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Everything posted by ralfrobert

  1. The bundle seems to be the cheapest route to just get the reverbs and Guitar Rig 7 if you just want that.
  2. It's time to complete my Hideaway collection. Anything you can recommend? Hidden gems? Always looking for unique libraries with lots of character.
  3. The backing vocal functionality can get you really messy results with an own character. For normal vocals, just record backings, use doublers and wait 5 years for the software to get more mature.
  4. I don't know. But buying directly does rarely give you any advantage.
  5. This is a new problem it seems. Was able to get my set of keys this morning. Uncle E is very helpful with this sort of issues. Just let JRR support know.
  6. There seem to be problems, see above. Furthermore, should you ever need support, they will see more than you. Wouldn't take the risk.
  7. Really good. With rotary, it varies from case to case, so I always try more than one.
  8. This whole updating chaos is strange. In the past, people managed to register update purchases to accounts without the base product. This seems to be over. I sold two keys for additional products and covered my costs. Free V6 for me.
  9. Please let us know how this plays out. The insecurity regarding the upgrade paths were the reason I didn't go all-in.
  10. This update has something to offer. I know about the past, but this looks promising.
  11. And this time it contains some real improvements as it seems. You really could use it exclusively and get very far.
  12. I jumped for it immediately because it is as low as it got in the past, but on the first day. You get six keys, see above. So ... Second hand market, just saying. I've registered and installed the iZotope stuff now and have to try it. Seems to be a substantial update this time. The paid updates are something to be hated for sure. But the way things are going, I can live with it.
  13. Guitar Rig 7, Creative Mixing Set, the reverbs, Melodyne, NI plugin bundle, MPS 6. Six serials in total.
  14. I took one for the team and bought the update. Will play around with it today and share my impressions. Purchased at JRR and received the keys instantly. The price may be an error, so I went for it right now. Will sell off the leftovers as there are separate codes.
  15. I am on version 5.2 and will wait a year until the suite goes rock bottom. Although there seem to be some substantial updates, I dislike the subscription-like way iZotope are managing and marketing their product lines.
  16. https://www.izotope.com/en/products/music-production-suite.html Guitar Rig 7, Ozone 11, new Nectar 4. Please decide for yourself if it is a deal for you. Edit: $41.16 on JRRshop with code Group. Price is for the update from V5. Other deals, too, but this is the best if you have got the base product. https://www.jrrshop.com/izotope-music-production-suite-upgrade-mps-4
  17. Half price until September 11. https://algonaut.audio/ Great piece of software.
  18. Nice gesture. And the plugin is also nice. Got it as a present, too, and can recommend it.
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