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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Jim charges for consultation but I don't know how much his fee is. Email him and ask. I heard it was very reasonable for his services. Jim really isn't over-priced for his systems IMHO. If you price it out yourself on Newegg, Microcenter, etc you will be able to see that yourself. Jim has been apart of this community from the Cakewalk before Sonar days. He built the PC-DAW's for Sweetwater and helped them setup the Sweetwater Creation Station DAW's. I guess because I built computers in the past I know what a good computer costs and Jim is several hundred dollars more for his services. Peace Studio Monkey
  2. I built several computers when I was younger and I agree the statement that "I just don't feel like building them anymore" @Jim Roseberry I have to commend you for keeping up with the tech. How many decades now has it been?
  3. watched the video and liked what I saw and heard. Glad I brought Kontakt 6 on sale last year finally
  4. No he actually said "me" ! Ed not install a vst right away. What is the world coming too
  5. InstrEd

    NI FM8 for $12

    Cool ? thanks for sharing ?
  6. Honestly I still do after all these decades
  7. Maybe Presonus will call this new stream lined DAW "Shaft"?
  8. Fixed again ? Seriously though some times data does show that major shifts in trends. As in like the shake-up of digital photography, just look now at Canon, Nikon mirroless cameras. It is just that I have had some VP's visit from different trades and they had NO idea about the businesses they were helping to run!
  9. You Fixed the boss! Time to get your coat
  10. I think you need to change your Avatar to a Lab Coat with a pocket protector too Be careful with Pigment as it can become addicting!
  11. Kindness Boomerang When you give out Kindness, it has a way of coming back to you.
  12. Me too. My daughters who are in college now had friends of all different nationalities. We had a Birthday party and one of my wife's coworkers brought her daughters to the party and the coworker toward my wife, wow I can't believe there are more non-white people here then white people. My wife didn't know what to say to her. I always want to know what is on the inside of a person. That is what matters. Anyway I shall leave this conversation as this forum is about music/deals. Peace
  13. Larry hope you're doing okay and it is perfectly okay to take some time off from forums. If you're down for health reasons know that you are in my prayer. Peace my good man
  14. But I stopped using Saran Wrap and now use reusable containers ? Larry hope everything is okay on your end and just taking some time to yourself enjoying your new computer ? Peace
  15. Woof, Woof! I don't think I'm Alpha Material ?
  16. If that was the criteria, the forum would be void of posts ?
  17. Boo! You need to take it with you everywhere you go to keep your posts on the front page. I would get much better use out of it silly product manager ?
  18. You can just keep the deals page open on your phone and post "Bump" Pete Don't worry, I won't ask for my free keyboard on this one think of it as my freebie to you!
  19. Did you have to much caffeine today Ed?
  20. I can think of quite a few folks that I would like to sit in that chair
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