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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Are you sure they are invisible in the event list? Have you selected all tracks when viewing and filtered to just view CCs
  2. The RPN (which is number 0) that controls the pitch bend is in steps of 128. Each 128 increment adjusts the pitch bend rage by a semi tone. With most synths, the default range is 2 semi tones up and down. Say you want the pitch bend to be 3 semi tones up and 3 semi tones down. For this you would issue a RPN 0 value of 384. Say you want the pitch bend to be 12 semi tones up and 12 semi tones down. For this you would issue a RPN 0 value of 1536 So the formula is RPN 0 128 x semitones required. Of course, this will only work if the synth you use responds correctly to the Roland GS or Yamaha XG standard. You already correctly stated that the actual pitch bend values from -8,192 - 0 - 8,191. This is necessary because of the higher resolution required for pitch bend - especially when using the higher ranges.
  3. I am no Kontakt expert, but this does appear to be a routing issue (or even a MIDI Channel issue) within Kontakt. Maybe a Kontakt user can chime in here.
  4. From the user guide, I see that the MPC X has MIDI ports. You should be able to use a USB to MIDI adapter to get this data into Cakewalk. I also note that in controller mode, you can sent MIDI data over the USB Cable - However, you specifically mention Standlone mode which, according to the manual on page 69, "In Standalone Mode: MPC X is not communicating with a computer over a USB connection." The USB to MIDI adapter I use is a Roland Roland UM-ONE mk2 USB MIDI Interface - Though I use the to control a MIDI device with 5 pin MIDI connector. It will work the other way - from MPC X standalone to PC. Yes, this one is a bit more expensive than the cheap ones you see on eBay, but I preferred a named brand.
  5. Is it possible that when you right click on the section bar in the arrangement track or the arrangement inspector that there can a "properties" entry at the bottom. This can show things like duration (in H:M:S:F format) Start and finish time (in H:M:S:F and M:B:T format).
  6. Do you mean, start playback by sending a specific MIDI commands? Yes, you can. In the Preferences - Customization - Keyboard Shortcuts (Advanced) you can define which MIDI note triggers the desired action (in your case, play/pause) For instance, I have set the Eb-2 note to play/pause Cakewalk. I have also set the "MIDI "shift" Options" to use controller 119 (but can be any CC) This means in my PCR-800 (The Keyboard Controller I use), the exact string (in hexadecimal) needed would be B0 77 7F 90 03 DT B0 77 00 Where DT is either 0 or 127 Note: the "77" is 119 in hexadecimal. The B0 77 7F is the CC119 127 to enable the "shift" : The 90 03 DT is the note on for the Eb-2: The B0 77 00 is the CC119 0 to disable the "shift" I know this looks convoluted to configure - but you only have to configure it once. I am not sure if the MPC X standalone can catenate controller events with the note events on a single button. This would be required in order to send the MIDI data in the format that Cakewalk requires for the above MIDI binding to work correctly.
  7. Is it possible that your keyboard controller is sending out these CC events? I have had this happen on a PCR-800 controller (fixed after spraying contact cleaner in the offending slider or knob) Specifically, CC 121 is Reset All Controllers, CC 91 is usually reverb level and CC 64 are sustain events.
  8. I use ORS Studio for video and audio grabbing a Cakewalk session with vocal commentry . For this I use two ASIO compatible devices. A PCI card (Asus Xonar DS) and a Focusrite 2i2 2nd Gen - both with their respective latest drivers. I set Cakewalk to use the PCI card and ORB Studio to using the Focusrite 2i2 2nd Gen. I record Cakewalk's Audio output by sending the PCI card's out to the Focusrite (via some hardware routing. Of course, I am also using the ORB Studio ASIO plugin. The Audio from the PCI card and a microphone is routed from a hardware mixer to the Focusrite. ORB Studio is configured to record audio using the Focusrite's ASIO plugin. It does help to have a graphics card that can use Hardware to do the actual encoding via something like NVENC (or Shadowplay). For this to be possible, you need an Nvidia GTX 630 or above GPU. Using a GPU frees the system CPU for DAW related tasks without glitching. This is how I am able to do Cakewalk Tutorials.
