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Everything posted by ralfrobert

  1. Could you please tell me why you don't trust Brave with the passwords? Just interested as I am using it on a regular basis.
  2. 30% off for some more hours. This makes the limiter 118,90 € or the equivalent in $. There are EDU discounts and bundle deals, too. https://hofa-plugins.de/plugins/iq-limiter/ Hofa makes very good software. The company also has a big studio, acoustics, and online courses, and the plugins are created for in-house use and tested in this environment. If you want to exchange some fanciness for better problem solving, you will like their style.
  3. +1 Also look out for second hand licenses. They tend to be very cheap.
  4. I can recommend this. Huge selection of modules, good sound quality, easy to use, good presets. An alternative is PSP Infinistrip which I like more. Mixbox does not put you through all the installation hoops IKM is famous for. It's an integrated solution.
  5. Not for ants, for me. I tossed out the Christmas crap and lots of other crate digging collections two years ago. Have Komplete, Mars and Goldbaby and the likes, around 400 Gigs of samples in total. I've learned to synthesise many things on my own which helps avoiding huge archives. And I like my strategy so far.
  6. It's a great ecosystem, updates are frequent and extensive, Vojtech listens to his users, and the gifts keep coming. Happy Melda customer here.
  7. Yes, hurry everyone. I've got Coldfire and Saturn plus gigabytes of samples, so I will rather slow down and learn what I have.
  8. New plugins are quite disk friendly. I wish Drum Empire was split into several packages so I could install parts of it. I can't carry it around on my laptop as things are.
  9. It's also worth checking with Audiodeluxe for the personalised upgrade. 3 bucks less than Everyplugin in my case. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/upgrades/get-your-personal-waves-upgrade-price
  10. Same issue here, September has been an expensive month so far.
  11. This update looks like a lot of work. I don't want to buy this at full price in the near future, so pass from me.
  12. Right. From a 2023 perspective, nothing ground breaking, and the new stuff is unstable also. Deleted the software and never looked back.
  13. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/catalog/nks-offer-2023/ Discounts on a lot of software titles including u-he synths that go on sale rarely. Too many to list, so please list your favourites below.
  14. See the release notes here: https://u-he.com/products/diva/releasenotes.html CLAP, next gen NKS, small improvements, tons of bug fixes. Short: The way free updates should be for every product out there. More to come until end of the year.
  15. There are difficult people around with great products. His aren't. Nothing to waste a thought on. Beta forever.
  16. Look out for a sale at a reseller. JRR had working coupons for reduced Kuassa items in the past. Also try MTurboEQ for vintage EQs. Not 100% accurate, but good and a fairly complete set of flavours.
  17. The other plugins are nothing super special, but decent. Just my 2c.
  18. Good company. I'm using their Amplifikation 360 exclusively for guitar and often for other sources, too. The software took the role of Guitar Rig in my setup. It's different, but this is what I want.
  19. It seems to be a processor hog under certain circumstances. So you may be happier without it. After all, it's a channel strip used on every track.
  20. Like the myFaves thing at T-Mobile Germany in 2008 I think. A CEO saw it in the US, wanted it for Germany, huge project, failure. Germans use phones differently from Americans. He didn't care, didn't listen. A bit like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, volume 1.
  21. Just joking. For four eyes principle implemented, a lot goes wrong in the world. I've worked for a lot of very big companies as a consultant and was often surprised how primitive decision processes were handled in many places. Not for big bank transactions, but for pricing or advertising for example. And yes, for the IT risk management for time critical advertising of a world famous investment company, the 20 year old intern was sent to me.
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