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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Maybe put in a feature request. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/8-feedback-loop/
  2. Are you connecting the Keytar via it's wireless USB box? Which version of Windows are you using) Does the USB box come with drivers for your version of Windows? You could set up a single MIDI track - with its input being the Keytar and it's output being the Triton (I am assuming the Triton is set to the appropriate MIDI Channel) Alternatively , you could set up what is called a track as a "simple instrument". A component of this is a MIDI track. This is what you would set as the 4x4 in. Setting this to Omni would mean that it would not matter what channel the Vortex was on - and "omni" means that it responds to all channels. This would be the quickest way to make sure that the Keytar is generating MIDI. Of course, make sure "Input Echo" is on. Remember, if you want to plug the Keytar dirrectly into the Triton and the Triton is on Channel 8, then you would want the Keytar set to Channel 8. Personally, I would find a way to plug the Keytar's MIDI cable directly into Cakewalk (Via the 4*4 MIDI Sport) to allow Cakewalk to do the recording. The MIDI track I mentioned above has another setting whick determines that MIDI channel that that track transmits on. It's just under the "FX" and by default , this is set to "none". I would set this to Channel 8 to match the Triton. Does the Keytar come with any USB drivers for your version of WIndows? Are you saying you do not have a standard MIDI cable with 5 pin din connectors at each end?
  3. One way I can think of is hold shift while opening a project. Then you can selectively remove the effects in those projects. However, you say that "every track of every project has a delay added to it". Unless you inadvertently put a delay into each project, I appears something else is going on. Or you started each project from the same effects loaded - including delay.
  4. This really looks like a communication issue between the Keytar and the Triton. What MIDI Channel is ALesis Vortex Keytar transmitting on? For this to work as described above, The Keytar would have to be transmitting on Channel 8 (Unless the Triton is set to Omni - but you stated "The Triton is set to channel 8"). I don't know enough about the Triton to advise what to do to get it to receive MIDI in data. Personally, I would just plug the Keytar directly into the PC via the MIDI Sport 4x4 - then you can record directly from the Keytar into Cakewalk (of course, into a MIDI track with input Echo on). Note: If the PC's USB is only providing power for the Keytar, not data, then it should not interfere.
  5. I have told Windows updates never to touch drivers during any update procedure....
  6. You should be able to use a USB to MIDI adaptor to connect your 5-pijn din MIDI keyboard to your PC via USB I use a USB to MIDI adapter in the other direction - I.E. I use Cakewalk by Bandlab to send MIDI data to an external 5-pin DIN MIDI device. This has worked flawlessly for a many years now. The one I use is a Roland UM-ONE mk2 USB MIDI Interface. I have a PCR-800 controller and I am certain that, as a test at some stage, I have used the PCR-800's MIDI out ports rather than its USB and this worked fine in this configuration. Of course, nowadays I just use the PCR-800's USB port.
  7. Promidi

