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Everything posted by Grem

  1. Hope your drummer makes it bit. Sounds like you need to get programming a drum machine. I'm with That's the bottom line. You never know bit, there maybe a young drummer that's been watching ya'll from afar and just waiting for a chance to prove himself. Until that happens the drum machine will work. Not as well as your old drummer that's for sure, but it can work. If ya'll want it to.
  2. This is a good video. He really appears to be all for Sonar being brought back out. Sure knows his way around.
  3. Yes, this is very true. Sadly I have allowed myself to loose a lot of my hard earned abilities. I am/been working to get some of them back. Well said.
  4. Did that before!! Back then we knew nothing of "line levels"!!
  5. @kennywtelejazz Wow!! I just watched that Jay Roberts video!! Unbelievable!! I had to watch that first 30 seconds of the video several times!! I have never seen that type of practice technique!! Any guitar player needs to watch that first 30 second of that video. [edit] Just watched the other video. Had no idea I have heard Howard all my life. He was just all over my fav TV shows!! Great player. Uneducated. Self taught. Playing jazz like that??!!!
  6. I played for years without any fx at all. No delay, no reverb, no comp. Then I got a Ibanez Flanger FL-9 and used that for a few years then got a Ibanez Delay, the AD-9. I bought a Kelly C4 comp that I rarely use. Today I go into a Mesa Tone Burst mostly as a clean boost that work extremely well. The Ghost Pedal does a great job as a clean boost also. IT just has a little more grit than the Tone Burst. I have a pedal board that has 4 different chorus pedal on it! I use those more than anything else (besides the Tone Burst, that stays on all the time).
  7. Alright... I know it was a long wait!! First half of clip is without pedal on. Last half has pedal on. I did play some lead on it but decided that I would just showcase the rhythm part. EZD3 and EZB were used. Also very little was done to EQ the guitar part other than HP filter roll off. Here it is:
  8. Will watch them tomorrow when I get up. Thanks
  9. Last Friday the wife made a seafood gumbo with shrimps and crab claws!!! Mmmmm!!
  10. Yes it does. And rightly so!! They have some unconventional thoughts going on out that way!! And it gets broadcast all over everywhere!! But I also know some real good people out that way. So both coasts has it's equal share of crazies and good folks. And down here in da Bayou country, we all hunting alligators and making gumbo!! LOL! IOW, I was jk with smalls.
  11. Sorry to hear of your misfortune. Man that was not a good "good-bye" at all. Florida to Oregon? Ya'll getting kidnapped?
  12. I did!! And they want $240 for it!! Amazon link
  13. I have read reviews of people that took some lessons from him in the 70's that swear it changed their lives still to this day. Everything I am finding out about this guy is he was a great teacher and person. Hard to believe I never heard of this guy till today. On a damn western show!!
  14. Some heads up, I sorted all the parts, then taped them to a sheet of paper, then marked them so as I worked, I could just look at the directions, see what I needed to grab, and was able to get the right part easily. Also I use one of these to help put the part in, then flip it and solder. I had it already from doing soldering on my guitar pots/pups. So, me being cheap I didn't buy this until after I finished the build!! Will use it on my next build!! LOL Another heads up: I find the white LED way too bright. Even in the daytime. I will take it back apart and fix that at some point.
  15. PSA post: Just happened to be watching an old western show called "The Deputy" (with Henry Fonda). All of a sudden I heard some guitar licks coming from the TV that surprised the heck out of me!! I mean this was no standard run of the mill stuff. Who ever was playing that guitar was good. I mean REAL good. Did some digging and found out a guitarist named James Marshall was the music director for the show. He hired a guy named Howard Roberts to play. He let him improvise over the stuff he wrote for the show. Wow, the show is worth the watch just to hear him play!! And if your not into westerns, here is a YouTube video.
  16. Agree with others about getting your guitar setup by a professional. You will get the most improvement that way. After that, lots of practice will help get you going in the right direction. There is no way around it if you would like to do it right. And then there are the shortcuts that you know and others have mentioned. Nothing wrong with that at all. If it gets the job done, who cares? But to get your fingers in shape will take time, effort, and a lot of pain!! Just stick with it, it is worth it.
  17. I got a good feeling about this new Sonar. I can see an ubergeek such as Noel saying, "Just let me do it my way, then sit back and watch!" Yep, I agree with bit, Noel ain't gonna drop the ball on this one!!
  18. I would agree with this. We may be surprised when it does come out. I mean you never know. But I highly doubt it. As a old time user, I don't think I am owed anything. BUT... if they give a break, I will take it!!
  19. Welcome to the new Forum of CW. Just to give you a heads up.. Bandlab is about to release Cakewalk Sonar, and it will be a paid for DAW. I think Cakewalk by Bandlab will remain free but will not be receiving anymore updates. I think I am remembering this correctly.
  20. Got one already. Don't need or want another!! Exactly
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