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Everything posted by ralfrobert

  1. You can check if you have any receipts in your inbox or the account. They also exist for free products.
  2. You are right. I went this way, replaced a lot of stuff with Fabfilter, and life became less complicated. Some folks, on the other hand, love their iZotope software. But I would not want to go back.
  3. If you like the free bundle, some of the paid stuff will blow the roof off. And paying for the free bundle is not a bad idea, as you only pay once. And you get resizing, oversampling etc.
  4. I asked support, and they told me there will be update paths in the future. At the moment, there are none. This is a bit strange, but may have changed. Does anyone have current information on this?
  5. I have to say: discussion from another world.
  6. I don't have it installed so I can't check. Anybody?
  7. I think so. Just check for new patches in the updated Analog Lab.
  8. I didn't want to say toy. And you can get nice sounds from them. If you need something quick, they may be ideal. But not for me.
  9. Have fun with this. I don't like Ujam stuff as the plugins always feel a bit restrictive. I will pass.
  10. I nearly got a heart attack because I thought for the whole bundle. Wishful thinking...
  11. ... and nice products which I could afford when I started in 2016. Still love the Thirty One and some other of his solutions. He sometimes just needs some time to iron out bugs, but then they work. And I have to say there are very nice people down there in Siena. Not super fast, but always pleasant conversation.
  12. 69 for me with very old V Collection and FX 3.
  13. https://www.arturia.com/products/software-instruments/acid-v/overview 99 bucks for new customers, maybe less if you already have Arturia products. Log in to see your price. Intro offer until September 14th.
  14. As always... feels like stealing.
  15. I think long ago they said they will never do deep discounts.
  16. I would like to hear your opinions, too. The PA plugins are in frequent use here, a I don't know if I am missing something.
  17. How are these compared to the PA ones? Asking for a friend
  18. https://www.goldbaby.co.nz/kaziotronkeys.html Code: 50KAZIOTRON Until August 31st
  19. And you get a load of excellent plugins with the Pro version.
  20. Have been on Knobcloud for some time. Very little negative experiences, have never been scammed. And sometimes, there are really good deals there. Many sellers are open to negotiation. Bottom line: I can recommend it.
  21. 65 packs. €22.79 in Europe. 20 days left. https://www.humblebundle.com/software/bedroom-to-billboards-your-complete-music-bundle-software?hmb_source=&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_1_layout_type_threes_tile_index_1_c_bedroomtobillboardsyourcompletemusicbundle_softwarebundle
  22. https://algonaut.audio/atlas-purchase/ $49 I don't know for how long.
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