    I can't download Cakewalk

    I've never had an issue downloading. What kind of internet do you have. What are your https://speedtest.net results? Are you connected to your router via Ethernet cable or WIFI?
  8. Snap settings http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Tools.19.html PRV Snap override (called Piano Roll view snap resolution in the user guide) https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=EditingMIDI.16.html Keybindings http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Templates_KeyBindings.4.html
  9. As a test, I loaded up a single instance of TTS-1. Then I set up 4 MIDI tracks and routed these MIDI tracks to this single instance of TTS-1 Track 1 - Piano Track 2 - Strings track 3 -Trumpet Track 4 - Drums I was able to record the parts separately using my PCR-800 MIDI controller - building up the parts as I went. When finished recording all parts, I played them back. All parts played with their own sounds simultaneously The whole process took under two minutes in CbB 2020.5 Build 039 on Windows 10 So, yes, a single instance of TTS-1 in indeed multitimbral.
  10. The only way I can think of possibly doing this is to head to the Staff View and then go to the Print menu, and then select "export to MusicXML"
  11. For about 20 years, In the PRV, I use the mouse to actually draw pitch bend events in Cakewalk. When I do this, one thing I do make sure is that I enable Global Snap (N).... However, as my Global snap is set to 1/16, I also enable PRV snap override and set that override to 64th triplet. (I have set keybindings to make this easier). 1/16 create noticeable steps in the pitch bends - I normally don't want those in a guitar bend sound - especially pedal steels. I find that if Global Snap is disabled when entering draw wheel events (and controller events as well), I end up with way too many events in a short space. (some synths bork at that) You can also adjust the contour and curvature of the pitch bend events with the transform tool in the PRV. This is useful if you need to adjust the rate of change of pitch or change the curve from linear to a more curved change. I use the transform tool all the time.
  12. Just tried it here with your recipe and it worked fine here. Routed 4 Simple Instrument soft synths to an AUX track and that AUX track to Master. The only difference here is that instead of "Hibernate PC. Wake up PC" I did a full PC shut-down. Also I use ASIO for my driver mode. With yours, try the full PC shut-down instead of "Hibernate PC. Wake up PC" see what happens.
  13. In PRV, select all notes by clicking the keyboard. Then, adjust the velocity of one of the selected notes - all of the selected notes' velocities will change. Note : you might have to select PRV Menu Notes | Show Velocity on Selected Notes Only to make this easier. (I have a PRV keybinding Shift + V for this as I use this a lot) Another method: With the notes selected, you can also go to the Main menu Process | Scale Velocity and enter the same number for Begin and End and deselect "percentage"
  14. Have you tried switching it off and on again (runs.........)
  15. I tried it in the PRV and it took me about 3 seconds. The best thing about doing it in the PRV with the mouse is that it's a more visual process rather than fiddling with values and whotnot
  16. Make the PRV your new best mate. It is so much more flexible than the staff for note entry. With snap off, the PRV makes for more natural (read, human) sounding music as it's very rare for notes to start and finish bang on the measure divisions. For the septuplets, use the smart tool, rather than the select tool, for the entire process. Right drag a marque to draw a marque around the seven notes. When CTRL dragging the entire selection's duration - make sure snap is switched off. As a side note (pun unintended), while the notes are still selected, hold SHIFT to adjust the durations of all the notes and make them the same duration as you adjust.
  17. I would use the Piano Roll View for this. With Snap on, and snap value set to an easy value (like 1/4), create the seven notes in the row, each with the same duration. Then select all seven notes. Then, while holding down CTRL, change the duration of the entire selection to match where you want the entire septuplet to end. The individual durations of each note will change also, yet all will have the same duration. Note: You did not say what version of Cakewalk so I have assumed the latest Cakewalk by Bandlab.
  18. See if Pressing "n" to disable snap makes a difference.
  19. Select all. Delete special, select "Delete Hole"
  20. What you might want to do is head over to Preferences | File | VST Settings. Then perform a reset then scan. You might also want to enable "Generate Scan Log". Then look at the resultant LOG file generated here: %APPDATA%\Cakewalk\Logs\VstScan.log Of course, you need to make sure the VST DLL for guitar rig is in a folder that Cakewalk is looking. See Preferences | File | VST Settings > VST Scan paths.
  21. Which version (numerically) of Cakewalk are you using? The latest is 2020.4 Build 179 Are you sure that input echo is enabled on just the intended instrument track and no others? To make sure, click on the disable input echo icon on the Mix Module. Then enable the input echo icon on the specific track. Also, in preferences | MIDI | Playback and Recording, see if deselecting "Always Echo Current MIDI Track" makes a difference.
  22. Excellent news on the static. - reminds me of the song FM (No Static At All) by Steely Dan Think of buffer size as latency. It's the number of samples your system temporarily stores before passing them on to there destination. The lower the number, the more CPU your sound subsystem utilises. If your system can handle it, then yes, 64 samples is ok. Some people have a low value with tracking. And increase it when they are mastering. It really depends on your workflow. If you have many tracks in your projects, then you might want to bump it up a bit - but only if you notice audible artefacts while tracking. It's a compromise between audible artefacts and latency (unintended delay) If you play VSTi plugins live with your Keyboard controller, you would not want it much higher then 512. As mentioned, mine is 256 which, for me, is ok for live playing of VSTi plugins.
  23. Promidi

    Audio interface

    Just to confirm, if you head to Preferences | Audio | driver settings, can you drag the "Buffer size". If this does not work then you should be able to click on "ASIO Settings" to open the software that6 controls the Audiolink III settings Note: I use a Focusrite 2i2 so I have a slightly different set up - but as far as Cakewalk is concerned, it should be similar. When you say "noise in your mic" - are you meaning like a background hiss?
  24. First of all, you might want to stay with ASIO for recording if your audio interface comes with native ASIO drivers. Second. are you absolutely sure that no other program (even Windows itself) is accessing your audio interface while you're recording? One thing you might want to confirm is that every program that uses the card is set to the same sample rate as you're using in Cakewalk. What sample rate, bit depth and buffer size are you using? Preferences | Audio | driver settings > under "Mixing Latency". I have mine at 48Khz 24bit and 256 samples. I have a total round trip of 23.6ms I do not have any static while recording audio via my audio interface's audio inputs. This is on a Focusrite 2i2 2nd gen with the Beta drivers version (according to device manager).
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