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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. MY guess is that the projects in the bundles use plugins that were only present in your previous version of Cakewalk. What you might want to do is see if you can work out the exact plugin generating the error message and then install the version of Cakewalk that contained that plugin. Or just reinstall your previous version of Cakewalk so that it's plugins can be reinstalled Once you have done this, uninstall and reinstall Cakewalk by Bandlab.
  2. If you're using soft synths.. and if you need higher resolution that what MIDI 1.0 provides, you would use automation instead of controller events anyway. It will still be a while before CbB and third party VSTi plugins use MIDI 2.0 (which both will have to to make MIDI 2.0 worth while)
  3. This is what crosses my mind whenever a vendor has any product on sale for way below the regular full asking price...
  4. Promidi

    Can't hear anything

    You might want to figure this issue out before troubleshooting the sound issue. Not being able to install Windows updates indicates more pressing issues. You may even have to do a repair install (or even a clean reinstall) of Windows.
  5. Promidi

    Can't hear anything

    We are going to need a lot more information What version (Numerically) of “Cakewalk” are you using? Which version of Windows? Are all its updates installed Which audio interface (device) are you using? What driver mode? (ASIO or WASAPI) - if you can ASIO is preferable Have you installed the latest drivers for your audio interface What are you trying to play Is the fader turn up on the track/bus/output on the Cakewalk console Have you accidentally muted the playback track Is the playback track routed to a bus that is muted.
  6. And remember, there is now a new keybinding item available for this particular toggle.
  7. You need to run the other installers that contain the other plugins. For instance, the Engineering Suite contains the following plugins Boost 11, Channel Tools,L-Phase Equaliser, L-Phase Multiband, Adaptive Limiter The Boutique Suite contains the following plugins Analog TrackBox, PX-64 Percussion Strip, TL-64 Tube Leveller, TS-64 Transient Shaper, VX-64 Vocal Strip, Tone2 Bifilter2 To see what other installers contain, see: https://www.cakewalk.com/Products/SONAR/Versions To download these installers, log on to your Cakewalk Account from here or install them from Cakewalk Command Centre https://www.cakewalk.com/My-Account/Product/CSPT100
  8. I just checked and you're right. It is the bus. My bad. That being said, (and as you suggested) an interleave button on the Simple Instrument strip would be handy...
  9. You use the inspector to access the interleave for the audio track component of a simple instrument without splitting and re-combining.
  10. I tried this with Sampletank 4.09 and the “Instrument Track Per Output” function worked as I expected. I ended up with 16 MIDI tracks paired with their respective 16 Audio tracks with each pairing combined to make a simple instrument - that is 16 simple instruments. The MIDI channels for each simple instrument was set 1 to 16 respectively. In the synth rack, there was one instance of Sampletank 4.09. I am assuming that this is what is supposed to happen.
  11. Promidi

    I can't download Cakewalk

    Have you tried uninstalling Bandlab Assistant. Downloading the latest from here and then reinstalling. Since 2018 (When Cakewalk by Bandlab was released) this has always worked for me.
  12. If you're using a workspace, for that workspace, deselect “Windows Layouts” under “Load from workspace”. If you don't do this, and you're using a workspace, then the Window layout from the workspace will prevail - even if you're using a Screenset.
  13. Transform tool for Automation nodes (like there is for Controller lanes) Keybindings possible to PRV Transform tool functions. Automation nodes to follow horizontal scaling of MIDI and Audio clips (When pressing SHIFT + CTRL) Automation clips Ability to rename controller lanes from within PRV - especially when in Single Lane Controller view.
  14. You mention Kontakt 5, so I am assuming that is what you're attempting to use in Cakewalk. Have you tried another soft synth. (Insert as a simple instrument) What else have you tried so far? (other than what you've already mentioned) Have you tried power cycling your PC?
  15. Promidi

    can't activate

    Latest BA (which is 5.1.2) ? Logged out and logged in? Performed "Refresh Activation"?
  16. For the track you wish to record to or play, Is input echo on?
  17. That screen does not really tell anyone much - other than it created a crash dump. Are you using the latest version of Sampletank 3? (3.7.3) Have you logged a support request to Cakewalk support (and sending the the corresponding crash dump) https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000025633 Note: If you contact IK Multimedia Support about this, they will simply tell you to upgrade to Sampletank 4 I using Sampletank 4.09 on a fully patched PC - no issues.
  18. Did you try going into device manager, drill down to the A-800Pro, right click that and then install the driver from there?
  19. Groove player is used to render the metronome ....
  20. Not seeing that issue here. Is it possible it's ending up behind the main window. Maybe disable floating Window for the synth rack window.
  21. While I have the PCR-800 (which is the predecessor of the A-800Pro), This should also work for the A-800Pro. I have assigned the PCR-800 transport buttons to Cakewalk's play/stop/record functions. Others may have a successful method of using the A-800Pro as a control surface. What I have done is programmed various "Free messages" into the PCR-800's transport buttons. I will use the PCR-800 play button as an example. This button is assigned the Free message B0 77 7F 90 03 DT B0 77 00 with Data type DT0:7bit. Min: 0, Max: 127. Button mode : Unlatch Then on CbB, head over to Preferences | Customisation | Keyboard Shortcuts Set "MIDI 'shift' options" to Controller 119 (This corresponds to 77 in the above string - which is hexadecimal for 119) Then bind Play/Pause to MIDI note Eb-2 (This corresponds to note no: 03 above - the same as pressing the Eb-2) With this configuration, when I press the play button on the PCR-800, CbB playback starts. Of course the other buttons can be programmed in a similar way - just use different note values for the other functions. I know this sounds convoluted and setting up as a control surface might be easier. However, this method has been successful for years. If you want to go the way of the control surface method, then hopefully someone will chime in with that method. I hope this helped.
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