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Everything posted by Grem

  1. The only reason I can think of is they want to limit the exposure to the clients they work for. Makes thier job easier. Do you have a cell phone with FB app on it? Do you have the FB Authenticator app? Those two things together should get you back in.
  2. Took me a minute! Then I remembered your a comedian on the side!!
  3. Duh!! On my phone it looked like a Madi Gras mask that we decorate for show.
  4. @craigb in the last pic, what is that above the dart board? A head?
  5. I am feeling the same. For me, to go out and play, I want to deliver. And to do it right takes an awful lot of your time to prep. When I quit playing out I was burnt out. I tried again a few years later with a band that wanted to do well, but didn't understand or want to commit the time needed. I enjoyed it for sure. But not like it was before. Now not sure I want to devote that much time to the cause. Or if I can find people equally willing.
  6. Ever since I first got up on stage and played to a crowd (I played with my back to the crowd most of the night. That's another story), I have much respect for anyone who puts themselves out there for others. I realize it's a need inside. And they know the only way to fulfill that need is to play/sing/entertain. So I clap, cheer them on, and put tips in the jar.
  7. I thought they all get "probed"!!
  8. Ancient Aliens theorists say "Yes!"
  9. Isn't this a thread about Adobe?
  10. I use Audition. I still call it Cool Edit because that's what it is. And I do not pay any subscription to Adobe. And no, Audition wasn't always subscription based. But to upgrade from CE2K to Audition (when they bought out Syntrillium), they wanted Adobe type price and I didn't go for it. I kept using CE2k until Adobe gave out a free "perpetual licenses " for registered users of CE2K (right before going to subscription). BTW, that upgraded CE2K to 64bits!! So, my wave editor of choice is Audition.
  11. And it's still Gibson's liability, not Bandlab's. Bandlab doesn't owe "lifetime license holders" of a Gibson product nothing. Zilch. Nada. Zero. There is no more Sonar by Gibson.
  12. This is the bottom line: You can get a Apollo, purchase this octo card, and record with ZERO LATENCY! Great consoles that have the sound you never knew you could get. Sing with the same preamps used for decades. Then consider that you can record guitar/bass with some great amps at zero latency. I don't record with amp sims in the box anymore. Even if UAD eliminated the octo tomorrow, the use you would get out if it would be worth it, if you have/get an Apollo.
  13. I tried to find out how much the shipping was going to be, but I had to commit to the purchase before I could find out shipping cost.
  14. Switching to Cubebase cause BFD problems?
  15. But my tag is really a short form of my last name. That's how that name "Grem" originated. Over the years it stuck with me. Not seeing why I would go with "Grim" spelling instead. Could ya clue me in!!?
  16. Yep you are correct. So the big advertising for "We Going Out Of Business Sale!!" "Prices Slashed!!" it's all pretty much BS. Yeah you can find some deals. But the good stuff will be sold in volumes to some other retailers. Or back to the manufacturer.
  17. I will probably get this. Love me some Chorus.
  18. When they started the GOOB deals I thought I could pickup some good mics cheap. Think again!!
  19. Get well to you too Michael in the land of Oz!!
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