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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Yes, you can open and use them (even in CbB 2019.11 b59). You just can't edit or create your own with the later versions of Cakewalk.
  2. Which audio interface are you using and are you using the latest drivers for it. Are all your other hardware drivers up date (including graphics drivers) Check on the manufacturer's websites rather than any automatic driver checkers. Is your Windows fully patched with all updates? Are you running the latest build of Cakewalk by Bandlab (which is 2019.11 Build 59) < note: this includes the 2019.11 Hotfix Early Access 1 Try disabling all effects to (press E) see if it's a plugin is doing it.
  3. That is correct - it only takes three extra words - something like "Needs Kontact Full"
  4. This was not a request to be inundated from posts from Kontact's fan club. I was a request to be notified if a deal needs it.
  5. Probably a good question for the developer of the product that states "Needs full Kontact"
  6. There are those who say that same thing about Pro Tools......
  7. If you post a deal, please mention if it needs Kontact Full Saves a click (and a bit of time) for some.
  8. Needs full Kontact 4 or above (player doesn't cut it)
  9. It's more so you can load those older projects (if needed) without "can't find plugin" error messages and to see their settings. Then you can swap them out for the updated versions. Once you have done that for all your relevant projects, then you can lose the older installers and just keep the consolidated installers.
  10. Note that this large installer does not include String-Studio VS-2 or Ultra-Analog VA-2. If you have older projects that contains these synths, you can download them as individual installers under “Legacy installers and serial numbers” on your products page on AAS's website
  11. I should have been more specific. All current applied-acoustics synths have been updated. I suspect that Ultra-Analog-va-2 will never get GUI resizing. Note: Ultra-Analog-va-3 has added more than merely the ability to resize the GUI
  12. Actually, I just checked the other current applied-acoustics synths, and they have all been - including String-Studio-vs-3 and Ultra-Analog-va-3
  13. However, when I am editing a track in the PRV (which I do a lot) , I always have the controller pane visible. This controller pane is in single lane controller view. If a track has controller events where those events themselves are set to different channels, there would be several lanes to select. Doing the rechannel of the controller events puts all those controllers that are the same CC number on the same lane. In a nutshell, it's mainly for display purposes. For example, I prefer all the expression events (CC11) on their own lane, all the release events (CC72) on their own lane, and etc. rechannelMIDI = 1 on bounce achieves this. As you can probably work out by now, I use heaps of controller events per track. This helps me keep track (no pun intended) of them all.
  14. I agree fully with this I do MIDI projects and I have 16 tracks set up - each forced to channel 1 to 16 respectively. Therefore the MIDI channels of individual events are irrelevant. When I go to add a controller, I too have to manually set the channel. However, there are times I forget to do this, or an operation results in certain controller events having an incorrect channel. This becomes important when viewing controller lanes as this does take into account the Event's channels. It would be nice if the bakers could restore the entry "All channels" under the channel select that is present in Cakewalk Pro Audio 9. In the file %APPDATA%\cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\cakewalk.ini under the [WinCake] section, I have added the following line. RechannelMIDI=1 What this does is when I bounce MIDI clips to a single clip on a given MIDI track, the MIDI channels of all the MIDI events on that track will change to match the forced MIDI channel of the track itself.
  15. It appears that may make an excellent feature request....
  16. I have been waiting for Orchestral Percussion for MP2/ST4 to appear on sale.
  17. Just my luck. Many things on sale except the item I'm specifically after..... oh well....
  18. I can confirm that, on my PC, the location the installer offered as a default was the correct location used by Sampletank 4 content for my installation.
  19. Did you authorise the Spaceport-77 serial number using IK Multimedia Auth Manager?
  20. Never use your phone for stuff like this.
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