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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Updated drivers manually? (Not via Windows update) Set CPU min max to 100%? Disabled Intel speedstep (and possibly C-States)? Enabled high performance power scheme? If you have an Nvidia card - set power to "Prefer Maximum performance) in 3D settings?
  2. Try %appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core That's where mine is
  3. The way I have done it requires some programming (using AutoHotKey) and is definitely a workaround I have written an AutoHotKey script that first puts my desired workspace in the registry. Then runs Cakewalk When Cakewalk runs, it always runs with my desired workspace selected at start up.
  4. Promidi

    CbB Updated

    If you actually believe this, that the solution is simple. Don't install the Facebook App. If you also believe this, then you also have to believe this about many other apps that require access permission to your phone's microphone. Even with the official Facebook APP installed, the Facebook App does not listen to your conversations all the time. If it did, can you imagine how fast your battery would drain and how much data would be required for it to do that..? Being the user of a DAW (with your knowledge of how much space audio data actually takes) you should be in a better position to release that.
  5. Promidi

    CbB Updated

    Not really See: https://www.wandera.com/mobile-security/phone-listening/
  6. Promidi

    CbB Updated

    You can turn a lot of the telemetry off in Windows 10. There's O&Oshutup which can disable a lot of the deeper configuration items not available on the WIndows GUI. You can even edit your Hosts file to restrict access to the sites used for telemetry.
  7. Promidi

    CbB Updated

    Definitely not happening with most who have updated What did Cakewalk support say when you contacted them about this?
  8. It depends. Basically, if you have any projects that use any plugins that check for the presence of Sonar Platinum in order to work, then yes. If you're not sure or can't remember, then yes.
  9. Or download directly from here. https://www.bandlab.com/download/assistant/windows
  10. It's called Duplicate Track. I can see it in mine if I right click on the track. There is also an icon See: http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Arranging.06.html
  11. I did notice this as well (and I refereed to this in my support question) Personally, I am thinking this is a feature rather than a bug.
  12. I tried it here as well on 2019.12 Build 26. The gain resets to zero here as well. There is no mention of this behaviour in either the online manual or the update notes. The same behaviour does not occur with the latest Sonar Platinum. I have sent a ticket to Cakewalk support asking whether this is a bug or a feature.
  13. Depends on the exact plugins you're using, whether they are using upsampling. Does increasing the bit rate on the Lame exported help? Are you exporting the files onto one of the M.2 SSDs. With all those plugins , 2 to 4 minutes may actually be normal. As a test, maybe try without the plugins and see if it makes a measurable difference. I am assuming you have a specific reason you're exporting to MP3 rather than wav. MP3 export is more CPU intensive than wav Other may offer more suggestions.
  14. I was able to find that card - maybe an upgrade may be in order. Are you able to borrow one? Just to confirm - by Cakewalk , are you meaning CbB?
  15. That video card comes up with literally zero hits on Google - What does MSinfo32 say under System Summery | Components | Display Start + run msinfo32 Also your 4 gig ram might get a bit tight - depending on what you're doing.... What version of Cakewalk?
  16. Or maybe just update the drivers. What video card do you currently have? What are your other system specs
  17. There are three driver modes that you can choose for your audio. Of the three, ASIO would be preferable. While MME works, you would only ever using this when the other two absolutely refuse to work. I googled the the Motu 24Ao, and it appears that you would want to be using its native ASIO driver rather than MME. The non DAW applications - like for Youtube, running in Linux or in Windows 10, use a different driver mode - not ASIO. Note: 'a door' is actually a DAW > Digital Audio Workstation. For those "techno abbreviations people use" - Google is your friend.
  18. Can you tell us a bit about your set up. Using on board or an Audio Interface? Updated all hardware drivers? Audio configured properly in Cakewalk preferences?
  19. Not if you tell the games installers to use an alternative location for the content. Steam games, for instance, you can specify the location for the content. I agree with the others. Put the OS on the 500gig.
  20. This is an tiny cosmetic issue I have noticed for a while now. However, it might be such as easy fix I thought I might report it while an early release is out and actively been looked at. As you know, In the staff view, there is a lyrics mode. When one clicks on the "Lyrics" button (under the "view" menu item), the staff view enters Lyrics mode and the "Lyrics" button changes colour to indicate you're in lyrics mode. However, on my machine, I have the L key bound to enter lyrics mode. This works and it does puts me in lyrics mode and I can enter lyrics. However, when entering lyrics mode using the keybinding (L key in my case), this does not change the colour of the lyrics button even thouh I am in Lyrics mode. Clicking on the "Lyrics" button does change the colour of the "Lyrics" button. This also occurs in CbB 2019.12 Build 23 A small cosmetic thing yes, but maybe a really quick fix while we are in early release phase and the code is being actively examined.
  21. See: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/deva/2010/09/27/error-message-on-64-bit-windows-when-you-try-run-regsvr32-exe/
  22. Hopefully someone who is also experiencing the same issue can respond. In the meantime, does every plugin experience this behaviour or just a select few? Maybe a workaround is to try plugins that do not exhibit this behaviour...
  23. I've never had this issue. I know you said you've "upgraded to the latest version". However, just to confirm, are you using Cakewalk by Bandlab 2019.11 Build 63 ? Has Cakewalk support got back to you? (other than the automated response)
  24. A couple of things to try 1) Go to your Nvidia Control Panel (Start + run "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Control Panel Client\nvcplui.exe") Head to 3D settings | Manage 3D settings > set Power Management Mode to "Prefer maximum performance" 2) Start + run "systempropertiesperformance" Select Adjust for best performance.
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