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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. To be able to select the install location of Cakewalk by Bandlab, it has to be a fresh install. If you have a previous install of Cakewalk, it will use the previous install location and you cannot change it. One option is to more your Cakewalk install folder to another drive. Then create links to point to that drive. Mind you, Cakewalk by Bandlab core only takes about 220 meg. If you are worried about this amount of space on your system drive, then it's time to invest in a larger system drive. For this one, you'll need to send an email to support@cakewalk.com to request a password reset as password resets are handled manually at this time.
  2. I must have done further things..... maybe I stopped a service or something. It's been so long. Whatever I did, I see zero ads from Corel. Note: I do have an IT background, so I would have checked places most users would not even consider looking. That being said, users should not have to jump through this many hoops to stop ads from any company. They should give you a single check box that you select to stop all ads. That check box should be on the ad itself saying "Don't show any more Corel ads ever"
  3. Subscription software....Miss a payment and you're in demo mode? I think I'll pass....
  4. You're right. They are a bit spammy. However, You actually can turn these ads off. In Paintshop Pro, Head to Help | Message Preferences and deselect all options there. One other thing you can do is open Windows Task Scheduler and disable tasks related to Corel. I have Corel Paintshop Pro 2019 Ultimate and I never see any ads to update to 2020
  5. Looking at Izotope's upgrade page, it say that the "was" price is $US199.00, not $99.00 as stated on PluginFox So, according to Izotope the full price is $US199.00 , whereas the upgrade price is $US79.00... which is actually a 60% discount.
  6. This is usually a driver issue or a plugin issue. On very rare occasions, it could actually be a hardware fault. It could also need a re-installation of the Vdist run-times. See: https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads Update all of your hardware drivers (Not just your audio interface, either) Do this by visiting the actual manufacturer's website. To see of it's a plugin, After starting Cakewalk, hold down shift while opening a project to selectively prevent plugins from being used for that project.
  7. Promidi

    Partitioned RAM

    Can you right click on "my computer" and post a screenshot of the resultant screen. I am interested in the "Installed Memory" (usable)
  8. Promidi

    Partitioned RAM

    I have never seen Cakewalk doing this or even showing this message. Can you please post a clear screenshot where the message “Hardware Reserved” is displayed? “Hardware Reserved” sounds more like it's a function of your actual PC rather than Cakewalk itself. I also have 16 gig ram and on first load, Cakewalk only uses a couple of hundred K (As shown in Task Manager). Of course, memory usage increases , the more plugins and I load into a project. Are you sure this isn't you onboard graphics using a chuck of your RAM for it's graphic? This would be set in the PC's BIOS. You might also want to post a bit about your system and invronment in addition to the 16 gig. What version of Cakewalk? What version of Windows. Is your WIndows fully patched? Are you on a laptop or Desktop.
  9. Promidi

    No other audio

    First of all, what driver mode are you using in Cakewalk? This is in preferences | Audio | Play back and recording. ASIO is preferred if using a dedicated Audio interface If you are using your onboard sound for you Audio in Cakewalk, then the driver mode will probably be set to "WASAPI Exclusive" or "WASAPI Shared". I suspect "shared" might be what you're after (I use ASIO so I do not use WASAPI mode) The setting you should be heading to is in the same area (preferences | Audio | Play back and recording) and then deselect "Suspend Audio Engine When Cakewalk Is Not in Focus"
  10. Maybe request this here: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/8-feedback-loop/
  11. Promidi


    You might want to post this in the "Features and Ideas" forum and describe exactly how you would like the staff view to be updated. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/8-feedback-loop/
  12. It does not mean it will not run on Windows 7 (which it does, and does well). It just means that if you do run into issue and you're still running Windows 7, then you will not get much support. They will probably just tell you to upgrade to a currently supported operating system. I suspect you won't like that, but consider this. What do you think Microsoft is going tell the Cakewalk developers if they themselves need assistance from Microsoft and they tell Microsoft that the issue only affects Windows 7. Microsoft will tell the Cakewalk developers that Windows 7 is no longer supported and to focus their development on applications for supported operating systems.
  13. There is no "best" value. Try different buffer sizes and see which value works best for you and your workflow. For my particular workflow, mine is set to 256 samples.
  14. What version of Cakewalk are you using? Have you disabled the high definition audio on the Nvidia card? If you're not using Is your PC fully patched. Are all of your hardware drivers updated (audio and video)? Note: The latest driver for the Nvidia card is 446.14 If you're not using your onboard audio for anyhting, consider disabling that as well If you are using onboard sound as well, make sure the sample rate is set that same as your Audio interface as used in Cakewalk Have you turned off core parking and set power settings to maximum performance (for AC operation)?
  15. It's normal behaviour - even for MIDI only projects
  16. What driver mode are you using in Cakewalk?
  17. Which version (Numerically) of Cakewalk are you using? In 20 years, I have never had this issue - and I use "save copy as" all the time. Can you give a bit more information? Are you using VSTi plugins or hardware synths. If using VSTi plugins, are you using any effects on the tracks
  18. Personally, and this is just my opinion, I would not join the insider's program and place a non officially released version of Windows 10 on any production PC. This amounts to installing a BETA version of Windows 10, something I would not want on any production PC. Now, you are going to have users on her who have joined the insider's program who swear black and blue that they have no issues. However, I just would not risk it on a production PC that will be used to meet deadlines. If you do have a separate PC that you can tolerate possible issues that may come up, then by all mean, join the insider's program
  19. Dimension pro can also be a four part Multi-timbral synth. An extract from the help file To Use Dimension as a Multi-timbral Instrument Load the program that you want to use as a multi-timbral program. Click the Options button . The Options dialog appears. Check the Set Program As Multi-timbral option, and click OK. Save the program, if you want to change it to a multi-timbral program. When a program is in Multi-timbral mode, the four Elements respond to MIDI channels 1-4, respectively.
  20. You can also open the "Big Time" Window. Main menu Views > Big Time. Or press (ALT + SHIFT + 3). You can right click on the time itself to adjust the formatting of the time display. Single left click on the time itself toggles between displaying MBT time and SMPTE
  21. Are you wanting to enter M:B:F format (in which case , press G) or actual time in Minutes and (Milli)seconds ?
  22. Are you sure about that? Do you have a credible source? I know that Home edition does not allow joining to a domain. However, I am pretty sure you can still share and access network resources.
  23. Promidi

    I can't download Cakewalk

    Help us to help you. What have you tried so far? (I ask this so we don't suggest things you've already tried)
  24. Specifically which Windows update are you referring to? The developers are going to want to know exact Microsoft Knowledge-base numbers. They may also want to know your exact Windows build number. Mind you, you stated that this affects "many applications", so you appear to have a system wide issue. My guess is that the Windows update may have borked your driver for your audio interface. What you might want to try is head to the your audio interface's manufacturer's website and download the latest drivers. Do this even if you believe you have the latest version. Personally, I have instructed Windows update never to touch any drivers.
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