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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Click the link, click on "FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME" , Follow the prompts. Too easy. Took me 5 seconds. Note: You need Sampletank 4.08 or above to use this
  2. Direct connection is always best. If you must use a hub, make sure it's powered. Don't use unpowered. As respects USB power saving, you definitely want this turned off.
  3. It does work for me. However, selecting a section and entering a percentage would be an excellent alternative. It's a pity the EditToTime and EditToTime40 CAL commands are broken in later versions of Cakewalk. Otherwise, we could write a CAL script to do it. What this also tells me that the underlining code for adjusting a tempo map has already been written as is available. The bakers just need extra dialogue boxes that calls the appropriate routines with arguments.
  4. Is this connected via a non powered USB hub by any chance? Is the USB power saving disabled in device manager?
  5. Which version, which build number of Cakewalk/Sonar? Which operating system? Which EQ? Prochannel EQor a 3rd party VST EQ Plugin How are you saving them - in a project, in a track template, as an actual preset? Are you saving it using the generic plugin saving mechanism or an internal plugin preset management system Can you please provide more information.
  6. I use Studioware Panels and CAL scripts every day with my work flow in CbB. I have created my own custom Studioware Panels and CAL scripts specifically for this purpose. Hint to the Bakers: Please don't ever remove support for Studioware Panels and CAL scripts from CbB. In fact, if an update of CbB ever removed the use of Studioware Panels and CAL scripts all together, I would be forced to stop at the last version of CbB that supports Studioware Panels and CAL scripts.
  7. On rare occasions, Windows updates messes with drivers. I thought that by going to the manufacturer's website, you can be assured of getting the correct and latest drivers. It was more of an educated hunch.
  8. Download the latest Nvida drivers from here: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
  9. That is correct LatencyMon can be downloaded from here: https://www.resplendence.com/latencymon
  10. You must have the Select Tool enabled. You need to have the Smart Tool or Draw Tool enabled to edit/enter controllers.
  11. Updating Cakewalk by Bandlab via Bandlab Assistant has always worked for me. It's the updating of Bandlab Assistant from Bandlab Assistant itself is what I have always had issues with. I do that manually, and have never had an issue using this method.
  12. For a while now, my default method has been, exit BA, update manually from the installer downloaded from here: https://www.bandlab.com/download/assistant/windows
  13. I use Studioware panels and CAL scripts for this.
  14. As per title.... Can we please have the ability to set key bindings for the various Transform tool functions in the PRV? Ideally, these would be available under the area Piano Roll View in the Key Binding settings.
  15. See: https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/cakewalk-kinetic#para6
  16. Update of WIndows or CbB? I think you might have a clue when you mention that your "USB devices get closed and re-discovered" Is it possible that you have a hub and there are too many USB devices connected to it. Personally, I would connect USB devices via direct connection to the PC. Maybe try uninstalling and then reinstalling your audio interface drivers. It would not do any harm checking that you have the latest versions. Actually visit manufacturers website to verify this - don't rely on any automatic processes for this. Note: I am running Windows 10 fully patched and latest CbB.... no crashes here.
  17. I just tried it here and it worked for me. Is the MIDI clip locked in any way?
  18. 1). To be able to select a range of tempos and move them all with the mouse the same way you can controllers in the PRV Controller lane - including the ability to constrain the movement horizontally or vertically. 2). Have the transform tool available on the tempo view - to allow horizontal and vertical scaling.
  19. This is getting a little strange. I'm assuming that for the MIDI track test you had input echo on (as you also mention that in your original post) Is the M-Audio keyboard on a hub? (connect directly to PC if so). Maybe try an alternative USB port. I have also assumed you have tried power cycling all devices - making sure the M-Audio keyboard is powered on before the PC
  20. As a test, If you create a single MIDI track. Set the M-Audio keyboard as it's input. set to OMNI. Do you see the MIDI meter activity for that track when you press keys?
  21. Is it plugged directly into the PC and not via a hub? Have you tried an alternative USB port?
  22. Promidi

    Zoom R16 Issue

    Can you show a screenshot of your Preferences | Devices screen
  23. Promidi

    Zoom R16 Issue

    Are you using ASIO mode?
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