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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. Have you changed your audio driver settings recently, or updated any drivers? I've found that after any driver changes, or even just changing from ASIO to WDM to ASIO again, can occasionally mess up AUD.INI, and can cause the problems you describe. While you're not running CbB, try deleting AUD.INI from %APPDATA%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\ - CbB will create a new one the next time it starts.
  2. FWIW I use screensets to give me this sort of functionality. So for example, screenset 2 only has the Console View in the multidock, whereas screenset 3 has PRV and Event List. I think this is actually quicker than having to manually arrange the tabs to what you want, as you just press 2 for screenset 2, 3 for screenset 3 etc.
  3. FWIW, I've noticed that Groove Music plays things louder than other players (e.g. VLC). It's almost as if it's got some sort of automatic volume control built in to try to make every track the same volume. This post seems to support this theory: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/musicandvideo/forum/all/groove-music-very-heavy-sound-distortion-and/665bdf56-5438-4cf2-aae7-fb7afd671c6b
  4. I've got it's baby brother, the i3570 which I'm more than happy with. I've never had it max out yet in a real project.
  5. 6GB RAM? Did Dell supply sell it to you with 6GB RAM, or did you upgrade it? If you've got more than one memory module installed, they usually have to be exactly matched (e.g. 2 x 4GB, or 2 x 8GB). If not you can run into what seem like random crashes when the CPU accesses RAM across the two modules. Even if the specs match but are different makes/models, you could have issues. You might not notice any issue with normal usage until it starts using up more RAM, forcing it to cross over the second memory module. I'm not saying this is your issue (although it could be), but its something to be aware of - especially if you're considering upgrading your RAM.
  6. Try Insert Series of Tempos from the main menu. It's on page 429 of the pdf reference guide.
  7. Another thing to try is to use some reference tracks. Rip a similar sounding track from a CD and import it into your project. Have the track routed directly to your audio device output, or it's own bus routed to the audio interface output (i.e. so it's not through the main master bus). Then swap between soloing the reference bus / main bus to the match the volume between the two. Once you've done that, if you can match the EQ (preferably using your ears rather than a tool) of your own mix to the reference track, this might mitigate some of the effect of hearing loss, or even badly matched monitors/room.
  8. I've been reading SoS since the late 80's. Not every month, as budget didn't always allow, but more often than not I'd skim through it in WHSmith if I was waiting on a train. If it had a must-read article, I'd definitely buy it though. IMHO it's the best pro recording magazine out there. Before eBay was a thing, I must have dumped around 100 issues or in the recycle bin before I last moved house... if only I knew...
  9. I think it might make more sense if it was called "Bounce Bus to Track". I can see this being useful when creating stems.
  10. This may sound counter-intuitive, but I find putting a high pass filter on the bass can help tremendously, especially if it's competing with the kick drum. In saying that, it might actually be a bass build up on other tracks. Try high passing every other track: move the roll-off frequency up until you can just hear a difference, then back it off.
  11. I've knocked together a tool to make it easier to map VST parameters to the knobs on a Mackie C4, rather than editing MackieControl.ini manually. It allows you to drag/drop your VST parameters and arrange them as required. Although it's geared at the C4, MCU users can use it to if they limit themselves to the top 8 knobs. As MackieControl.ini lives inside a sub directory of C:\Program Files, you'll need to run it as Administrator if you want to overwrite MackieControl.ini. If you don't run as Administrator it'll default to letting you save your edited MackieControl.ini in your Documents folder (you'll then need to copy it over manually to C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Surfaces). You can download the tool here: http://msmcleod.co.uk/cakewalk/C4Mapper.zip No installation necessary, just extract the .zip file and run C4Mapper.exe. Note that depending on how many plugins you've got, it may take 30 seconds or so to read in all the plugin details when your run it. Also, as the tool is just a GUI front end to MackieControl.ini, it assumes you know what the various parameters mean (particularly with regard to EQ bands). It's best to consult Chris Boucher's original guide here: https://web.archive.org/web/20120625023520/http://www.chrisboucher.com/cakewalk/mackiecontrol/, or if you've got my version of the MackieControl.dll, this guide is included in the help pdf. If you find any bugs... give me a shout!
  12. Just a thought... have you updated any of these plugins without doing a re-scan of your plugins within CbB?
  13. The easiest way is to use the Export module: Or, if you want to export individual tracks as individual mp3's:
  14. Strange - it's working fine for me too ? I guess it must be a Windows update - I've done nothing else to have suddenly caused it to work.
