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Everything posted by ralfrobert

  1. 3 and half a day left so I am bumping this up.
  2. We will see. Prices are going down the drain at the moment. Will check again in a year or two.
  3. The new feature: additional costs for you.
  4. https://www.meldaproduction.com/about/news/309 €9 now, free with certain bundles.
  5. You have a month to decide. Better grab something you actually need. My 2c.
  6. https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/11828-Bloom-Vocal-Aether-Lite https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/3451-Pyros One with each purchase, free for customers who don't already have it. You can get both with separate transactions. Until end of the month I guess. Pyros is a good one by the way.
  7. But you still have to install the PACE software to run Sonible plugins, right?
  8. It can be a lot of fun as a closed system for the creative part of the job. For me, it's a piece of software that puts a smile on my face when I fire it up. But that's just me.
  9. I don't know, but I use FL for creating electronic stuff, other software for mixing, recording, deep editing. I guess it's similar for lots of people.
  10. As this is coming to an end, I wanted to bump it up as a reminder. Last chance. ..
  11. It takes some time, but what matters in the end is quality. So I'll wait. .. and be happy when things arrive.
  12. https://www.image-line.com/specials/upgrade-season/?utm_source=website&utm_medium=hero&utm_campaign=ape_upgrade_24 For the next 14 days. Exact prices depending on location. For example, Signature to All Plugins is 120 € for me in Germany.
  13. https://www.wavealchemy.co.uk/product/drift/ 13,805 meticulously crafted vintage drum samples 315 inspiring presets / loops. Preview beats on the fly, build your own playlists, randomize, and more Triaz expansion Flow sample pack included. Offer ends September 19.
  14. Again. https://everyplugin.com/platinum.html Includes a year of fresh WUP. Also check for upgrade pricing. https://everyplugin.com/waves-upgrades Good plugins if you can live with the ideosyncrasies.
  15. Same here. I just went for Fabfilter, Voxengo, Tokyo Dawn, Melodyne and Valhalla two years ago, and that covers 98%. I have a lot more, however, including complete Melda. So the salesmen succeded.
  16. Origami paper can get expensive. Grow potatoes instead.
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