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Everything posted by Grem

  1. I saw some here in Louisiana. Just after sunset and through the clouds. Thought it was just a regular real nice sunset until I saw other people's FB post in clear sky's. It was almost like what I had here!! So I did see it.
  2. This may not be for all. But for those....
  3. I forgot about this place!!! https://oimo.io/ Have fun!
  4. That leaves a lot to the imagination!! I thought we was Martians first!? Me too. I am holding out hope for the same thing!! They aren't.
  5. Often wonder that myself
  6. I have read that it's size ratio to the earth cannot be found anywhere else in the universe so far. Most planet's moons are much much smaller.
  7. Yep. It's as if someone just put it there!!
  8. They say the moon is hollow!!
  9. That's a good question. Glad I read all the replies before I posted!! And good luck with getting back on your feet Bub. It takes time, I mean a lot of time! Just hang in there.
  10. I now feel that I can plan the big road trip to the Redwood Forest and see the Pacific Ocean. I am also wanting to make several other stops along the way such as Meteor Crater, Hoover Damn, & other places.
  11. That's very interesting Bapu. Thank you for that very informative post!
  12. I believe that you will get discounted. Not exactly sure how they work it as it seems to differ for each sale/person/situation. At least that's what I have been able to figure out. I have bought some of the SSL stuff as single plugins, and have upgraded to the "collection" to included all of them at a cheaper price than full price. Check this place out. Some of the most knowledgeable people about UAD plugins and hardware visit often. They would have the best info on your question. Seek out Matt (guy that runs and sponsors the forum, it's not owned or run by UA), and UniversalAudio who is a official UA representative that visits the forum. You may not get an immediate answer. It may take a day or two.
  13. Yeah!! Gotta love hot shlt!
  14. Tom is correct. Extremely dated!! But still excellent reverbs after all this time.
  15. This is what I am getting from reading these post and years of watching the e-licenser system "progress"!
  16. I agree. When they went Native, they said, "Gimme some of that pie!!"
  17. Thought you was gonna say "Just sit back down!"
  18. Played the he11 out that record
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