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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. But the adult magazines you actually read the articles and didn't look at the pics ?
  2. True if playing on-stage but for us home-warriors I think the controller - DAW approach works better. For that money I would rather put it towards a $$$ digital stage piano. YMMV
  3. I was thinking the same thing.
  4. I like the idea too but as Scott said make it possible to disable please.
  5. The SOS part is right as I can use all the help I can get making music ?
  6. I to afraid to look up the price!
  7. But I knew you were waiting for me ?
  8. Hans is one of who loves to break the boundaries of music production.
  9. Not really as we eat the Gluten Free Oreos now
  10. InstrEd

    "Space Farmer"

    I think this song should be used in "Stranger Things"
  11. With today's prices I'm willing to try anything!
  12. That is what they all say when they get busted at the massage parlor. Officer if couldn't of been me as I don't go there ?
  13. RIP Dave. So instead of Bagpipes at his funeral will there be > > > > > > > Phophets
  14. Wow! I didn't realize folks were still reading. I thought all information was gathered by Tik-Tok Learn some dance moves while taking in the latest news Gossip
  15. This I can agree on. My wife does 1,000 piece puzzles and I'm lucky to find 10 pieces to help her. ?
  16. Sorry your little trip didn't go as planned.
  17. No, I'm not going to say which one ?
  18. Lol the stupid song came to my head now and I can't get it out. Thanks Kenny ?
  19. Well if she was wearing a mini-skirt instead would you of noticed the puzzle pieces?
  20. i see you are still recovering from Covid
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