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Everything posted by Grem

  1. The direct approach? They putting it out there... saying they need help, instead of offering subscriptions. Unique. Wonder how long the "sale" will go for?
  2. What is "The Bapu's" opinion on this topic!?
  3. I really started noticing who was drawing what when Heavy Metal first came out. About 20yrs ago I really got into the graphic novel Preacher. Loved the story. But the art was really outstanding. I stll have all the books. The whole series. And I still go back and read it every few years. It's such a good story.
  4. I won't lie, I had no idea back then who these people were. It wasn't until I got much older before I took and interest in who was responsible. All I knew back then was I enjoyed it. And would read it over and over!!
  5. Just saw a squirrel trying to bury an acorn in the sidewalk crack. Dedication or delusion? ️
  6. My favorite mag when I was just a wee lad!!
  7. I have no idea what your talking about!!
  8. OK, I see some UAD boxes!! One looks like a satellite, the other I can't tell. Then it looks like you got a RME Babyface on the left of the desk?
  9. Glad to hear the move finally happened without anything major to report. My wife and I just got the inside of the house repainted. I thought everything would go back the way it was... Well, that ain't happening! She is ready to get rid of a lot of stuff. So we will be making some trips to Goodwill and also make a refresh start!!
  10. And here I am trying to figure out what the acronym of it all was.... and then.....
  11. Simeon, for me, I love that API Vision Channel strip more than I thought I would. Next is the Helios channel strip. Then the SSL's and Neve's. And that is not in any particular order. The Manley Vox Box is great. As is the Avalon Channel strip. Guitar amps? Both Suhr amps (PT100 & SE100) are really good. Digital Reverb is the king Lexicon 224. Love that thing!! Don't overlook the Sonnox Inflator. Sweet, really sweet!
  12. Always keep this in mind when trying to decide if you should upgrade now or later, with relation to IK.
  13. And Platinum is back up to $221. That puts the plugins at around $3.50 each. I would wait TBH.
  14. It's $265 over at everyplugin.com JAHU
  15. I tried a few in Reaper 7.01 and Studio One to see if they worked in there because they didn't work in CWbBL. Even a re-set/rescan didn’t fix the issue in CWbBL
  16. Not much. Every year around a certain time they will.offer a sale on WUP. And when that happens, Koby has even a better discount. And at the present rate I WUP, I don't think it's a bad deal at all. That said, I certainly will not, nor would I recommend you get WUP'd up every year. No need that I can see. Unless you got to have that certain plugin now included with your bundle. Oh that's a good one!! Contact Koby, if he can help he will. He has done it for me in the past. Great customer service with him. If he can't help he will tell.you what you can do and how to go about it.
  17. Welcome! There are some really good plugins in that bundle. Husker laid out the different bundles, as he did about the upgrade plan instead of buying the same bundle again. More bang for buck that way. I did the same thing. When you see a higher bundle than you have go on sale, check with Koby at everyplugin.com and see what he will charge you for the up grade.
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