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Everything posted by ralfrobert

  1. Or if you are after tons of presets, snatch Rob Papen Explorer 8 for less than 200 second hand. You get a huge playground, far more than 4 synths.
  2. Perhaps Synthmaster 2, SM One, Zebra Legacy and old Massive. At least if you buy some of them second hand and the others on sale.
  3. https://www.goldbaby.co.nz/products.html Whole catalogue. Best of industry. Until July 31st.
  4. I will not forget about this. They also have a package that looks like an additional standard library. This would be my first pick, as it both adds variety and shortens production time in one go if and when structured wisely. I am no crate digger and will never be one.
  5. F9 is earmarked for future purchases. I saw they had sales in the past, eg. on Black Friday. Anyway, I will cut down purchases in the near future and see where restrictions take me. Until November...
  6. Thanks, I didn't know them and will take a look now. Edit: Their stuff looks really great. As far as I am concerned, I have retired Ableton at the moment, but this may change.
  7. They have these $10 ... 15 offers on several packages, so If you like what you got, jump on the newsletter train or just look around here regularly. I've got a bunch of Ableton FX racks and tons of cinematic samples this way.
  8. You should have received the code by email. Or do you mean the Lunacy website?
  9. I have a few. Good samples, Kontakt interfaces are quite basic, but very usable, good integration with Ableton. A bit like the Samples from Mars stuff. You can't go wrong for 10 bucks.
  10. These big PM packs are always very tempting to me. Anybody here who can talk me out of it?
  11. ... but buying from Saverio sometimes feels a bit like stealing.
  12. Nice sounds, fun tool to toy around. I think it is worth a test drive to see if it is for you.
  13. Changes in Bitwig Studio 5.0.1 [released 13 July 2023] IMPROVEMENTS Track remote controls now follow the remotes for current chain in the Instrument Selector, FX Selector, and Note FX Selector devices If the top-level device itself has a remote control page, that will be preferred FIXES Bitwig Studio will now automatically reimport v4.4 collections if they are not present in v5.0.x [32789] MIDI files could not be previewed or loaded for some editions of Bitwig Studio [33155] Harmonize (Note FX) device: Fixed some sleep issues (a regression) [33067] Logic Delay (Logic) Grid module: Was sometimes triggering too fast [33002] Fixed a sleeping issue with nested device chain slots The eraser tool can be used to create breakpoints in the automation lane again (a regression) [33071] Curve Editor: Copy Curve followed by Reset Curve followed by Paste Curve now works [33097] Fixed a crash when using Bounce or Slice to Drum Machine with audio files that have no detected onsets [32236] Removing a device with latency was sometimes causing hung notes [33081] Removing a location via the Show All Sources page now removes the location in the preferences, no longer crashing the app [32010] Plug-in presets were sometimes being listed twice [33078] Dragging in samples into the empty area once again creates color-distributed tracks [33147] Audio files that contain invalid sample data was sometimes causing the audio engine to output garbage [31335] Fixed a crash when an image couldn't be decoded [33023] Windows: Fixed some random application crashes [30047]
  14. If there is only a small budget, the clean compression requirement can be met for 10 bucks. One doesn't need anything else.
  15. This is a must have at this price point. Extremely versatile, super transparent. If you are into tools that are a bit simpler and have not done so yet, give Kotelnikov Standard a chance. It is free and enough for 80% of the tasks.
  16. There are some poor, pitiful human beings around. I know. And some of them are also nasty spammers.
  17. I like what's going on with Kontakt. Sadly, not much innovation elsewhere at NI.
  18. And this is not a single occurrence. They have a rich history of doing so. About a year ago, I decided to leave this game as it is not very funny any more.
  19. I think they will keep the price up for this one. Fabfilter here, and it does the job, so no more plugins. As far as PA is concerned, I have several channel strips, ADPTR Audio stuff, some plugins by Unfiltered Audio and half a dozen emulations on top. Enough for me. Maintenance work on my system is mainly deleting things these days.
  20. The Kirchhoff? There are 2nd hand licenses for 30 ... 40 bucks. Then you can wait for a voucher or pay transfer fees. Done If you desperately need it. And the next sale is around the corner, I am sure.
  21. Short answer: yes. I got 8 Fabfilter plugins within the last year. They are making up 50% of the plugin instances in my projects now. Pair them with Arturia for vintage effects, Valhalla for verb, a convolution verb and a handful of selected tools, e.g. Melodyne, and you are out of the plugin game and can finish a song or two.
  22. I asked support. Will post the reply here as soon as they come back to me.
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