I would get the installer to place the VST2 DLL file in my custom folder.
  18. This would be a Windows thing. Long shot here. Have you tried disabling both Nvidia “High Definition Audio Controller” entries? - done in Device Manager, under “System Devices” Another long shot (though less preferable - causes high power use) Open up Nvida Control Panel, and under “Manager 3D settings” set “Power Management Mode” to Prefer Maximum Performance. Thought of another long shot Start run > desk.cpl. Then scroll down to “Graphic Settings” and set Graphic preference for Sonar (I only have one card so I am not sure what would show here for two graphics cards)
  19. Do a reset then scan. If that fails, enable scan log and see if the scan log reveals anything. See: (CTRL + F > "Scan Log") http://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x22B07
  20. Eventually you will need to use the latest version. For any older version, the clock is ticking.....
  21. In Cakewalk, for a plugin to respond to patch changes, use the VST2 version.
  22. When I bought a Yamaha SW1000XG card back in 2002, it was more than this (in AU$) (the price was reduced to $AU377.00 after trading in other items
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