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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Have you done any "Daw PC" optimisations - you know.... disable power saving everywhere you can Disable C-states, speedstep snd put CPU min/max at 100%. All of that stuff
  2. According to the Cakewalk user guide, it maxes out at 16. The manual does not indicate that this can be increased.
  3. Are you able to find 64bit versions of the problematic 32bit plugins. Are you able to give Jbridge a try? https://jstuff.wordpress.com/jbridge/ Personally, I have banished all 32bit plugins from my PC and only use 64bit plugins.
  4. What you could do is write a cal script to go to the measure you wish to go to and then map a keybinding to it. (Don't use W as that is reserved and can't be used for anything else. Here is the code to go to measure 5 (but can be any measure - just change the 5 to any measure you like) (do (int measure 5) (= Now (makeTime measure 1 0)) )
  5. I have had this happen on my PCR-800 as well - this time it was the pan control sending out random CC10 events. I fixed it with a dab of electrical (non lubricating) contact cleaner in the slider... In the OPs case looks like something funky going on with the ACT drivers (or whether you use)
  6. Whoops, my bad...... I just copy and pasted the OP......
  7. For the track exhibiting this issue, open up the event list and look for "Pitch Wheel" events that occur before any notes start. For Example:
  8. Have you checked for any non zero pitch bend events in any MIDI tracks that are routed to the VSTs?. Best way to check this is to use the event list view (and maybe apply a filter using the event manager)
  9. I've given up on using drum maps for MIDI files because if I do use them, I no longer have access to NPRN parameter names (as defined in instrument definition files) via the controller lanes. Yes, I still use a hardware module. PRV with the drum piece names on the PRV keyboard is much easier for my work flow.
  10. I am suspecting the "Fit to time function" would be useful here. It can do this by adjusting the tempo but keeping the tempo changes intact.
  11. Then the CC events will be in the saved MIDI files. Even if I wanted to, I cannot deliberately make Cakewalk strip the CC events on save to MIDI file. It just never happens. Maybe you are in a parallel universe where the normal rules of physics do not apply..... Can you create a file with CC events in and save as a MIDI file and then attach it so I can have a look at what you end up with?
  12. That has never happened to me. Even if you originally used an automation lane to enter the MIDI events, the resultant MIDI will still have them in the file. If you open the MIDI file, the CC events would now be visible in the Piano Roll View or Event list view. The CC events would no longer appear in an Automation lane.
  13. Exactly which version (numerically) of Cakewalk are you running?
  14. Before making changes, File | export < this creates a backup of this specific registry key. In "edit" drop down, select the entry you wish to delete. Change "Update Registry" to "Yes" Press "Delete" - (this only appears when you Change "Update Registry" to "Yes")
  15. You have not mentioned which iteration of "Cakewalk Sonar" you're using, so I have assumed Sonar Platinum. The exact location depends on the particular iteration of "Cakewalk Sonar" you're using. The "TSSSEQ.INI" file is located in the following folder, depending on iteration (Copy and paste rather than typing it) Platinum: %appdata%\Cakewalk\SONAR Platinum Professional: %appdata%\Cakewalk\SONAR Professional Artist: %appdata%\Cakewalk\SONAR Artist Cakewalk by Bandlab (Which I recommend you start using, BTW) %appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core Note: you might want to rename (which cakewalk closed) the file rather than deleting it.
  16. If you are using ASIO driver mode, then the Windows sound subsystem is completely bypassed. This means that any Windows sound adjustment (Including volume) has no effect on the output. This is by design.
  17. Promidi


    For possible entries, see: https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=INI_Files.4.html
  18. Anything that has the word "USB Root Hub"
  19. I would say that's because the ufs files are fairly compressed in the first place.
  20. I always do a direct download from UVI's website using "US Standard Link" using a multi-threaded downloader addon in my browser. The only thing I use UVI Portal for is to check for a new version and check the change log. Downloading using UVI portal is painfully slow. The update fixes the following: DigitalSynsations-ChangeLog1.4.5 [FIX] Tuning in some "DS1" presets
  21. Instead of importing the midi file - try opening it directly into Cakewalk instead...
  22. For the last 20 years, I have always sent project files as saved MIDI files (type 0 and 1) to my clients. Never once has this resulted in lost CCs in the MIDI files. The MIDI files my clients receive always have the CCs and all sysex intact. This has been the case from Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 all the way to the current Cakewalk by Bandlab 2020.1 Build 28. Are you sure the actual CC data is missing or could this be a case of the CC data not being recognised by the person's equipment?
  23. Just wondering if you are using a graphics card that uses its hardware to do that actual capturing and encoding (Like NVENC on the GTX650 and up cards). There is also free recording software that utilise NVENC and can Capture sound via ASIO inputs. What I do is I have two ASIO devices - one is used by the DAW and the other is used by the video Capture software. I route the signals via an external mixer's AUX outputs.
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