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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. This offset can be adjust in the MIDI or Simple Instrument Track Inspector. This is just above the patch browser. Look for the Time+0. Note this value is in ticks, not absolute time. This means that the actual time offset will vary depending on the tempo. The number of ticks for quarter note is determined by your clock settings in Preferences - Project - clock.
  2. Here are a couple of things to try. Try disabling C-states and Intel Speedstep (This is done in the PC's BIOS and the method varies between PCs) Try Start + run > “control powercfg.cpl,,1” (without quotes) and set CPU Min and Max to 100% In preferences | Audio | Configuration File try adjusting the following: EnableSetThreadIdealProcessor = False MixThreadCount = {number of CPU cores minus 1, in your case, that would be 7} You might like to exit Cakewalk by Bandlab, go to the following folder and make a copy of the AUD.INI file before doing this: %appdata%\Cakewalk\Sonar
  3. If you think it's a bug with Build 105, then contact support. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new They will also want to know your Audio buffer size as well as your project sample rate and bit depth I am assuming you get the same sluggishness while the project is not playing as well.
  4. I am not having the issue you are having. However, I am having another issue. Not a show stopper, but annoying none the less. When I start some other Arturia synths , it starts two instances of "ArturiaSoftwareCenterAgent.exe". Then one disappears. While there are the two instances of "ArturiaSoftwareCenterAgent.exe" running, the synth that I started shows the login dialogue. Once one of the instances of "ArturiaSoftwareCenterAgent.exe" closes, the temporarily login dialogue closes and I can use the synth as normal. Sometimes I then get a event in the Event logs (a 0000005 error, which is a generic, something went wrong error message) One thing you might want to try is use the Arturia Software Center to deactivate, then reactivate all your Arturia plugins.... done in preferences > Licences, (top right).
  5. The patch/Bank parameter of a MIDI track or a SIT cannot be changed using externally received MIDI patch Change events. You have to set the initial patch parameters manually as you would any other parameters of a MIDI track or a SIT. I say “initial patch”, because you can record Patch Change events in your MIDI track or SIT. I use patch change events all the time in my MIDI projects. However, I do not record them. I enter them from a drop down in the Patch browser. The correct patch names appear in the list because I am using the correct instrument definition file for my external MIDI player (a Yamaha SW1000XG). If I did have a Yamaha PSR SX600 keyboard, I would never need to touch it to select its patches. This is because I would be using the PSR SX600 instrument definition file from the following website. http://w.jososoft.dk/yamaha/ins_files.htm
  6. If you click on the preset name, the field will empty and wait for your typed input. Type a name and then hit enter (or hit the +), the preset will be saved with that name.
  7. This is now done from the Export Dialogue screen. See: http://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x2026A
  8. This is why whenever I install any program, I make it a habit to see if it has installed an earlier version of the Vdist runtimes. If so, I re update them.
  9. As per title. Update via Izotope Product Portal RX 11 Standard Release Notes https://www.izotope.com/en/products/release-notes/rx-standard-release-notes.html RX 11 Advanced Release Notes https://www.izotope.com/en/products/release-notes/rx-advanced-release-notes.html
  10. For the actual crashes, my money is on the sysex being the issue. In the past, have had issues where sysex can crash Cakewalk. Since I use sysex intentionally my solution, at the time, was to space them out a bit. However, I agree that, if you a routing your MIDI data to a VSTi, delete the sysex banks.
  11. Just tried it and Works here. Sorry if this is a silly question, but is the MIDI track in which the note(a) you are wanting to audition routed to an audible synth VSTi or out to a synth capable of receiving MIDI notes.
  12. Maybe the $US40 was a glitch?
  13. Promidi

    Crash Code: ca230000

    That should not be happening on a properly configured PC. Have you excluded all Cakewalk folders from any real-time anti-virus/anti-imalware scanners. This could even be a hardware issue. You might have to contact support. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  14. Promidi

    Crash Code: ca230000

    Not enough information. What have you tried so far? This is probably either be a buggy plugin or a buggy audio interface driver. Update your audio interface driver. You might want to Uninstall and reinstall the drivers for your Audio Interface (head to the manufacturer’s website to see if there is a later version, don’t use Windows Update). To see if it a plugin, hold shift while opening your project to bypass plugins.
  15. Here is an example using a single keyboard to split between a piano and pads.
  16. No one here is going to know if here are plans for Sonar 2024 (soon to be Sonar 2025) to ever include a default General MIDI Player. You would probably be better off asking the Bakers at support@cakewalk.com. However, their answer will likely be" “Not at this time, but never say never.....” in other words.... no idea.... Personally, I think they should. I use an external Yamaha XG MIDI player, I do not Sonar 2024 to include a internal GM player to Sonar 2024 at the moment. However, I can see why many Sonar users would want one.
  17. Just to clarify. Are you modifying a factory workspace, keeping the name, and using that as your workspace, or are you modifying a factory workspace and saving that under a new name and then using that as your workspace? If you are modifying a factory workspace and not renaming it, then I would expect that factory workspace to be restored with the factory version when you do a CbB update. I would expect Sonar 2024 to do that same (a Baker might confirm this). I would try modifying a factory workspace and saving that under a new name (effectively, becoming a user Workspace). Then use that as your default workspace. I would also enable “Apply Workspace on Project Load” on the workspace menu.
  18. I have never had my workspace reset or record reset to “comping” after an update. This is with CbB or Sonar 2024. I do have “Apply Workspace on Project Load” enabled on the workspace menu. Are we sure something else is not going here?
  19. As long as you did not do the uninstall and reinstall CbB the includes deleting the registry and cakewalk folders, you should not have to reinstall your virtual instruments and sound libraries. Can we please see the following screenshot: Preferences - MIDI - Devices (being the A-800PRO, you should see several A-800PRO related inputs) Preferences - MIDI - Control Surfaces The MIDI input device used for Control Surfaces needs to not be the same MIDI input device used for any MIDI track’s input. I have the PCR-800 (the predecessor of the A-800PRO) and I do not have any Control Surface under Preferences - MIDI - Control Surfaces > Connected Controllers/Surfaces. My sustain pedal connected to the PCR-800 works fine in CbB.
  20. If you want a MIDI file's tempo map included, then open the MIDI file, do not import it.
  21. I got a confirmation email from the dev.... The website is the prevailing. The PDF needs updating. Interference requires full retail version of Kontakt 7.2.0
  22. MODO Drums 1.5 works fine here (stand-alone and in CbB) - always has. What steps have you tried so far? I am assuming you have gone into the MODO Drums 1.5 settings (cog, top right) and restored purchased content.
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