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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I used that term last week and my daughters looked at me like what are you talking about. I said "Just Nuke it for 30 seconds" ?
  2. I think the home test actually did more harm as people took the home test and believed the results Please let this darn Covid-19 subside. We have all had enough of it!
  3. Seriously hope your sister has a mild case of it.
  4. Okay that I have to agree on as you went to NJ ?
  5. Vaccines usually are not meant to protect you 100% from getting virus. It is meant to hopefully keep you out of severe illness. I got 2 boosters and I'm one of the few that is still wearing a mask in stores. My wife has an autoimmune disease and even before this particular virus we have been careful around others.
  6. Hope she only has a mild case! That is the problem with Covid, you just don't know how you're going to react to this virus. My wife's coworker had it really bad and two other coworkers were so mild it was like they didn't have anything.
  7. I like that Waveform DAW can run on a Raspberry Pi if you want to go to the trouble. For me I guess I'm going back to more traditional/linear approach with music now. I have no hard feelings and maybe in the future they will get my $$. Of course I say what I just did and Stranger Things season 4 is airing now on Netflix! All of those 1980's synth sounds to tempt me back into the Upside Down ?
  8. I haven't dipped yet ? I was holding out for that free MIDI Controller > > > > Actually I've been watching the GB and if it went the distance I would get in at the end of the month. Reason being my CC cycle date is tomorrow and every bit helps. Don't know how much I'll be using all this stuff as I've been more interested in Orchestra type music in my later years of life.
  9. I got off the bandwagon myself. I like what they are doing, but if you skip a couple of upgrades they hit your wallet $$. Plus I have decided my old brain can't keep up with all this technology. YMMV.
  10. That is a great idea Pete! A combined MIDI controller and HD promotion. Of course I get the MIDI Controller for free including S&H
  11. Pot Roast in the Electric Pressure cooker with A1 as the liquid really does at flavor.
  12. Sorry I'm an A1 steak Sauce person myself. Think it stems that where I grew up in the city, all the summer BBQ events had A1. Now it is a staple for me. For that matter I got my one daughter hooked on it too! Maybe IK should start naming Synths after Condiments ?
  13. I thought I would get in tonight to help it over the top. Looks like it will make it before I get home from work today. Which is totally fine by me
  14. Wait! IK is now selling ketchup ? Sorry I'll get my summer jacket........
  15. Be quiet about that. The King is never supposed to let his subjects know he is weak ?
  16. We're going to make it Where is the link for the super discount on another HD Pete?
  17. I just looked up the CDC map and my whole area and surrounding counties are in the Red zone
  18. Hope you turned the tide Shane and are feeling better!
  19. It seems that way doesn't it. We were supposed to go the Summer of 20 right after my daughters got out of school to visit cousin. We were going to stay at her place and she was going to take us around NYC area. One of these years
  20. A few patients have been hospitalized but thankfully none so far in ICU.
  21. My wife is getting just as many calls again dealing with Covid as she did in Jan wave. The whole medical office where she works is totally burnt-out. The big bosses have also decided that all out patient office will now over covid shots. Problem is that the offices don't have the staff to watch the patients after the shot or a place for them to wait. All the offices are overbooked as it is.
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