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Everything posted by AndyB01

  1. I still use DimPro occasionally, there are some really good sample sounds in there. Track sounds good and has stood the test of time, then again, musicianship of this quality always will. ? Great vibe - enjoyed it. Andy
  2. AndyB01


    I listened to the first song (French is such a beautifully lyrical language), I also get the slight sibilance but I can live with it - great vocal I thought. That aside, production and mix sounds good - interesting lyrical concept as well. I will have a listen to some more. ? Andy
  3. Sounds like a track straight from one of those classical 'chillout' albums - a great example of a simple idea, cleverly developed and beautifully executed. ? Andy
  4. Well I take issue with your use of the word 'cheating' - creativity and originality comes in many forms, and very few of us can be virtuoso multi-instrumentalists. I really enjoyed it, vocal has an unusual vibe that I can't really label (a good thing) and takes some unexpected turns on the melody line. I also like the slightly anthemic change up at 3:30. Well done. Andy
  5. Good grief Nigel - that was awesome!! I did wonder where this was going for a few moments when the rubber gloves came out... ? A powerful message about the power and determination of a woman scorned (best lock up your angle grinder). I shall make a mental note to put my phone down and pay full attention next time Mrs AndyB01 asks me anything. Oh - and the song - incredible mate: vocals, backing, lyrics - everything - I loved it! Top - and I mean absolutely TOP - work. Andy
  6. AndyB01


    Nicely crafted song and video, and well-performed. Enjoyed it ? Andy
  7. This is one of those 'how long is a piece of string' questions but grateful for any suggestions. I have a Clevo i7 32Gb RAM laptop (badged as a Scan 3XS music production laptop, but it's a Clevo under the hood). Getting on a bit now, circa five years old, running Win 10 Pro. I upgraded both hard disks to SSDs a few years ago and these report good drive health. Recently it has started shutting down at random. No BSOD, no error, screen goes black then - poof - it powers off. It can be under load in CbB, just surfing the 'net or complete idling with nothing running - no rhyme or reason. Sometimes it comes back up straight away on restart and is then rock solid for hours, other times I've had it crash repeatedly six times in quick succession. Nothing obvious in Windows or minidump files that I can see and core temps don't seem to be running too hot. I have tried with or without battery fitted and it does it in both states, so it's not a dud battery causing it. My suspicions are heat or fans. The fans are noisy (always have been) and I dusted them all out a few months back. I also sit it on a mesh grid to allow the base fans and vents to work more effectively. Any idea what utilities I can use to do some more detailed investigation or specifically which logs I should be checking for a readout of potential triggers? I have read that these laptops have a RPM monitor in the BIOS, if it develops a fault and determines (incorrectly) that a fan is not working, it will auto shut down the device regardless of the actual core temps or state of the fan. Either way, I have checked the BIOS and there are no options in there for fan control. I'm planning to take it my local computer guy for some checks but I'd like to be able to give him a bit more to go on. So all contributions and suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance Andy
  8. Well that woke me up this morning! ? Great little rocker and loved the use of the wah - I'm in - where do a buy a ticket? Andy
  9. Loved Fleetwood Mac back in the day - still do - Rumours is such an iconic album. RIP indeed ?
  10. That is your problem I think. You want a stereo jack and adapter - like this
  11. Daft question but humour me - the headphone jack used on the Solo does have two rings on it and not three? Andy
  12. AndyB01

    What We've Got

    I admire your dedication and effort - it shows in your work and the results you achieve. I like the new version, agree about the mandolin - very nice touch. Andy
  13. I had no idea that was there, looks very cool and I will definitely use that. Thanks Andy
  14. AndyB01

