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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Did you need to talk about it. I think there is an open slot on the Doctor's Couch at 2:30pm
  2. "Rare Wind" Sounds I made yesterday after dinner ?
  3. I just don't get the $$$$ of cut-up jeans. Really I got a nice sharp blade and I can do it for free
  4. With all the Shootings could we change the title to trying to find
  5. Cuorry thise placee is buy envitation oounly
  6. and here I thought it was one of you pranksters posting a picture of Dolly
  7. Whoops! I forgot to tell my size. I'll take a size Large T-Shirt please. Extra large coffee mug and the turbo charged Hover car too
  8. InstrEd

    Sonar X1

    Did you use an X-ACTO knife and if so which blade did you use
  9. Sorry to here you're feeling worse Shane. Yep you can keep testing positive for months
  10. Really depends on the queen he might get. ?
  11. and Elvis has left the building so my vote is for Larry even if he isn't a Cucumber
  12. It keeps mutating and so expect us all to get it. The shots will just hopefully keep you from ending up with a bad case of it. I'm double boosted and still wear a mask in public.
  13. InstrEd

    BFD = CFA

    Not if you live with Animal ?
  14. @PavlovsCat I upgraded last sale to stay current, but truth be told I haven't used it! Thanks for reminding me how far behind on this music hobby stuff I am
  15. Hope the fence doesn't have spikes Also be careful on which side you come down on as Spike mike be waiting for you too
  16. That is because you were shocked you beat King Larry to post about the deal
  17. Is it Whole Wheat?
  18. My wife has been trying to get that point across to patients to no avail! It is like they don't care and are going to go about their daily routine.
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