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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. I watched the video - yes that's similar to what I get with my PCI card. Does not occur with Focusrite 2i2 2nd gen with latest BETA The 4.0 drivers. The 4.0 in PCI Express 4.0 is simply the theoretical transfer speed - mine is 3.0 4.0 is double that od 3.0 I am thinking maybe try an Nvidia card..... Obviously one that supports three monitors (maybe a GTX1050). If you can borrow one that would be a bonus. If you go this route, then make sure you turn of Nvidia's power saving feature. You mention "just return this PC" - does this involve boxing it up and sending it back or is the vendor within driving distance? Note: just changing the video card would not require a software reinstall. Unfortunately, the only way to tell if this is going to solve the problem is to actually try a brand different card. What did Latencymon report?
  2. Are you using Cakewalk by Bandlab 2020.1 build 24? What audio interface are you using? Does it come with native ASIO drivers? If so , then ditch ASIO4ALL and use them instead What soft synth are you trying to play. Have you checked the MIDI channels on the CASIO USB-MIDI instrument and the MIDI track are correctly set?
  3. Yes, this happens here as well (latest 2020.1 Build 24). Not sure if it's intentional. It only affects the display of the controller data - the values themselves still function at the point where they have visually disappeared. Maybe contact Bandlab support with screenshots (I'm considering doing the same)
  4. Worked fine here. All subsequent updates install correctly following the move to 1909 My PC is Windows now 1909 and fully patched , all drivers up to date (manually, not via Windows update). Internet connected 24/7, PC running as local administrator with updated Malwarebytes Premium 4.04.49 Using modified Windows 8.1 driver for PCR-800 on Windows 10 - no problems there.
  5. Is your Sonar content in a custom location perhaps? Maybe search your entire system for a folder with the string "SONAR Themes" in the name.
  6. Promidi

    Popping sounds

    Please list everything you have tried so far.
  7. Unfortunately, because my crystal ball is still in the shop getting repaired, we are going to need a lot more information.....
  8. Promidi

    Driver organization

    Assuming you are willing to spend some money, a USB audio interface that supports native ASIO mode and comes with native ASIO drivers.
  9. The Windows update broke Cakewalk by Bandlab probably because the update attempted to update the driver for your audio interface. This is something I have configured my Windows to never to. I do install all Windows updates, however, I like to update drivers by going to the manufacturer's website and downloading and installing manually. That way, I know I am getting the correct driver, not one that Microsoft believes I should have.
  10. Depends if your CbB projects are using plugins that depend of Platinum being installed in order for them to work. If you're concerned about between 220mb to 250mb (The average amount that Platinum takes), then it's time to upgrade your system disk.
  11. What I have done is, for the custom workspaces that I use, deselect "Windows layout". That way, windows layouts, positions, etc is handled only by screensets without being over-ridden by the Workspace window layout. Also, this allows your chosen screenset to open with your screenset containing project.
  12. What happened when you tried the onboard video?
  13. I have also disabled IEST (Intel enhanced speedstep) and c-states. I have also turned off core parking. It should be noted that my system still does it with the PCI card. It does not do it as soon as I switch to the 2i2 (USB)
  14. The last time this happened to me, it was when I was using a PCI audio card. As soon as I went to a Focusrite 2i2, the problem went away. Also, it was not just a Cakewalk problem either - it happened in other audio programs as well. Not the case in your situation as you are already using a USB audio interface. Have you disabled all other sound cards.interfaces other than the Focusrite Clarett 8Pre USB (That also includes your onboard sound - disable that as well) You might still want to investigate disabling power saving option on your AMD display card - or even consider replacing it (Borrow one if you can) That being said, I have a Focusrite 2i2 2nd gen and a Nvidia GTX960 with the latest drivers, power saving disabled, and I definitely do not get crackling when I move the mouse during playback. It might be as simple as trying a different USB port (I'm assuming your going direct to the PC and not through any hub of any kind.
  15. What happens if you go start + Run > control powercfg.cpl,,1 . On my PC it takes me directly to my power options. I tried it on another PC, works on there too. Maybe press Win key + r then "control powercfg.cpl,,1" Without the quotes If this does not work on yours, then you have other issues. I am pretty sure the RX 5700 has power options. I use an Nvidia card so I am not really sure how AMD does it without googling it. I am still thinking this is video card/driver related. I am assuming you have gone to the manufacturer's website and manually downloaded the latest drivers.
  16. Are you using a wired mouse? Is there are way to temporarily turn off power saving on the RX 5700 to see if this is the issue? Are you using high performance mode on Windows 10? Could you temporarily remove the RX 5700 and use the motherboard's onboard video to see if the problem goes away? Have you turned off performance graphic oprions? Start + Run > systempropertiesperformance > Adjust for best performance Have you set CPU min and Max to 100% Start + Run > control powercfg.cpl,,1 .It's under under processor power management.
  17. What video card are you using (make and model number)? Is it on-board or a separate card?
  18. Yes, VST2 plugins can be used. As long as the VST2 plugins are in a folder the Cakewalk by Bandlab is configured to scan, but not the VST3 folder, then yes, the CbB scanner will pick them up.
  19. Compressor with a side chain input - PC4K-S is an example of a Cakewalk by Bandlab supplied pro channel compressor that supports side chaining.
  20. Not all of us have real guitars - so we have to utilise what we do have. I just nudge the notes manually - and turn off snap.... I don't use the Strum.it.CAL script as it produces the same result every time. If I was going to use a CAL script, I would use one that randomly adjusts the times of the notes slightly. If you do end up writing a CAL to do this, do not use the Editslide command (or Editslide40 command) - this will categorically crash CbB. Adjust the time parameter of the note event instead.
  21. Promidi


    Can you give us more information as to how exactly you go about this. Has it ever worked? I do this al the time using an external SW1000XG card while being recorded into an audio track on Cakewalk by bandlab The MIDI files I convert are specifically written with the SW1000XG card in mind. The SW1000XG card is basically a Yamaha MU-100 series on a card. This proceedure works perfectly every time for me.
  22. Depends on the plugin. Most plugins involve more than simply copying over the DLL (or VST3 file) from the VST folder on the old computer. There are usually files present in other locations that are needed as well for the plugin the work properly. There may even be registry entries needed. You're better of finding exactly which plugin the project calls for and installing it from its actual installer. Which plugin is missing and which version of Cakewalk did you use? Did that plugin actually come with your previous version of Cakewalk? You will really need to know the answers to these before proceeding.
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