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Everything posted by Grem

  1. @Rain Thanks for posting that one. I love AIC. (I still remember the exact place on the interstate hwy when I first heard "Man In A Box". And the feeling I got!!). Those two really pulled that one off. Like Craig, I would have bought that!!
  2. I am a older gentleman like you. But you got to listen to some of those bands. Disturbed's "Down With The Sickness" is excellent. The whole band is smoken' on that entire album. Tool is another excellent band. Top knotch stuff. All of it. Some of the rest... they OK. Worth a listen. FFDP is about the best out of the rest IMHO.
  3. Now that explains it. It did look like some one tried to get glue off. Just wasn't sure if glue went back on from the pics. You did an excellent job.
  4. The Door's version was the best. Only thing missing was at the end some real good Jim screams, like from LA Woman. That would have put it over the top!!
  5. Is that glued to the body? What's those two black rings around the "legs"?
  6. Yes, forgot about that very important detail.
  7. Exactly! When you already have what "they" select, your just SOL. I have 4 serials for EZK, and that will get me all I want. Two more serials for EZD3. I only really wanted 3 from EZBass, and I got one of those last night. Not a bad deal. Now I was really jones'n for those EZK Orchestra Mallets. I want both of them!! I almost pulled the trigger on a 3 pak last night. But experience has shown me if I just wait a little longer....
  8. It's been a long time since I seen prices for midi packs that low.
  9. Must have been a good one!!
  10. I thought the only requirement was that I heard it. Not that I looked!!
  11. Was that my 15 minutes of fame?
  12. Yes that's what I was saying. Both videos I like. Each very different. Speaking of Kiss!!
  13. Never ever in a millions years would I have thought of this! This has to be the best cover of this song ever done!! Man she got some pipes!! And as always Scott does an excellent arrangement!! @Rain @hockeyjx
  14. I love the way this girl sings!! I have watched her ever since I saw her on American Idol.
  15. Lawajava's name is in reference to coffee. I don't know if lawajava ever ate a good sausage and chicken gumbo? Or even a okra gumbo. Then he might have tried a seafood gumbo!! IDK
  16. I tried to d/l this and gave up trying. I had to create and account with Broadcom, did that. Then I tried to find how to d/l the program. FINALLY happened on to it by accident. But every time I tried to d/l the program it tells me I need further verification before I can d/l. So I give them the info they wanted and they still want further verification. Went around that loop a few times before I said "FI, it ain't worth all this BS!" Anyone get a better experience?
  17. Thanks Bapu!! @craigb That looks pretty darn good!! Happy Birthday Lawajava!! I had a cup of java this afternoon in your honor!!!
  18. I am just seeing this. Truly a great loss to our community. We loosing a lot of good ones lately.
  19. They reluctantly bought me an acoustic guitar for my birthday. Had to play it outside or in my room. Then I saved up my money and bought me a Fender knock-off and a Kalamazoo amp. Then they made me go outside in the backyard shed. Back then there wasn't the proliferation of A/C units. If you had one, you had it in your house, not in some shed!! Back then fans were kinda expensive too, because I never had one in that shed. Box fans weren't around as I remember. I grew up in South Louisiana. I sweated a lot. Most of the bands I was in played in sheds. The shed was either in someones back yard or out in a field. Don't think I ever was in a garage band.
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