  9. One thing to check is in Preferences | Audio | Instruments - then click "define". In the proceeding "Define Instruments and Names", on the right pane, click the + next to "controller Names"..... drill down to "Standard" (may not be present). If "Standard" does not exist under "controller Names", then you can you can right click on "controller Names" and select "Add controller Names list". Make sure you name the list "Standard" - (with the upper-case "s"). If you are creating the list, close and restart Cakewalk to complete the task. The controller names listed there are what appears on PRV controller drop down. This list can be edited to name your controllers anything you like. This list can be edited. Of course, if you're using an instrument definition file for a hardware synth, then the controller name list will be taken from that instead. I am hopping that one day, this section of Cakewalk will get an overhaul. One day.
  10. Can we please have the ability to create a horizontal split in the PRV window where the notes are displayed. I am thinking this could be useful for keyswitches where the notes that trigger keyswitches can be on their own locked half of the window. Either the top or the bottom half can be locked. Of course the split point can be movable (Much like the horizontal line between the notes and drum map) Also the ability to name the notes individually would be handy rather than having to load them from predefined lists. At the moment, these names are not retained when you close and reopen the PRV.
  11. I am one of those who never uses the staff view for note entry. I only use the staff view to enter lyrics. Any other music data entry is either played directly or entered using the PRV. A fully staff view entered track would sound too robotic as all the notes would be bang on the beats - something you do not want for a track to sound natural and alive. Even strict time tracks (like techno or EDM) is better off entered using the PRV. In fact I would prefer incremental improvements to the PRV - like the ability to rename controller lanes (But that's a discussion for another forum).
  12. Unfortunately you cannot at this time.
  13. To make the patches appear in the track browser, you need to set the MIDI track to a channel rather than setting it to "none". Also, one thing to note that there is a bug pertaining to patch change events as displayed in the event list. If the patch name is too long, then the name of the patch will not appear in the event list even though the patch event itself is present. This bug is also present with the latest Cakewalk by Bandlab (including 2020.4 Build 151 ER) I have reported this bug to the Bakers.
  14. What options are you trying. According to the user manual, this keyboard has standard 5 pin din MIDI out connectors. How are you connecting this to the PC? If I was wanting to do this, I would be using a USB to MIDI adapter - like the Roland UM-ONE mk2 USB MIDI Interface. If you have done the above, is input echo on for the MIDI or simple instrument track you which to send MIDI to? What do you have. Have you installed the latest manufacturers drivers? (Don't rely on Windows update) Are you using ASIO mode for your audio interface? (Don't install ASIO4ALL - it's just a wrapper)
  15. If you insist on using Sonar Artist and you contact Cakewalk tech support regarding this (and any other issue), they will simply tell you to update to Cakewalk by Bandlab. Sonar Artist is no longer supported and there will be no bug fixes for it. The only thing I can think of is that you have "last touched" enabled on the note duration setting on the Tools Module.
  16. Confirmed here as well. Maybe contact Bandlab support https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000025633
  17. Can it be assumed you're getting sound when you play a Youtube video. Have you installed the latest drivers for your on board sound card. Is your OS fully patched? Try increasing your buffer size in Preferences | Audio | driver settings. Have in your future plans a USB audio interface.
  18. Have you checked the event list view (might have to select all tracks)?
  19. Things to try: ­· Make sure you're using the latest Cakewalk by Bandlab. · Update your Windows 7 drivers for all of your hardware - pay particular attention to your audio interface and graphic card. · Update the Vdist runtimes - available from here https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads · With Cakewalk closed, rename your AUD.ini file, and restart Cakewalk. This file will be rebuilt. Your AUD.ini is located here: (Make sure "Hide extensions for known file types is deselected in explorer Folder options" %appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core
  20. Promidi


    You "activate Cakewalk via BandLab Assistant" Download Bandlab Assistant from here and install if necessary. https://www.bandlab.com/download/assistant/windows Open up BandLab Assistant, log on with your Bandlab credentials. Head over to the "Apps" tab. Then open Cakewalk from there (The second "Open" button). If Cakewalk still says "Not Activated" , on the drop down arrow to the right of that "open" button, select "Refresh Activation"
  21. Maybe try increasing the MIDI prepare buffer. This is found in Preferences | MIDI | Playback and Recording > playback
  22. I downloaded the trial of IK MODO Bass and gave it a bit of a play using a MIDI controller. I inserted it as a simple instrument. I used different patches, etc and I had no issues here. My MIDI prepare buffer is 200 milliseconds.
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