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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. I was thinking this too.... The latest version is 441.66
  2. Very similar to mine - I have the same video card (though with 2 gig vram) and 16gig ram....
  3. Sorry, I can't say I have ever encountered that issue. Maybe drop a note to Cakewalk support https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000025633
  4. No. Not natively anyway. Maybe with a PC emulator. (Maybe Boot Camp) Others who have had experience with this might advice how to do this.
  5. As a test, just loaded a track with Sonitus reverb in the effect bin. I added automation lanes for a couple of Sonitus reverb's parameters. The parameters mapped responded to the automation I entered when played back. Working fine here. Are you sure you have not occidentally bypassed all read automation in the Mix Module?
  6. I simply use an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that contains all username and passwords for every purchase that requires one. One sheet for music stuff. Other for non music stuff I have a macro that can search all sheets.
  7. Patience grasshopper.... they must have many to get through..... doing them all at once would overwhelm their email servers....
  8. Can you tell us a bit about your machine specs?
  9. Cakewalk by Bandlab 2019.11 Build 63? Just that project? Rebooted?
  10. Here is the strategy I use One folder for VST3 plugins. Another folder for VST2 plugins. Stay way clear of 32bit plugins - they are more trouble then they are wortth. VST2 > "D:\Data files\vstplugins" VST3 > "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3" < best not to change this. When ever I install a new plugin, do a custom install and make sure the VST2s install to "D:\Data files\vst plugins". Deselect 32bit versions if asked. When install is complete, open up CbB PIM and do a scan. Place new plugin into the relevant plugin layout. Test in an audio track if a effect plugin , or test synth if softsynth plugin.
  11. Google is your friend. https://www.ghacks.net/2015/07/21/how-to-disable-driver-updates-from-windows-update/
  12. I would have suggested that too. If you have not already, you might want to do the same to CbB (Uninstall and reinstall) - after all, this is also affecting V-Vocal. Also, as there were some Windows updates, I am wondering if it tampered with your drivers for your audio interface or audio device. You might want to uninstall the drivers for your audio interface or audio device. Head to the manufacturers website and download the latest version and reinstall them - even if you believe you have the latest version. Personally, I have configured my windows 10 updates to leave hardware drivers alone. MS can, from time to time, install a generic version of hardware drivers. I always check and update these manually.
  13. Works fine here with a fully patched Windows 10 1909 Build 18363.535 Are you using the latest Cakewalk by Bandlab? (Which is 2019.11 Build 63) < note: This is the early release hot fix for 2019.11) Are you using the latest version of Melodyne (which is
  14. If you can think of a better way to do it, put a feature request in. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/8-feedback-loop/
  15. That's really strange Have you logged a support ticket? https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000025633
  16. It sounds like that when you move a note on event (by moving the note back) , Cakewalk is supposed to know to move the proceeding CC84 event as well so as to keep the CC event proceeding the note. If I move a note, I would not want to move any other event - even if the surrounding CCs are to effect the note. It's a matter of you knowing your MIDI sequence yourself and what CCs you're using and where. Cakewalk automatically deciding what CC events to move along with the note would drive me nuts and would be the first thing I would disable. (Unless I am misinterpreting what you're asking) That sounds like a feature request rather than a bug. MIDI events are simply data. If you want to CC84 event to move as well you make sure it's selected along with the note.
  17. Have you contacted Bandlab support for all of these MIDI related issues? https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000025633 I use CC84 on some occasions and it always works intended. On my XG equipment, CC84 controls the start note of a portamento. Of course I have to use CC65 to turn portamento on and use CC5 to control the portamento time. The destination synth has to respond to these CC numbers. All Cakewalk does is send them, it's the synth's job to know what to do with them.
  18. For Melda installs, I just set my the folder for 32 bit plugins to my Windows temp folder. Then I have a script that runs in the evening that clears out the temp folder. 32bit plugins are banned from my PC
  19. Me too. In this day and age, I'm not a fan of proprietary synths. The only program I still use from that purchase is Spectrallayers 4, so it wasn't a total waste of money.
  20. Can you tell us a bit about your system, your projects and average track count? Is there an antivirus program operating on the folders you're saving to. Personally, I exclude any Cakewalk folders from antivirus real time scans (program and data) There are disk faults that can manifest as slow saves (But I would expect slow loads as well). Check your Windows system event viewer just to rule out disk errors (like bad blocks).
  21. As a test, I created a new project with a single track with just Rapture Pro, which I know responds to CC7 events. I was able to get the search back (MIDI chase) to work correctly on this track. With this track I created a simple 4 note sequence with a couple of different volume values for CC7 therein. One of the CC7 events was before the notes started, another one was after (but before the end of the last note). If I start playback after the start of the first note, the volume gets set correctly. If I unchecked the "MIDI Event Chase on play", the volumes do not (which is expected) Bottom line, it is working properly here.
  22. In preferences | Project | MIDI > under "Other options" > "MIDI Event Chase on play" needs to be checked for the project to search back for controller events on playback. Note: This is a per project setting.
  23. If you already have entered controller events that are too bunched up, you can use the CAL script "Thin Controller Data.cal". I use this all the time. Hope this script is in your CAL scripts folder as defined in Preferences | File | Folder locations > Cal files
  24. Use the Cakewalk command centre to install Platinum. https://www.cakewalk.com/Command-Center
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