    What We've Got

    Another great song Rex, my only crit, I felt the piano VST was a little 'dull' in terms of its voicing - not sure - perhaps it needs a touch of reverb to give it some sparkle or maybe a different VST? However I am also nitpicking - lovely harmonies as always and I thought the panning of them worked well. Andy
  15. Lovely song Gary - very heartfelt performance - something of a James Taylor vibe I thought. Look forward to future mixes - as others have said there are lots of options here from stripped back to the full works. Andy
  16. Thanks, it is a beautiful thing for sure - koa top - sometimes it's just enough to gaze at it... Once you own a Taylor it's hard to look elsewhere tbh, it's like joining a family - the ethics, the passion, the way they look at sustainability - I always have to remind myself how lucky I am to own it. I think it's a keeper. Andy
  17. Rant away by all means - I only mention it because I did try one in the shop and although it can definitely do more in the versatility stakes than the Taylor - well, it didn't have the build quality or the looks to match and there's a lot more under the hood to go wrong. It also didn't have anywhere near as good an unplugged sound as the T5z - sometimes I just noodle away unplugged and I like it to sound half decent at least (although it can never match the sound I used to get from my old 314ce). Hybrids are always a compromise, but I wanted one instrument that could cover a lot of bases and - for recording - it does exactly that so I've no complaints. Mrs AndyB01 is also a fan, but only because it (a) has a smaller case than my old acoustic and so takes up less room and (b) has less acoustic projection and so makes less noise when I play it. ?
  18. My current goto is a Taylor T5z that I got about three years ago. Probably should have bought a Fender Acoustasonic instead, but there's just something about a Taylor... My only dislike is Position 1 (body sensor) - which is supposed to be the most acoustic-like tone - too much high end and string squeak, and sounds like no acoustic I've ever heard. I really should go back to the store and get it checked. Pos 2 is my favourite on the T5z - covers a lot of genres. I also have a tiny Yamaha THR5a which is brilliant for practice and also works well with my Yamaha SGL200-N gut string. I quite fancy its bigger brother - the THR30II (complete with wireless connectivity). I might upgrade one of these days, when Mrs AndyB01 isn't looking. ? For anything that is not clean or acoustic sounding, I'll either use GR6 or TH-U (not sure which I prefer but TH-U probably just edges it). Andy
  19. I got SmartEQ3 from Plugin Boutique, as I had some virtual cash saved up. One thing I am really clueless at is separating instruments in the mix using EQ. When people tell me that 'I need to carve out some space in the mix' for one instrument or another, they may as well be talking in Klingon - I genuinely don't have a clue. SmartEQ has a virtual band feature so you can group instances of the plugin (up to six) and visually 'move' them in the mix. It looks like a gimmick but I tried it on a couple of my tracks and I can definitely hear a difference compared to the bypass, so it must be doing something. Subtle I grant you, but discernible nonetheless. So for that alone it works for me, and the added presets are a baseline to work from as an EQ profile. If, unlike me, you're an expert in the dark art of EQ, I doubt you'd use this feature. Andy
  20. I was never convinced by EzMix, but I got it on a really low price offer some time ago during a weak moment. I don't have many add on packs for it but, of those I do have, there are some nice presets for guitar and vocals that I use quite often. Very simple UI, so a doddle to learn. However if you know what you're doing and already have an established set of plugins and workflow for mixing and mastering, I'm not sure it will add much value to your setup. Andy
  21. Good job Steve (and an interesting back story). I thought it was a hair too fast on first listen, so I went back to listen to the original. On reflection - no - I think you have the tempo spot on. One minor crit - the fade on the final note is just a touch abrupt to my ears, if that note could be held or sustained for a moment more...? Not easy with staccato string parts - I do get that. Brilliant work overall though, as always. Andy
  22. Tempted by the upright, but do I really need another piano VST - no, not really. I'll save my £s for the - hopefully inevitable - EzK2 upgrade. Despite the well-documented shortcomings of EzK1, it's enabled me to create content and piano accompaniment that I could otherwise have only dreamt of. I'm most definitely a big fan (but not quite as committed a fan as @Bapu). ? Andy
  23. I've had Stage for years, I'm an occasional pianist but I've found it more than adequate for my needs. That said, I've just upgraded to v8 Standard - because I wanted an extra instrument anyway and I got that for the upgrade price so the deal worked well for me. Just had a play and the additional tinkering you can do in Standard looks good and you can get some interesting sounds. My 2c anyway. Andy
  24. My experience on Bandlab, no bullying but a fair bit of spam and the odd inappropriate comment. I report all of these and tbf to Bandlab - every single one has been blocked and kicked off for breach of rules within a day or so. As to why people do it - human nature I guess - I don't think it's just a Bandlab problem. Pathetic and doubtless talentless keyboard warriors, hiding behind a cloak of pseudo-anonymity they believe gives them the right to abuse others without sanction or redress. It's beyond tragic but almost impossible to police at scale, like playing whack-a-mole but for every one you hit, ten more pop up. Thankfully, this place is a lot more civilized, one of the reasons why I'm still here. I've only ever been trolled once on here (on the previous version of this forum) and the community response was both swift and inspiring. To see this guy (who had been rudely trashing a number of posts by me and others) publicly taken down and dismantled by some of the elders on here was extremely heart-warming. Andy
  25. AndyB01


    Some nice lyrical craft in there Allan - I enjoyed it (including the cheesy synths), great job! Andy
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