  15. I don't think it's Cakewalk's issue per se - Cakewalk uses Microsoft's in-built stock codecs. They're obviously different from what Apple supports. Having extra codecs would (probably) require licensing, which would drive up the cost for BandLab. As video editing isn't a core feature of Cakewalk, it's probably not seen as a high priority. And anyway, it doesn't stop you scoring to video, and I guess you can always provide a broadcast wave if necessary - which would probably be preferred, as it would be high quality vs some lossy compression. Dedicated video editors such as Vegas / Movie Maker cover all audiences, so their codec support will be larger.
  16. Maybe the audio codec in your mp4 doesn't exist on MacOSX ? There's an old Sonar thread that discusses a similar issue: http://forum.cakewalk.com/Sonar-issues-with-MP4-video-files-Please-help-2016-m3347825.aspx You might want to try the suggestions in this post: http://forum.cakewalk.com/Export-your-Mix-to-MP4-Format-with-a-free-AAC-Codec-m3640301.aspx
  17. I'm not sure if this will be in a nice enough format for you, but if you run regedit and navigate to this path: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory You'll see all the plugins listed. Clicking on each plugin will give all of its details. Also, if you right click on Inventory, and select Export you can open the saved .reg file with notepad and cut/paste/re-format it as required.... just save it as something other than a .reg file after editing it!
  18. I've never personally had a problem, and I've been using it for several years. I do backups & restores quite regularly, as I use it to keep my studio PC & house PC in sync (I've cloned the motherboard BIOS chips so they appear as the same PC). The main thing to bear in mind when dealing with Windows images, is that it uses more than one partition as part of the OS disk. That's why it's always best to do a complete disk copy, rather than backup individual partitions. In saying that, once you've restored a disk, it's usually safe from then on to just use a partition restore, but this is no good in the case of a disk failure and you need to restore to a brand new disk.
  19. For those interested in Clonezilla, you can download it here: https://clonezilla.org/downloads/download.php?branch=stable I find by far the easiest way, is to download an iso image and burn a CD from it, but you can create a bootable USB disk if necessary. I've put together a couple of videos showing how to backup/restore. For the most part, you just keep pressing enter to select the defaults (BTW - pressing CTRL + F5 on your browser will restart them). Here's a quick(ish) tutorial on how to backup a disk: And one on how to restore:
  20. Craig - I'm really sorry to hear about your issues here. I got into a similar position when my Studio PC refused to upgrade from Win7 to W10, and the rollback didn't work. I tried just about everything, and in the end re-installed from scratch and did the Win7 to Win10 upgrade on a clean install. This kind of situation is the reason why I use Clonezilla (which is linux based, and boots from CD), and also why I have to rolling complete disk images on another hard disk. I'll do a disk image once a month, or before/after I've updated or installed any new software. All of my projects and documents are backed up to the cloud at the end of each session. Having a linux based imaging system means it's completely unaware of Windows and it's update status - it just makes an image of the disk and restores it. Having rolling copies of my disk image on another disk means I my oldest backup is usually no more than a month old, and my projects will re-sync from the cloud as soon as it boots up. Any backup system that requires Windows to be running is to my mind, flawed, as lets face it - it's far more likely nowadays that a Windows Upgrade screws up your system (which now happens twice a year) than your data being lost to a HD/SSD failure (maybe once in 5 years).
  21. Just out of interest, are you using Melodyne Essential, or another version (e.g. Editor or Studio) ?
  22. Have you set any automation by accident? Also, check you've not inadvertently put it into offset mode.
  23. I've got all the UJAM guitar products. Sparkle is probably the one I use least, and Silk is the one I use the most, as it's the only one that does single notes in any useful way, and it also has a separate bass note part. Iron is great for heavy rhythm, and you can actually get some good riffs out of it by swapping between styles/chords quickly, but it takes some time. I'm still torn between Amber and NI Strum Session 2. IMO they're both good, and I use one or the other depending on what I want. If I had to choose, I'd say NI Strum Session is slightly better for variety... but I do prefer the sound of Amber. I wish they'd make an Amber 2 and make it just like Silk but with an acoustic sound. This drum pack is a bargain for what it is, but it's not for me. I like drums to play with the music, not be just a pattern everything plays along to. I have a similar opinion of the bass instruments, although to be fair, they do sound excellent.
  24. A hardware control surface is also a great investment, especially for selecting tracks & fader movement. I find fader movements awkward with a mouse, and even worse with a laptop mouse-pad. Even something like the Korg nanoKONTROL 2 (or even better, the nanoKONTROL Studio) make a huge difference to both your workflow and reducing strain on your hands. I've never found the smaller faders an issue, and for £35 / £105 respectively, it's a no-brainer for me.
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