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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Okay I'll admit that I am very superstitious ?
  2. Don't do that update you're regret it ?
  3. I'm actually picturing you walking around doing this ?
  4. I don't think we will be around when this makes it to market
  5. I didn't know this software exists. Thanks for sharing ?
  6. Have fun with your new computer?
  7. For $99 worth it IMHO especially if you load them in ST4.
  8. Too many sound choices and not enough brain cells left to comprehend?
  9. I hope this won't ever be on a standardized test ?
  10. Thanks for the posting the video. Finding it interesting to watch.
  11. If the lights start to flicker be warned it might be the "Upside Down" and if it is you need to play your favorite song.... (some will get above and some won't )
  12. On a serious note I hope your build goes well and let us see pictures of your new beast!
  13. Yep B&H I like to buy my printing supplies. I used local delivery from Staples and they sent the wrong product twice. What a hassle. B&H once sent the wrong product but told be to do what I want with it and shipped out the right product for expedited delivery. Now granted it was only Photo paper size they got wrong but still the service was wonderful.
  14. Hey our King realized he doesn't have clothes on at times ? I'm just glad I wasn't around to see you/it
  15. I suppose you could pause the music and do screen shots of select areas you want to print out. If you have a high-end modern Smart-Phone you could take a video, I know Samsung Galaxy 20 series let you take a nice snap shots to print out. Just a thought. As far as CbB having the feature, NAH
  16. Nice present to ones-self Happy Birthday too!
  17. No don't do that as then I won't won't to use it as Strobes light give be a headache. You want me to use the DAW don't you?
  18. Best of luck with the build Lar. Hmm we might not see you around here anymore as you will be playing/making music with your new machine
  19. InstrEd

    Mixcraft 10

    I like it on my laptop.
  20. @Starship Krupa You could put an animated ocean wave to say Ripple is active. Or an animated pic of a Lava Lamp Glowing
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